‘I can’t bear to let the child catch the wolf! buy it! ‘
‘I hope I don’t lose money! ’ Guanzu prayed in his heart.
If the treasure buried here is more than 200 million days away, it will really be a pit.
However, it shouldn’t be possible, right?
The gold hidden by the boss ten years ago is worth billions.
This treasure, which is suspected to be hidden by pirates hundreds of years ago, can’t even be compared to a businessman who evades taxes, right?
Just as Guan Zu confirmed the purchase, he suddenly saw three people swimming up from the bottom of the cliff to the south of the underwater palace.
‘Um? How come I didn’t see them before? ‘Door.
111. Xiao Ai: Sister, let’s play together (please subscribe!)
Guan Zu discovered those three people, and those three people naturally also discovered Guan Zu.
The four looked at each other.
One of them suddenly swam towards Guanzu, but was held back by another person.
The three of them communicated with each other with hand gestures, and finally glanced at Guan Zu, and then left.
Guan Zu narrowed his eyes and watched these people leave.
The three people who suddenly swam up from the cliff just now should be treasure hunters!
And just now, one of them seemed to have murderous intentions towards him, and seemed to want to kill him to silence him.
But was stopped by one of the other two.
The three discussed it, and finally gave up killing and silence, turned around and left.
Although this was just Guan Zu’s guess, he felt that his guess was accurate.
Guan Zu came to the side of the cliff and looked down.
Because of the light, the bottom of the cliff (Liuli. ò ? ó. First launch) became darker and the visibility became lower.
When he swam down before, he didn’t see those three people.
So, have they found the passage to the treasure? ?
Guan Zu thought for a while, but did not go down again.
He has already spent money on high-tech equipment, why bother to go down and find it by himself?
Guan Zu returned to the interior of the underwater palace and confirmed that there was no one around, and then took out the ground penetrating radar he had just purchased from the system store.
This ground penetrating radar is not large in size, which is the size of a suitcase.
Open the suitcase, and one side is a whole monitor.
On the other side is the host, and some spare parts.
There is also a plastic card with instructions for use.
Sure enough, it is the underwater version. This manual is allNot afraid of water plastic card, not paper instructions say.
According to the instructions on the card, place the four detectors in the four directions of the host.
Start the ground penetrating radar host.
The screen lights up and the operating system begins to load.
In about ten seconds, the ground penetrating radar was activated.
Start to emit detection electromagnetic waves.
On the screen, it also began to load layer by layer, the structural layer below the submarine palace.
Rocks, dirt, water, various minerals, etc. will be displayed in various colors.
In less than half a minute, the area within a hundred meters below the submarine palace was completely explored.
The entire area is displayed clearly on the monitor with three-dimensional graphics.
Under the undersea palace, there is indeed a huge void!
And there are traces of artificial repairs!
And through the color of the water, Guan Zu easily found the passage to enter the underground space!
On the cliff on the south side of the underwater palace, at a depth of about 30 to 40 meters, there is a crack that can accommodate one person.
The cracks twist and turn, and finally you can enter an underground palace.
And as long as you open a stone door, you can enter that huge space.
In that huge space, a pirate ship with a length of 40 to 50 meters was parked.
However, the inside of the pirate ship is empty, except for some wooden barrels, there is no precious metal.
But in the ground near the pirate ship, there are boxes of gold, silver and jewelry buried.
Judging from the quantity, it is definitely worth a lot of money!
It should not be less than Shikishima’s harvest before!
Guan Zu saved the detection information, and then quickly put away the ground-penetrating radar.
The sun was about to set below the sea level, and the bottom of the sea was getting darker and darker.
Guan Zu had to leave the underwater palace quickly.
The bottom of the sea at night is really scary.
He no longer wants to experience the ‘beautiful water world’ himself.
Guan Zu was too lazy to swim, and took out the underwater thruster directly from the storage space.
Grab the propeller and quickly return to the speedboat on the surface.
When climbing into the speedboat from the sea, the sun was hanging a little above the sea level.
It is estimated that in about ten minutes at most, the sun will completely sink to the sea level.
Hum~! !
Guan Zu drove the speedboat to the island quickly.

“I’m back~!” Xiao Ai went home with her schoolbag.
“Dinner will take a while, Xiao Ai, please rest first~.” Miyano Akemi’s voice came from the kitchen.
Xiao Ai put down her schoolbag and walked towards the kitchen.
“Sister, let’s go to the island for vacation together tomorrow~.” Xiao Ai said while standing against the door frame.
“Eh? Aren’t you going to go shopping with Xiaolan and Yuanzi tomorrow?” Miyano Akemi turned around and looked at Xiao Ai suspiciously.
“Xiaolan’s father guessed correctly in the daily quiz with prizes, and won a prize of 300,000 yuan.”
“So I’m going to take everyone to the island for vacation. Xiaolan invited Sonoko and me, and Edogawa, who lives in Xiaolan’s house, will also invite his friend 0…” Huiyuan Ai explained.
At this age, she hasn’t spent the holidays with her sister yet!
Since I want to go to the island for vacation with Xiaolan, Yuanzi and the others this time, I simply bring my sister along.
As for the money, there is no need for Mori Kogoro to pay.
Both myself and my sister are not short of money.
Hui Yuan Ai wants to make up for all the things that he and his sister didn’t do before, slowly!
And with her sister, she can share a room with her sister, instead of living with Xiaolan and Yuanzi.
It’s not that I hate sleeping in the same room with them, but it’s really inconvenient.
She still has a mask on her face.
Although it is not a big problem if the human skin mask is not removed for two or three days, three or four days, but it is uncomfortable.
Wearing a layer of human skin mask on the face, no matter how breathable it is, it will still feel uncomfortable after a long time.
It’s like putting on makeup. It’s not a big problem to sleep with makeup on at night, but it will be uncomfortable.
The best thing to do is to remove the disguise before going to bed at night, and then re-disguise when you wake up the next morning.
Usually at home, she and her sister are like this.
“Mr. Mori invites you to go out to play, is it convenient for me to go?” Miyano Akemi was a little moved, but also a little afraid of troublesome Kogoro Mori.
She also wants to go to the island for vacation with her sister.
But this is Mr. Mao Li inviting everyone to go out to play, and she followed, as if she was a little rude.
“It’s okay, Xiaolan also asked me to ask my sister if you want to go with me.” Hui Yuanai said.
“That’s it, then let’s go together tomorrow~.” Miyano Akemi thought for a while, and then agreed happily.
She is also looking forward to going to the island for vacation with her sister.
“By the way, Xiao Ai, which island are we going on vacation?” Miyano Akemi asked.
“It seems to be called Shenhai Island. Because some time ago, some bad silver tableware was found in the waters near Shenhai Island, which made the island seem very popular recently.” Xiao Ai explained.
After learning about the small island she was going to, she did some research on the Internet.
“Shenhai Island~ I really look forward to seeing Xiao Ai in your swimsuit~!” Miyano Akemi said looking at Xiao Ai expectantly.
“I’m also looking forward to seeing how you look in your swimsuit, sister~huh~~”.
112. The underground palace is just a step away from the door (please subscribe!)
When Guan Zu returned to the hotel, it was already dark.

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