“Then who would be the one who killed this Benita?” Mori Kogoro pinched his hands and began to think.
Conan squatted next to Bin Tian’s body, looking at the gunshot wound on Bin Tian’s head.
The bullet hole in the back of the head was smaller than the one in the forehead, indicating that the murderer attacked this Pentian from behind.
Of course, it is also possible that he was controlled first and then shot to death.
Near the wound, there are traces of being pecked by crows.
There are a lot of traces of mud and moss on Ben Tian’s body…
I’m afraid it’s hard to find the scene of the first murder.
“Anyway, let’s call the police first!” Mori Kogoro said.
“No! Absolutely don’t call the police!!” The village chief sternly refused to call the police.
“Hey! Mr. Village Chief, there is a murder case now!” Mori Kogoro looked at the village chief with dissatisfaction.
“In short, you can’t call the police! The cases that happen on our island will be resolved by ourselves on our island!”
“Aren’t you a detective? Please find the murderer!” The village chief looked at Kogoro Mouri and said.
“I said… don’t you think that if you find gold, you will take it all to yourself?” Mori Kogoro asked.
If the police come, the plan to find gold will be ruined.
“Gold!??” All the surrounding villagers looked at the village chief.
Could it be that the village chief invited Mori Kogoro to the island to find the gold carried by the Ryujin ten years ago?
“I…that gold is our island’s assets! I want to use that gold to develop the island, what’s wrong?” The village chief was held back.
You can only make your search for gold public.
And the excuse is that he is for the development of the island, not for his own self-interest.
The village chief himself is elected by the villagers, so he is naturally a person of great prestige.
Therefore, the village name chose to believe the words of the village chief.
Most importantly, finding that gold and using it on the island is good for every villager!
Then, all the villagers present looked at Kogoro Mori.
Obviously, they also did not allow Mori Kogoro to call the police.
“Hmph!!” Mori Kogoro could only compromise.
On other people’s territory, what else can we do if we don’t compromise?
“Okay! Everyone go back and rest first. No one is allowed to leave the island until Mr. Mori finds the murderer who killed Bentian!” The village chief gave an order.
Because according to Kinoshita, Benita probably knew where the gold was hidden back then.
Then the guy who killed Bin Tian probably got the location where the gold was hidden from Bin Tian’s mouth.
So before the murderer is found, naturally the murderer cannot be allowed to leave.
What if the gold is stolen?
The villagers dispersed, and Conan found Xiaolan who had been standing in the crowd.
“Sister Xiaolan, are you here too?” Conan found Xiaolan and immediately pretended to be a child.
“Hmm…” Xiaolan looked at Conan with a complicated expression.
Not because Conan is Shinichi.
It was because, she found, that Conan didn’t seem to notice that she was not sleeping in the room.
When she just came here and found her father and Conan, Xiaolan was worried for a while.
Are you worried? Since, Xiao* said & group [9! 8; 0, 2> 0, 5. ~ 8-5/6 stay, stay, if Conan asked her, she didn’t sleep in the middle of the night, where did she go?
How should I answer myself?
But in the end, neither Conan nor his father seemed to notice that she was not sleeping in the room.
Xiaolan suddenly felt so lost.
I did that kind of thing for Shinichi.
But he chased the gangster out, and he didn’t notice whether he was in the room at all.
Don’t you care, did the criminals hurt themselves?
Is the gangster more important than himself?
“What’s wrong? Sister Xiaolan?” As dull as Conan, he also felt that Xiaolan’s emotions seemed not right.
“It’s nothing, I was just scared.” Xiaolan took a deep breath and shook her head.
What she did for Xinyi was all of her own free will.
She will not use this matter to blackmail Shinichi.
It’s just that there is a crack in a certain relationship that has lasted for more than ten years.
About this, she herself didn’t know.
Mori Kogoro came to Xiaolan’s side.
“You are a girl, so don’t chase after me!”
“But fortunately, Xiaolan, you went to the bathroom at that time, otherwise, seeing that guy Kinoshita wearing armor, he must have cried in fright!” Mori Kogoro said.
“Eh?” Xiaolan looked at Kogoro Mori unexpectedly.
Did dad notice that he wasn’t in the room?
Just thought I got up to go to the bathroom at night?
“Okay, okay, don’t stand here, go back and rest quickly.”
“realYes, we have to investigate who killed the man named Ben Tian after dawn! “Mori Kogoro said with a look of displeasure.
He didn’t mind investigating the murderer, but he was dissatisfied that the village chief didn’t call the police and threatened him instead.
Simply hateful!
Guan Zu stood not far away, looking at the three of Xiaolan.
Mori Kogoro glanced at Guanzu, snorted, and didn’t say much.
He also has no evidence now that the murderer is the red-haired boy.
But if he was allowed to find evidence that the red-haired boy was the murderer of Ben Tian, ​​he would definitely bring that boy to justice!
You dared to push yourself when you were on the boat before, brat!
Conan also glanced at Guan Zu not far away.
He felt that this person was very suspicious! !
This… is the intuition of being a detective!
Xiao Lan also glanced at Guan Zu, but immediately looked away.
She doesn’t want to see that bastard!
Although when she left, that guy followed behind to protect her.
But still can’t hide it, that guy is a complete bastard! .
78. Conan found the treasure? Be targeted by gangsters! (Please subscribe!)
Kinoshita, assistant to the village head, was taken away and locked up.
Bentian’s body was also put on display in the public hall and guarded by an inspector on the island.
Prevent the murderer from coming and destroying the body and destroying the evidence.
As for the others, they all went home and continued to rest.
Although he was dissatisfied with the village chief, Mori Kogoro could only return to the village chief’s house.
Who let them live in the guest room of the village chief’s house?
Mori Kogoro lay down and soon fell asleep.
But Xiaolan couldn’t fall asleep.
What happened in the hotel tonight is still lingering in her mind, and she can’t get rid of it at all.
As for Conan, after lying down for more than half an hour.
“Sister Xiaolan…?” Conan called out in a low voice.
Xiaolan was still thinking about what happened at night, and she was a little angry that Conan didn’t notice her absence.
So I ignored Conan.
As a result, Conan quietly got up and ran out.
“Xinyi…” Xiaolan murmured, looking at the empty bed next to her.
In order to investigate the case, he didn’t even sleep, this is indeed something Xinyi will do.
This reminded Xiaolan that every time she encountered a case, Xinyi completely forgot about her.
Just like the last time in the tropical paradise, I was trembling with fright at the headless corpse, but Shinichi only knew how to investigate the case, and didn’t come to comfort himself at all!
I didn’t think of myself until after the case was over.
And the previous aquarium incident, and the previous murder case on the plane…
After Shinichi became Conan, he encountered more murders.
When I think about it, every time Xinyi investigates the case, he forgets himself to the back of his head.
Xiaolan was so angry that it hurt.
emmm… Maybe it’s not because of anger.

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