Could it be that this new boat was built without any intention of driving it again, but simply to satisfy my hobby of collecting?
It’s not impossible.
Humans are originally hamsters, and they like to collect and hoard all kinds of things.
For example, some people buy games on the steam platform.
There are also various figures of otaku, girls’ wardrobes and shoe cabinets, and even some young people have begun to collect all kinds of plastic bags and handbags just like their elders.
These pirates from more than 300 years ago must have been collectors.
Guan Zu changed a compressed air bottle, and drilled out through the gap on the stone gate again.
However, he did not return the same way, but turned right beside the flooded passage and walked to another road.
Here is also a passage! And it should be the passage specially left by the pirates three hundred years ago.
The road that Guan Zu took when he came in was probably just an accidental entrance.
After all, this small island was not sunk under the sea before.
When the ground penetrating radar scanned the underground structure before, Guan Zu had actually discovered this passage.
However, only part of the passage here was scanned, and he didn’t know where the entrance was.
In addition, there was another road, so he didn’t have to work hard to find the entrance of this road here.
With the help of the underwater lighting on his chest, Guan Zu walked along the artificially dug passage.
He wanted to see where the entrance to this passage was.
From time to time, Guan Zu walked up a section of steps, and the exit was on the original “mountain”?
Or is the exit of this channel still above the sea?
But it’s not right, if the exit of this channel is still above the sea surface.
And if it hasn’t been sealed, according to the principle of the connector, it should be filled with seawater!
But the channel was not filled with sea water.
So, there are only two possibilities.
Or, the passage is blocked somewhere.
It is possible that the exit was blocked by a stone gate again!
Or, the other side of this passage is also underwater, and then a large amount of air is squeezed inside the tunnel, preventing seawater from entering.
It didn’t take long for Guan Zu to know what was going on.
The channel was completely blocked by landslides!
This can be regarded as an explanation, why the sea water did not fill it up.
Because it can’t get in.
This passage was blocked, so Guan Zu had no choice but to go back the same way and go out the previous way.
Swimming out along the crack, Guanzu returned to the boat.
After taking off the equipment, he started the speedboat and was about to leave when he saw a speedboat heading straight towards him.
And the people on board were the three treasure hunters they met near the underwater palace yesterday.
Guan Zu stood up and looked at the three people on the speedboat through the semi-open cab.
0・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・
The three people on the opposite side were driving a speedboat and came straight towards him, apparently with no good intentions.
When I met those three people yesterday, one of them seemed to want to attack him.
But he was held back by his companion.
He also ignored these three people because he had something to do.
If these three people are still looking for trouble today, he doesn’t mind throwing these three people into the sea to feed the sharks.
When the opponent approached Guanzu, he slowed down quickly, and the speedboat slowly passed by two meters away.
Guan Zu saw that the eyes of the three people swept over his speedboat.
Immediately afterwards, he showed a sneer, and then accelerated to leave.
Guan Zu: “???”
Are these three treasure hunters mentally ill? ?
These three people are not mentally ill, they are looking to see if there is any treasure on his boat!
………. 0
This is because he is afraid that he will get the treasure first!
That’s why I leaned over to check it out.
When he found that his boat was empty, he left in peace.
But the sneer on that face at the end is also a real sneer!
“Hehe… When you go in and see the destroyed stone gate and the only sailboat left, it’s your turn to cry.”
Guan Zu watched the few people leave, and he himself drove the speedboat back to the island.
The treasure has been obtained, and then we can return to Tokyo.
The only thing that Guan Zu regretted was that he didn’t leave two bombs in the underground palace.
Otherwise, after the three pirate hunters entered the cave, he could detonate the bomb and let the three of them sleep forever with the pirate ship.
It’s a pity that when I got the treasure and left the underground palace, I forgot the three treasure hunters to the back of my head.
“Forget it, anyway, the treasure has already been taken by me, let them cry.”
painstakingly foundThe undersea treasure, but before the Shimen even entered, it was snatched up by others.
This can’t be pissed off?
Guan Zu drove the yacht to the bottom of the cliff and parked it, and walked along the path beside the cliff.
He drove his car parked on the side of the road and returned to the dive shop.
Before entering the door, Guan Zu noticed that there seemed to be customers in the shop.
So he took out his phone and called the lady boss.
This is their appointment, call her when you return the key, and she will come to get the boat key.
After all, it is a violation of the island’s regulations, and people can see the bad door.
116. Hey, you are blocking my sun (please subscribe!)
Yan Yong, the head of the tourism section, drove Xiaolan and Yuanzi to the diving shop, and then continued to send the others to other places.
The proprietress looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and when she heard them say they were going to dive in the underwater palace, she felt a headache.
Her family’s speedboat was rented out by her!
However, she didn’t want to miss out on the deal.
Big deal, go to the pier later and borrow a speedboat from other bosses.
Anyway, we all know each other.
The big deal is to give some money.
Jingling bell~! !
The lady boss’s cell phone rang.
“Sorry, I’ll answer the phone.”
“Ah, it’s okay.” Xiaolan said quickly.
“Hello?” The proprietress answered the phone.
“I’m outside the store. I’ve run out of boats. I’ll return the key to you.”
“Oh? Okay, I’ll come out right now!”
The proprietress took a look outside the shop, and sure enough, she saw a car parked on the side of the road.
The person sitting in the car was the person (Liuli. ò ? ó. Starting) who rented the speedboat from her yesterday.
After hanging up the phone, he looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi.
“I’m sorry, I have to leave suddenly. Himiko, come and greet the two guests!” The proprietress said to the swimming instructor next to her.
“Okay.” Kimiko came to take over the job of the proprietress.
The proprietress took her bag and ran to the side of the road quickly.
“I’ll give you the boat key. The boat is parked in the old place.” Guan Zu threw the boat key over.
“I have to take a look at the boat before I can refund the deposit to you,” said the proprietress.
“Come on.” Guan Zu signaled the proprietress to get on the car.
The proprietress is going to drive the boat away later, so naturally she can’t also drive a car there.
The proprietress Qian Xia sat in the co-pilot, Guan Zu turned around and returned to the previous cliff.
In the dive shop.
Sonoko looked at the proprietress who was leaving in the car.
“Is that Miss Qianxia’s boyfriend?” Sonoko’s gossip ignited.
“No, Chinatown hasn’t dated a boyfriend yet.” Kimiko explained.

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