“Then who was that handsome guy just now?”
“That was a customer from our store yesterday. But why did Qianxia leave with him?” Simiko was also at a loss.
Xiao Lan looked at Guan Zu in the car through the glass, she was shocked.
How could it be him? ?
Why did he appear on this island? ?
Is it a coincidence? Or follow yourself?
Coincidence, must be a coincidence!
According to what Kimiko said, that guy was on this small island yesterday, but they just came today.
So it must be just a coincidence!
That guy must have come here for vacation because the popularity of this small island has been relatively high recently!
“Xiaolan? Xiaolan??”
“Ah??” Xiaolan finally came to her senses.
“Why are you in a daze? Could it be because of that handsome guy just now~~?” Sonoko said teasingly.
Although the handsome guy just now was a bit punk, he is an out-and-out handsome guy!
If that handsome guy came in just now, she would definitely go up and strike up a conversation!
“No… not!” Xiaolan quickly denied.
She didn’t want Sonoko to know that she knew that guy.
Even, some things that should not happen beyond friendship happened with that guy.
“Oh~?” Yuanzi looked suspicious, apparently not believing what Xiaolan said.
Because Xiaolan’s expression at this time is really too suspicious.
“Oh~~ It looks like a certain high school detective is going to be jealous~~” Sonoko joked.
“Yuanzi!!” Xiaolan stared at Yuanzi angrily.

Guan Zu drove the proprietress of the diving shop to the cliff where the speedboat was parked.
Just now, he didn’t see Xiaolan and Yuanzi in the diving shop.
After all, the sun is so bright that you can clearly see the outside through the glass from the room.
But when people are outside, they can’t see the people inside clearly through the glass.
He just saw that there seemed to be customers in the store.
Parking the car on the edge of the cliff, the two walked along the path along the edge of the cliff to the bottom of the cliff.
After checking that her own speedboat was okay, the proprietress returned several stacks of deposits to Guan Zu.
“If you need to rent a yacht next time, you can still find me~.” The proprietress said with a happy smile.
Rent a boat for one day, and earn more than half a month’s income, which is much more than honestly taking guests diving.
If there are a few more customers like this in a month, then she will be relaxed.
“I don’t need it anymore. Goodbye.” Guan Zu waved his hand, turned and left unceremoniously.
It’s like a scumbag who just got rid of his tired friends.
“…” The proprietress was a little surprised, what do you mean you don’t need it anymore?
Already found the treasure hidden by the pirate Ann Boney over 300 years ago?
Since the discovery of the underwater palace ten years ago, countless treasure hunters have come to this island in search of treasure.
But none of the treasures were found.
How could this Ito in front of me find the treasure in just one day?
Certainly not possible!
It should be discovered that the underwater palace is not at allThere is no so-called pirate treasure, so I just gave up 0…..
This is the most reasonable explanation.
As a native of the island, she also used to hunt for so-called pirate treasure.
As long as you find the treasure, you may never have to worry about money for the rest of your life.
But unfortunately, it took a lot of time, but there was no sign of a treasure at all.
Finally gave up.
After graduation, I ran this diving shop on the island with peace of mind.
The proprietress drove the speedboat to the pier, while Guan Zu drove back to the hotel.
This Saturday, he plans to play on this island for a day, and then rush back to Tokyo tomorrow.
It’s not easy to come out for a trip, so you have to relax.
Anyway, there was no big commotion, nor was he chased by the police or anything.
It’s not a big problem to spend a day on the island.
In the dive shop.
“Hello? Qianxia, ​​how long will you be back? Miss Xiaolan and Miss Sonoko have signed a contract.” Xi Meizi called the proprietress.
“Ximiko, just drive them to the pier, I’ll wait for you here.”
“Eh? All right, I see.”
Although Simiko was a little curious as to why Qianxia suddenly ran to the pier, she didn’t ask why.
Who doesn’t have a little secret?
“Let’s go, Chinatown is already waiting for us at the pier.” Simiko said.
“I’m sorry to trouble you~”
Just as Guan Zu’s car drove past the diving shop, a van drove out from the open space in the backyard of the diving shop.
Guan Zu still didn’t find out that Xiaolan still had a garden.
Soon, Guan Zu returned to the hotel.
Go back to the hotel room and take a shower to wash off the salt particles on your body.
Then I changed into a cool, loose shirt and beach pants, and prepared to go to the beach for a sunbath.
By the way, let’s see if I can meet a good-looking beauty, have a short relationship or something.
Soon, Guan Zu came to the beach.
He wears sunglasses on his face, and under the sunglasses, a pair of sharp eyes are looking for prey.
“Huh? No way?”
Guan Zu suddenly found two very familiar figures, lying on the beach chair and basking in the sun.
Driven by curiosity, Guan Zu walked towards the two beauties with somewhat familiar profiles.
After walking in, he realized that, no wonder he felt the figure was familiar!
This is Xiao Ai and Miyano Akemi at all! !
How did these two people come to this island? ?
Xiao Ai saw a strange man standing beside her, still staring at her, frowning in dissatisfaction.
“Hey, you’re blocking my sun.”.
117. Accompany my brother to drink two cups (please subscribe!)
Hearing Xiao Ai’s words, Guan Zu was suddenly happy.
Why is this girl so arrogant outside?
Guan Zu suddenly wanted to play tricks on Xiao Ai!
“It still blocks your sun? Do you think this sun belongs to your family?” Guan Zu stepped on Xiao Ai’s reclining chair.
Her toes even touched her smooth skin.
He also deliberately changed his voice so that Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai would never be able to recognize him through his voice.
“Sorry, sir, my sister is not very sensible, I hope you don’t care about her.” Miyano Akemi hurriedly stood up and apologized.
She and Xiao Ai have special identities and don’t want to cause trouble outside.
Xiao Ai also sat up.
She didn’t expect to encounter such an unpleasant thing just sunbathing on the beach with her sister.
“If an apology is useful, what do you need to inspect?” Guan Zu bent down and brought his face closer to Hui Yuanai.
The faces of the two are only about thirty centimeters apart.
“Please stay away from me!” Xiao Ai said with disgust.
“Tsk tsk~ Miss 05 is quite stubborn~! But I like it! I’ll go have a drink with my brother~!” Guan Zu suddenly stretched out his hand and squeezed Xiao Ai’s face.
He is testing the quality of the human skin mask Xiao Ai made himself.
Of course, this also meant to tease Xiao Ai.
Guan Zu’s action startled Xiao Ai.
She has a human skin mask on her face! ! If it gets ripped off, that would be bad!
Xiao Ai raised her hand and slapped the yellow-haired face in front of her.

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