That guy in Bentian, probably also thought that Mao Li Xiao Wuang was a threat, so he went to transfer the treasure, right? ?
Thinking of this, Kinoshita hurriedly left the lighthouse and ran towards the navy cave.
That is his treasure, and no one is allowed to take it away! !
As for the Marine Undead?
People die for money, birds die for food, for gold worth billions, so what if they are the souls of the navy?
Besides, he has been to the Navy Cave more than once, and he has never encountered the so-called Navy Undead.
Therefore, he is not afraid at all.
Entering the Naval Cave, I turned around in the cave, but I didn’t find Bentian.
Also, no traces of excavation were found.
Helpless, Kinoshita had no choice but to leave.
But when he came out, he noticed movement in the nearby bushes.
Be careful to check it out.
Several crows flew up in shock.
Then Kinoshita saw a dead body lying in the bushes! !
And that corpse was none other than Bentian! !
Hamada was actually killed! !
Moreover, he was shot!
Who killed Pentian?
In Kinoshita’s mind, two faces emerged.
One is Shangyuan Yasuo from Dongdu Travel Agency!
The other is the young man with dyed red hair!
These two people, together with them, came to this small island today.
“Bastard! No one can take my treasure away!!” Kinoshita, wearing the armor of the admiral, gave a fierce look.
Looking at the corpse on the ground, Ben Tian has a plan.
He picked up Bin Tian’s body and picked up Bin Tian’s pistol.
Slowly down the mountain step by step.
I have to say that Kinoshita Goro is in really good health.
Already fifty-two years old, in the case of wearing a suit of armor, he can still carry a person from the mountain back to the village.
Kinoshita took Benita’s body to the temporary warehouse near the pier where the ghost ship was parked.
Then go to the village chief’s mansion.
Currently, there are three opponents on the island.
One is Shangyuan Yasuo from Dongdu Travel Agency.
One is the bad boy with red hair.
Another is the famous detective Maori Kogoro invited from Tokyo… 0
Mori Kogoro is too smart, so we need to get rid of it first.
As for the remaining two, as long as they didn’t leave the island, he had plenty of time to settle things slowly.
Wearing armor, Kinoshita came to the room of Mori Kogoro and others.
Kicked the sleeping Mori Kogoro.
He wants to lead Mori Kogoro to the dock warehouse.
The crime of killing Bentian was planted on Mori Kogoro.
In this way, Mori Kogoro can no longer stay on the island to search for gold.
Mori Kogoro opened his eyes in a daze, and then saw a man in armor holding a knife and preparing to cut himself.
Hastily rolled aside.
Kishita was chopped down with a knife, and the quilt covered by Mori Kogoro was cut in half.
“Who are you!!” Mori Kogoro asked loudly.
Conan was woken up by Kogoro Mori rolling on top of him.
“You’re crushing me, Uncle!”
Kinoshita did not continue to attack, but turned and ran.
“Don’t run! Stop!!” Mori Kogoro immediately chased after him.
“Huh!?” Conan reacted, and quickly lifted the quilt, put on his shoes, and chased him out.
Neither of them noticed that Xiao Lan, who was supposed to be sleeping next to her, was not in the room at all.
“Stop for me!!!” Mori Kogoro followed closely behind Kinoshita.
But because he was wearing slippers, he never caught up with Kinoshita.
Kinoshita, wearing armor, ran into the temporary warehouse where the ghost ship was parked and hid.
Mori Kogoro chased him to the warehouse door.
“Hmph! Now you can’t jump!!”
“Uncle!” Conan also chased after him.
“Conan, you stay at the door!” Mori Kogoro ordered, and then walked into the warehouse.
Kinoshita didn’t care about Conan, he was just a seven-year-old kid.
He appears behind Mori Kogoro, ready to knock him unconscious.
But a pebble the size of a fist flew suddenly and hit him on the head.
Because of the protection of the armor, he did not immediately faint.
But Kogoro Moori, who found him, fell over his shoulder and knocked Kinoshita unconscious.
Take off the mask on Kinoshita’s face.
“Mr. Kinoshita!??”

Xiaolan walked alone on the street of the village.
Walking halfway, I suddenly heard the sound of a Dangdang bell.
Immediately afterwards, villagers came out of their homes one after another and rushed to the pier.
Xiaolan also followed curiously.
Guan Zu, who followed Xiaolan far away, naturally followed to join in the fun.
Check out what’s going on.
77. Xiaolan is disappointed in Conan (please subscribe!)
Dock warehouse.
“What happened?” The village chief also rushed to the scene.
“Village Chief, I heard the movement and came here, and found that Mr. Kinoshita was beaten unconscious by Mr. Mori!”
“And the body of Bentian was found behind the Dragon God!” said a patrolman on the island.
“Hey, hey! Please speak clearly! It was Kinoshita who attacked me wearing armor. I chased him here and knocked him unconscious before I realized it was Mr. Kinoshita!”
“As for Mr. Benita, it has nothing to do with me! I haven’t seen him at all, okay! And the time of that guy’s death, at least ten hours!” Mori Kogoro said dissatisfied.
How can you only speak half of what you say?
Make it look like the murderer is him!
“That’s weird? Why did Uncle Kinoshita attack Uncle? And he even put on navy armor on purpose~!” Conan said standing next to Mori Kogoro.
“Isn’t this armor… the one in the Navy Museum?” Some islanders recognized the armor on Kinoshita.
“Wake Kinoshita up! Ask him what’s going on!” the village head ordered.”Yes!”
Kinoshita was woken up by a villager spraying him with water.
“Kinoshita! What the hell is going on here!! Why did you wear navy armor and attack Mr. Mori at 30!!” The village chief asked loudly.
“Village… village head?” Kinoshita saw the situation in front of him and knew that he was doomed.
So, he confessed everything he had done.
They were all arrested, so naturally there was nothing to explain.
Of course, he has done some artistic processing on what he has done.
He said that he was near the lighthouse and found out about Bentian’s death before he wanted to frame Mr. Mori so that he could not continue to search for the treasure on this island.
As for Ben Tian’s death, it was impossible for him to admit it.
At the same time, I didn’t want to expose the secrets of the Navy Cave.
He didn’t kill anyone. Even if he was arrested, he would be released within two years.
If the treasure is not found, then the gold is still his!

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