After all, the other party still holds Shinichi and his handles.
If the other party is not honest, you can use those things to blackmail her infinitely.
Then her life is finished.
However, Xiaolan and Yuanzi walked in front, and Guan Zu silently followed behind.
This made Xiaolan restless all the time.
‘What the hell is that guy going to do? ? ‘
Soon, everyone came to the only hospital on Shenhai Island.
The development of Shenhai Island is better than that of the previous Tsukage Island and Shiki Island.
At least there is a hospital on the island, not just a clinic.
This hospital has an emergency room where emergency surgery can be performed.
The treasure hunter who was picked up by the ambulance before has been pushed into the emergency room.
The other two treasure hunters sat outside the emergency room, waiting with serious expressions.
Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others followed the diving instructor to the hospital and waited by the side.
They are recent witnesses, so they will naturally be questioned by the police.
Guan Zu walked towards the other two treasure hunters, and stopped when he passed by them.
“Hehe~” deliberately mocking.
When he was at sea before, he laughed at him for not finding the treasure.
Now, it was his turn to laugh at these people. The treasure had not been found, but was attacked by a shark.
“You bastard!!”
The two foreigners are used to being arrogant, how did they suffer this kind of insult?
At the same time, he stood up and reached out his hand to grab Guan Zu’s skirt.
These two foreigner treasure hunters were both very tall, one was a head taller than Guan Zu, and the other was half a head taller.
And both of them have a whole body of tendon meat.
Guan Zu’s lean and muscular figure is like a ‘bamboo pole’ compared to their big guys.
However, it doesn’t mean that being tall and bulky means that one’s combat effectiveness must be strong.
Guan Zu turned sideways and easily dodged the opponent’s approach.
The next moment, he grabbed the opponent’s wrist with one hand, turned around, and came behind the opponent.
Lifting his feet behind the knees of the man’s legs, he gave two forward kicks almost instantaneously.
The big man of more than two meters directly knelt down on the floor with Duang.
Guan Zu grabbed the big man’s arms behind his back, and at the same time stepped on the big man’s back with one foot.
Make him unable to move at all.
“Ah!!!” The big man yelled in pain.
The big man felt that his two arms were about to be broken.
All this is done almost instantly.
The other people around didn’t react much, the big man was subdued, kneeling on the ground and screaming in pain.
Xiaolan was startled.
This guy is so powerful! ! !
Xiaolan was faintly glad that she did not choose force last time, but chose obedience.
With the fighting power this guy showed just now, he is basically no match for him!
And with that relaxed expression, it’s obvious that he hasn’t used his full strength yet!
How strong is this guy? ?
“You bastard! Let go of Stephen!!” A shorter foreigner next to him shouted.
But he didn’t dare to make a move.
He didn’t even see the opponent’s movements clearly, and Stephen was subdued.
He is not even as good as Stephen, if he does it, wouldn’t he be courting death?
Guan Zu tilted his head and glanced at another treasure hunter beside him.
The corners of the mouth rose slightly.
The man suddenly felt a chill behind him.
It’s over!
“Hey! What are you doing! Hurry up and stop!!” An elderly inspector rushed to the hospital.
“Good luck to you guys! Next time you see me, get away, trash!” Guan Zu let go of his hand, and stomped hard on his foot.
The big man named Stephen was directly stepped on the ground by Guan Zu.
Face hit the floor, making a Duang sound.
Nosebleed hit the floor.
Guan Zu seemed to be okay, walked to the side window and leaned against the window sill.
Hearing the sound of the big man’s face colliding with the floor, both Xiaolan and Yuanzi twitched in fright.
This is too cruel!
Xiaolan thought to herself, luckily she gave in last time.
Otherwise, it is very likely that after being defeated, he will still be bullied by that guy.
In the end, Shinichi’s secret will also be disclosed by the other party!
Fortunately, my original choice was right…
Xiaolan told herself so in her heart.
Yuanzi trembled in fright, holding Xiaolan’s arm with both hands.
This handsome guy is handsome, but he is too ruthless when he hits someone.
if notIt was the inspector who arrived in time, and he was going to break both of the big man’s hands, right? ?
Even if the inspector arrived, he still beat the big guy until his face was covered in blood.
How arrogant!
Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai were relatively calm.
It’s just a fight. Compared with killing people, it’s nothing at all.
It’s just that the two of them were a little surprised that Guan Zu’s fighting ability is so strong?
“Hey, are you all right?” the inspector walked up to the big man and asked.
This inspector actually despises this big guy a bit.
It’s too useless for such a big guy to be stepped on the ground by a young guy.
It’s a shame.
“It’s okay.” The big man got up, raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face.
They are treasure hunters, and they are also wanted criminals. They said they were beaten, but they can’t take revenge through the police.
Otherwise, the people who beat him would not be arrested, but they would be put in jail instead.
And, as treasure hunters who walk outside the law, they have their own way of revenge.
can fight?
If you can fight again, can you stop the bullet?
grown ups! Times have changed!
Seeing that the big guy didn’t pursue it, the inspector didn’t bother to take care of it.
Go to the side and ask the hospital staff about the situation of the person who was attacked by the shark.
Finally, he went to a nearby room to check the belongings of the injured.
The atmosphere in the hospital lobby was a bit depressing.
Almost everyone dared not speak aloud.
I don’t know if I am worried about the situation of the person attacked by the shark, or because I am afraid of attracting the attention of Guan Zu.
After a while.
The hospital door was suddenly pushed open.
“Xiao… Xiao… Sister Xiaolan…” Conan appeared at the door panting.
He came all the way by bicycle.
“Conan? Why are you here?”
“Are you okay?” Conan asked nervously.
“Well, we’re fine, it’s just…”.
120. Uncle, be careful, I will sue you for slander (please subscribe!)
“Well, we’re fine, but…”
Before Xiaolan finished speaking, the elderly inspector from before came out of the room where the belongings of the injured were placed.

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