Kaizuka also drove the van next to the armored van.
Everyone hurriedly moved the money from the armored van to the van.
“Conan! What are you doing here?”
Several people suddenly heard not far awayspeaking voice.
Looking up, I saw Kogoro Mori, Ran, and Conan standing at the entrance of the parking lot.
Guan Zu was speechless, is he really so punctual? ?
Because of his participation, Masami Hirota advanced the time by a week.
In the end, I was able to meet Conan.
He is also really convinced.
“Get out!” Hirota Masami hurried into the car.
There are five duralumin aluminum boxes in total, and it doesn’t take much time.
It’s over in no time.
Several people quickly closed the door.
Light the fire, oil the floor, and leave!
“Help quickly!! If you have money, grab it!!” As the internal response, Yasui hurriedly waved to Mori Kogoro and the others.
He didn’t want to lose his job, and he didn’t want to be a suspect, so he had to pretend to be a victim.
Kogoro Mori was almost hit.
“What the hell is going on with that car!!”
“They are bandit robbers!! Sister Xiaolan, call the police immediately!!” Conan stepped on the electric skateboard invented for him by Dr. A Li and chased after him.
“Conan, wait a minute!!”
Xiaolan was taken aback, Conan is going to chase the robbers? ?
“Someone seems to be injured! Call an ambulance!!” Conan said loudly, and he ran away in an instant.
28. Who doesn’t want to take a billion for themselves? Yiwu Jun. 3 Ask for collection! )
Shiro Kaizuka drove, Masami Hirota sat in the passenger seat, and Kanzu sat in the back seat.
“There’s a little ghost catching up from behind.” Guan Zu reminded.
Kaizuka glanced at the rearview mirror.
Found a little ghost chasing them.
However, what was that kid stepping on?
It’s just a scooter!
“Don’t worry, it’s impossible to catch up with us on a scooter!” Shiro Kaizuka was full of confidence in his driving skills.
If it is a normal world, then Kaizuka Shiro’s words must be correct.
But what world is this?
This is Ke Xue’s world!
There is indeed science in this world, but what about science in the world of Ke Xue?
Science is no match for Ke Xue!
Sure enough, Shiro Kaizuka drove the car for three minutes, but he didn’t get rid of Conan behind him.
“Damn it! What’s going on with that brat!!” Shiro Kaizuka was paralyzed.
He is a racing driver! !
Although this is not a racing track, he is not driving a racing car.
But he has already run this road, and he is no longer familiar with what he is familiar with.
Unexpectedly, there was no way to get rid of the kid behind him who was on a skateboard!
What the hell!
“Do you want me to kill that brat?” Guan Zu looked at Masami Hirota in the co-pilot.
In the play, Hirota Masami is in the dark, but her heart is bright.
Gin killed Kaizuka and Yasui, she would always ask Gin why he killed those two people.
She just planned to get rid of the other two, but didn’t intend to kill anyone.
So Guan Zu wants to see if Hirota Masami will agree with him to kill Conan.
“Don’t make extra trouble! According to the plan, at the railway crossing ahead, get rid of the pursuers!” Hirota Masami rejected Guan Zu’s proposal.
I don’t know, Masami Hirota really didn’t want to make extra troubles and attract the attention of passers-by.
Still don’t want to kill Conan.
According to the original plot, Hirota Masami and Conan seem to know each other.
However, Kudo Shinichi has only become Conan for more than a week.
That kid knew Masami Hirota? ?
No way? ?
Guan Zu looked at Conan who was just following behind.
Really persevering.
I don’t know if at the railway crossing, we can still get rid of Conan, the kid, as in the original plot.
After all, their actions were a week in advance, but they still met Conan.
Guan Zu is no longer superstitious about the plot in his memory.
After passing the railway crossing, if Conan is still chasing, then he can only make a move.
It’s not that he wants to kill Conan, he is still a little worried about killing Conan.
But Conan must be stopped from continuing to chase.
Like throwing a flash pop.
Or, hang a smoke bomb outside the van, anyway, Conan can’t chase him down.
It really made Conan chase them to the place where they replaced the car,
The car prepared in advance is meaningless.
Soon, there will be a railway crossing ahead.
The railings at the intersection were slowly being lowered, and the alarm sounded to remind the train that it was approaching, and it kept ringing.
Shiro Kaizuka did not slow down the speed of the car, but increased the accelerator and rushed towards the railway crossing at a faster speed.
The van crashed through the railing and rushed to the opposite side.
Guan Zu looked at Conan behind him.
He wanted to see if Conan would catch up.
Then I saw Conan desperately chasing after him, and also flew over the railway crossing.
He almost missed the train.
If the speed is a little slower, there is a high probability that Conan will disappear.
But when it landed, Conan lost his balance and fell out.
Kaizuka also took this opportunity to turn a corner and shake off Conan behind him.
Guan Zu was silent.
Is this the protagonist’s halo? ?
Is the main character doomed to die?
In the scene just now, as long as Conan was slow for a few tenths of a second, he would be gone!
Guan Zu felt that he was able to successfully kidnap Conan before because he had no intention of killing Conan.
If he had the idea of ​​killing Conan, maybe he would too!
At least, it was also caught by the police.
Conan has encountered countless dangers.
For example, being buried in the snow, trapped in an underwater restaurant tens of meters away, bombs exploded, satellites crashed, trains derailed, etc.
You will only encounter danger, but you will never die.
This is the protagonist’s halo!
However, Guan Zu did not intend to kill Conan, so Conan’s aura should not affect him, right?
Well, probably not.
Soon, Kaizuka drove to the car exchange point they had prepared in advance.
Inside the aluminum alloy boxTake out all the cash and transfer it to the suitcase.
These banknotes come in denominations of one thousand, two thousand, five thousand, and ten thousand.
That’s why it was packed in five aluminum alloy boxes.
If all of them are 10,000 yuan, two or three boxes will be enough.
After transferring the money, the van was pushed down the embankment, and everyone drove another car and left quickly.
What they didn’t know was that not long after they left, a black Porsche 356A parked on the embankment.

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