Seeing this situation, Kimiko quickly gave a thumbs up, signaling Xiaolan and Yuanzi to come up!
With so many sharks present, it’s no longer possible to continue diving!
As for saving lives?
That is impossible.
Facing so many sharks, going up to save people is simply death.
And Simiko knew those three people, they were treasure hunters who had been staying on the island recently.
If they really dared to go up to rescue people, then treasure hunters would dare to use them as bait to attract sharks and then escape.
She doesn’t believe in the character of a treasure hunter!
The three of them rushed to the surface of the sea to have fun.
“Huh? Come up so soon? Did something happen?” The proprietress who was staying on the boat looked at the three of them in surprise.
“There are sharks!!” Simiko took off the mouthpiece and hurriedly helped Xiaolan and Yuanzi get on the boat.
“Why are there sharks here??” The proprietress was also taken aback.
This is the first time she has spotted a shark here in so many years.
Although shocked, he hurried to help and let the three of them board the boat.
“Someone was attacked by a shark, let’s go back and call the police!” Simiko said.
“Yeah!” The proprietress hurriedly sailed to Fanhu Island.
Under the water, the three treasure hunters spent some effort and finally got rid of the shark.
He returned to the boat with his companion who was bitten by the shark.
And quickly return to the island.
On the westernmost cliff of the island.
Conan is taking the three little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team to hunt for treasure here.
“Because the reminder mentioned the setting sun, I came to the westernmost part of the island. But where is the treasure chest in the reminder?”
“That’s right.”
Mitsuhiko and the others are working hard to find the treasure.
Conan had already discovered the location of the treasure chest, so he leaned on the railing very leisurely, looking at the sea outside.
Conan suddenly saw two speedboats driving back to the island one after the other.
Conan uses the telephoto function of the telescope to zoom in on the lens.
“Xiaolan? Yuanzi?”
Conan saw that Xiaolan and Yuanzi were on a speedboat ahead.
Then, Conan looked at the speedboat behind him.
“problem occurs?”
The distance was too far, and Conan couldn’t see clearly what happened.
But it can be seen that someone seems to be injured.
I don’t know if I drowned or what.
“I have to leave beforehand! You continue to hunt for treasure!!” Conan said, turned and ran away in a hurry.
Ayumi yelled, but Conan suddenly disappeared.
on the beach.
Guanzu, Miyano Akemi, and Haibara Ai are sunbathing together.
Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai did not choose to go diving in the sea in the end.
I just rejected the invitation of Xiaolan and Yuanzi, saying that I can’t go diving.
As a result, after Xiaolan and Yuanzi finished playing, they went diving again, which was not very good.
“Huh? Something seems to have happened.” Xiao Ai sat up and looked towards the sea.
Two speedboats are heading towards the island at a fast speed.
Guan Zu didn’t get up, but he also looked towards the two speedboats.
Naturally, the speedboat did not come towards the beach, but sailed to the speedboat pier not far away.
“Xiaolan and Yuanzi seem to be up there!” Xiao Ai said suddenly.
When the speedboat approached the pier, it was already facing Guan Zu and the others sideways.
Naturally, you can see who is sitting on the boat.
Although the distance is a bit far, but through the figure, clothes, etc., you can still tell who is on the boat.
Guan Zu also recognized the treasure hunter on the speedboat behind.
Those treasure hunters were all quite big, so they were easy to recognize.
But what puzzled Guan Zu was that out of the three treasure hunters, there were only two left.
Guan Zu also sat up.
What happened?
Could it be, something happened, the remaining two killed the other one~?
Then this can be interesting.
“` 〃Sister, let’s go and have a look too!” Xiao Ai looked at Miyano Akemi.
“Well, let’s go.” Miyano Akemi stood up.
Something may have happened to the companions, and it is impossible for them to continue sunbathing here.
“I’m with you too.” Guan Zu also got up.
“But, Zu you…”
Miyano Akemi looked at Guan Zu worriedly, his current identity is not his real identity.
Guan Zu’s current appearance, except Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai, no one else knows him.
“It’s okay, I know the people on the boat behind~.” Guan Zu looked at the pier and said.
Both speedboats have entered the dock.
Everyone on board also went ashore.
Guan Zu also finally knew that the trio of treasure hunters was not missing one person, but lay down alone, so he didn’t see it.
It was being carried ashore on a stretcher at the moment.
Many people gathered around to watch the fun.
As a result, the news that someone was attacked by a shark spread immediately.
People who were playing in the water at the beach, and those who were playing snorkeling, all ran to the shore immediately.
“Xiaolan, Yuanzi, are you all right!” Xiao Ai ran towards the two of them concerned.
“Well, we’re fine.”
“But that person will be miserable.” Yuanzi watched the injured being picked up by the ambulance.
“What happened?” Miyano Akemi asked worriedly.
“Those people were attacked by sharks, so we came back early,” Sonoko explained.
“Several, I’m afraid we have to go to the hospital. Later, the patrol on the island will come to check with us.” The proprietress hung up the phone and said.
“Then let’s go.”
At this time, Guan Zu, who was walking slowly behind, had just arrived.
XiaolanSeeing Guan Zu, his body froze suddenly.
It’s him again! ! .
119. Yuanzi: This handsome guy is so arrogant (please subscribe!)
“Xiaolan, what’s the matter with you?” Yuanzi and others were going to the hospital when they found that Xiaolan hadn’t followed.
Seems to be in a daze again.
“Ah, it’s nothing. Do you want to go?” Xiaolan came back to her senses and asked hastily.
“That’s right.” Yuanzi followed Xiaolan’s gaze, and suddenly saw Guan Zu in disguise.
“Eh? That handsome guy?” Yuanzi’s eyes lit up.
Immediately afterwards, he looked at Xiaolan teasingly.
“It looks like a famous detective is really going to be jealous~~”
Xiao Ai and Miyano Akemi also followed Sonoko’s gaze and looked back.
Then I saw Guan Zu walking slowly.
Xiao Ai, Miyano Akemi:? ? ?
Guan Zu has already met Xiao Lan? ? ?
“Yuanzi! Don’t talk nonsense! Xiao Ai, Miss Machiko, let’s go quickly.” Xiaolan said quickly.
She dared not let Yuanzi, Xiao Ai and others know about her relationship with this ‘Mr.
I didn’t even dare to meet that ‘Mr.

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