It’s almost five o’clock, and no one usually comes at this time-diving.
Seeing the diving instructor leave, Guan Zu looked at the proprietress again.
“How about it, can you rent the speedboat to me now?” Guan Zu re-introduced the matter of renting the speedboat.
“Mr. Ito, it will be more expensive to rent the speedboat alone, and you need to pay a deposit.” The proprietress said.
Ordinary tourists would not do such a thing as renting a speedboat.
Those who will do this are all treasure hunters who come to this island to hunt for treasure.
Of course she won’t be polite.
Moreover, if you rent the boat to a stranger you don’t know, you will run the risk of damage to the boat or even being sold.
Rent and deposit are naturally indispensable.
“no problem.”
Guan Zu readily accepted.
The deposit can be refunded, how much is the rent for one day?
“Only cash transactions are accepted, and no contracts are signed.” The proprietress continued.
After all, this is an illegal operation for her.
If it is really discovered by the village government, it may not be possible to close the store, but a fine will definitely be required.
The deposit is 4 million, and the rent is 200,000 a day.
Count today as half a day, plus tomorrow, a total of 300,000 days.
It is worthy of a month’s salary for some social animals who have just graduated and entered the society.
Guan Zu didn’t care either.
It’s all petty money.
And as long as the treasure is found, the deposit for the speedboat is small money.
The proprietress took Guanzu to a remote cliff and went down a hidden path to the seaside.
Let Guan Zu wait here.
She went to the pier, drove the speedboat here, and handed it over to Guan Zu.
The owners of more than 20 ships at the pier all know each other.
If Guan Zu were to go directly to the pier to drive the boat away, the deal between them would be exposed.
In less than half an hour, Guan Zu got the speedboat.
There is still more than an hour before the sun sets, and Guan Zu can go out to sea again.
The underwater palace, Shenhai Island, is only about one kilometer away, which is not too far away.
Guan Zu set out to sea in a speedboat.
On the way, he also bought an underwater rifle from the system mall.
This is to prevent encountering dangers underwater.
The danger could be sharks, or it could be other explorers.
Reach the Treasure Sea and drop the anchor.
At this time, there were only two empty speedboats left on the sea.
Most of the tourists have already returned to the island with their coaches.
Guan Zu put the compressed air bottle on his back, glanced at the other two ships not far away, then fell back and went into the sea again.
It doesn’t matter whether the people who come on those two ships are ordinary tourists or explorers.
The treasure under the sea can only belong to him in the end.
If someone does get there first…
He doesn’t mind changing his identity from explorer to gangster.
Soon, Guan Zu came to the underwater palace.
He didn’t stop, but continued to swim towards the south of the underwater palace.
Guan Zu’s goal is at the bottom of the cliff over there.
When he came to the edge of the cliff, Guan Zu adjusted his ear pressure and continued to swim down the cliff.
The further down this is, the darker the light on the bottom of the sea, and the cooler the temperature of the sea.
But it’s not a big problem for now.
Although the visibility has been decreasing, it is not to the point where it cannot be seen.
This is much better than the night.
In the sea at night, it is really pitch black, and nothing can be seen.
As for the water temperature getting colder and colder, it’s actually not bad, at least more than 20 degrees, but it’s much cooler than the water on the sea surface.
And wearing a diving suit, this temperature can be accepted by normal people, let alone Guan Zu.
Soon, Guan Zu came to the ground of the cliff.
The light here is already very dark. Without turning on the lights, you can basically only see the bigSomething within about ten meters.
If you are far away, there is chaos, you can only see a piece of sea water, and you can’t see anything else.
Ancestor Guan swam hundreds of meters along the cliff at a distance of two or three meters from the bottom of the sea.
There is not even a trace of treasure at all.
In the past few years, I am afraid that this place has been searched by those explorers in the past.
Treasures like shipwrecks are basically impossible.
Otherwise, it would have been found by previous explorers.
Then, the only possibility is that it was deliberately hidden by the predecessors.
The underwater palace above the cliff is obviously a man-made thing.
But there is no treasure in the palace, so, could the treasure be under the palace?
Guan Zu went upstream along the stone wall again.
Soon, they came to the undersea palace again.
In fact, when Guan Zu saw the underwater palace for the first time, he wondered if this could also be a plot treasure in Conan’s original work.
Guan Zu vaguely remembered that Xiaolan and the others had also searched for treasures at the bottom of the sea, and were arrested by gangsters.
It’s just that he can’t remember how those people found the treasure!
Where did you get in? What is the treasure, I forgot all about it.
0・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・
It’s been too long. Except for some very classic cases, which I can remember clearly, I only have a vague memory of other cases.
There are even many cases that I have only seen once, and I don’t remember any of the content.
If he had known that he could travel to the world of Conan, he must have watched more than a thousand episodes of Conan and more than 20 theatrical versions more than ten times in advance.
Guan Zu re-entered the underwater palace, he was thinking, would there be secret passages in this underwater palace?
Those film and television works such as treasure hunts and adventures will always encounter traps.
I just walked around in the underwater palace, and I didn’t find any secret passages at all.
Although the underwater palace is not small, the internal space is actually not large, and it is also very simple.
There are four entrances plus the hall in the middle.
….. …
The entire palace was empty, and there was nothing to hide at all.
Guan Zu swam out of the palace.
he gave up…
No, I gave up on my own search.
He is a systematic person!
Guan Zu opened the system mall.
There are a lot of things in the system mall, and he is going to look around to see if there is any equipment for detecting underground structures.
If there was, he wouldn’t have to look around like a headless chicken.
In the end, Guan Zu really found him.
Specially used for treasure hunting, and detecting underground structures.
It’s just that many of them are very simple, and they can only analyze what’s underground. Metal is the easiest to detect.
But Guan Zu also found a good thing.
It can detect the overall structure within a range of 100 meters underground, what structure is underneath, what material is there, where is there a cavity, etc.
All can be detected and displayed on the display.
is the price is a bit expensive.
100 million days away
The underwater version is as high as 200 million days.
Guan Zu glanced at his remaining available funds.
There are 3.9 billion days left.

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