In the bathroom of the hotel room, I took a shower to wash off the salt particles sticking to my body.
Then went to the hotel restaurant for dinner.
Guan Zu’s disguise today is specially made, even if it is aIt doesn’t matter if you soak it in sea water.
The human skin mask on the face will not be ‘broken’ after diving.
While this human skin mask is waterproof, it also has a flaw, that is, the air permeability becomes poor.
After dinner in the restaurant, when he returned to his room, Guan Zu immediately tore off the mask on his face.
“Huh~~It’s much more comfortable~!” Guan Zu spread out on the sofa.
This ordinary human skin mask is like covering the face with a layer of light gauze, and the air permeability is very good.
Even if you wear it for a long time, you won’t feel too uncomfortable.
But this waterproof human skin mask is like wearing a mask on the face, which is much less breathable and comfortable.
It’s okay to wear it for a short time, and it doesn’t feel too much.
But if you wear it for a long time, you will feel bored, but Guan Zu has been enduring it.
Sitting on the sofa, Guan Zu took the mine detector 05 out of the storage space.
power on!
Of course, this time it is not to explore the ground, but to copy the terrain scanned by the ground-penetrating radar.
Or, just memorize the route leading to the inner cavity.
After dawn tomorrow, enter that underground space and take away all the treasures buried in it.
Soon, the ground penetrating radar was activated.
Guan Zu also reloaded the stratum structure that had been saved before.
“Huh?” Guan Zu suddenly noticed a detail.
In the underground cavity below the submarine palace, the composition of the gas is not right.
Ordinary air is light green, but in the upper layers of many hollows, it is filled with a lot of red gas!
Guan Zu clicked a piece of red gas.
Then the display details are, methane!
Guan Zu was speechless.
This underground space is actually filled with methane gas!
There is still a lot of air in the hollow below the key!
If the methane gas is accidentally ignited, it may cause an explosion!
Guan Zu suddenly remembered something. When searching for the underwater palace, he seemed to have seen some related news.
So he took out his mobile phone and searched for information related to the underwater palace again.
Soon, Guan Zu found it.
Three hundred years ago, the undersea palace should have been on the sea.
Later, because of an earthquake, the Lai Qin Island on the edge of Shenhai Island sank in a large area.
The specific reason for the sinking of the island is that there is a large amount of combustible ice under Laiqin Island.
The earthquake caused the combustible ice to decompose into methane and water, and a large amount of gas escaped. This caused the island to sink to the bottom of the sea without support.
This can also explain why there is a large amount of methane in the cavity under the submarine palace.
But as long as you are careful not to create an open flame in the methane layer floating above, you should be fine.
The hollow space where a huge sailing ship is parked and a lot of treasures are buried is very large.
Methane gas has accumulated above the cavity.
The middle and lower layers are basically normal air, and there is basically no danger.
There are some small tunnels passing by on the way, etc. The space is not large, and the methane and air are all within the reach of Guanzu.
Once Guan Zu came out of the water, he walked into those tunnels without water.
That is, the upper body is surrounded by methane, and the lower body is surrounded by air.
Once a little open flame comes out of his body, it may cause a methane explosion.
It seems that when we go to the sea to hunt for treasure tomorrow, we have to be careful.
Try not to carry any electronic products on your body, and the oxygen cylinder on your back cannot be taken off.
It doesn’t mean that you can remove the oxygen cylinder when you come out of the water.
Although methane itself is not poisonous, the concentration of methane in the underground passage is so high that it will suffocate people.
You can’t let him walk on the ground all the time, can you?
Guan Zu carefully wrote down the underground structure under the submarine palace.
Then turn off the lights and rest.
Early the next morning, Guan Zu had breakfast in the restaurant, and then drove to the cliff where the speedboat was parked.
Go down the path on the edge of the cliff, jump on the speedboat rented from the proprietress of the diving shop, and drive the speedboat to the sea area where the underwater palace is located.
It was only past nine o’clock in the morning, and no one came to dive so far away.
Guan Zu put on his diving gear and jumped into the water.
With the help of underwater thrusters, quickly approach the underwater palace.
According to the information detected by the ground-penetrating radar yesterday, the entrance to the underground cavity is on the cliff on the south side of the underwater palace.
Swim south from the underwater palace, reach the cliff, and then swim east for a distance of about 50 meters.
This distance is almost exactly where the three treasure hunters he saw were yesterday evening.
It seemed that Nasang himself had indeed found the entrance to the underground cavity.
After arriving there, continue along the cliff and go straight downstream for about 40 meters.
You can see that on the cliff, there is a crack more than two meters high but only about one meter wide.
Next, as long as you go in from that crack and swim along the crack, you can enter the underground space where the treasure is buried.
Of course, there are actually forks in the cracks, but even if you go the wrong way, as long as you spend more time walking through each fork, you can enter the underground space smoothly even if you don’t know the route.
Not to mention, Guan Zu has already recorded the route clearly.
Under water, he would never go wrong.
Guan Zu did not enter the underwater palace again, but swam directly above the palace.
Come to the cliff on the south side, follow the route in memory, and go downstream along the cliff.
There are many cracks on the cliff, but Guanzu followed the route and came to the location near the ‘entrance’.
On the cliff, there is only one crack of the right size left.
Guan Zu turned on the underwater lights and swam into the dark crack.
After twisting and turning in the crack, Guan Zu finally surfaced again.
Of course, he’s still here.
It’s just that the tunnel here has a lot of air trapped in it.
The atmospheric pressure in this tunnel is the same as that of seawater at the same depth, so seawater cannot enter.
Guan Zu put away the underwater thruster, bit his mouthpiece and came out of the water.
The underwater lighting on the chest illuminates the originally dark tunnel.
The waterproof level of this lighting is very high, even at a depth of two to three hundred meters underwater, it can still work normally.
Therefore, there is no need to worry that the lighting will generate an open flame and detonate the methane gas in the tunnel.
Guan Zu continued to go deeper along the tunnel.
In the tunnel, Guan Zu encountered many bones. Obviously, in the past three hundred years, he found that there were actually not many people here.
They just died here.
Guan Zu estimated that these people most likely took off the oxygen cylinder after they came out of the water, and finally suffocated to death unconsciously.
However, some of the clothes on the body had burnt marks.
I am afraid that some people died not because of suffocation, but because they were blown up or burned to death by igniting methane gas.
Soon, Guan Zu came to a closed stone gate.
In front of the stone gate, sat a skeleton nailed to death with a spear.
On the top of the stone gate, there are four crossed indentations of a short-barreled musket and a machete.
At the same time, there are also two similar dents on the walls on both sides of the stone gate.
It’s just that the dents in each place, the direction of the machete and the short-barreled musket are different.
“There is still a mechanism here?” Guan Zu was speechless.
113. The pirate’s treasure from three hundred years ago is here! (Please subscribe!)
Guan Zu pushed away the bones in front of the stone gate with his feet.
Then try to push the door.
call out!
A spear shot out from the wall next to it, pointing directly at Guan Zu’s head with the tip of the grass that was shining coldly.
Guan Zu immediately raised his hand.
When the spear was twenty centimeters away from his face, he grabbed it.

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