Height: about 185.
photo:? ? ?
Special Note: Has excellent disguise and disguise ability! ! !
Partner: Masami Hirota. Others to be confirmed~determined.
Related cases: Kudo Shinichi kidnapping, Ikezawa Yuko kidnapping, Tsukage Island murder, jewelry store robbery, Sally Beth hijacking, Mitsubishi bank robbery, and the serial bombings at the Shrine.

Name: Masami Hirota
Number: 9520.
Gender: Female

In the data, there are only the files of Guan Zu and Miyano Akemi.
However, the files and information of the two people are basically incomplete.
The only one that matches is probably Miyano Akemi’s photo.
After all, before she knew Guan Zu, she didn’t have the ability to disguise herself.
She used her real face for her first crime, the robbery of the armored van.
So it was recorded by the police.
Except for the basic files of the two people, the rest are related case files of the two people.
With a burning cigarette in his mouth, Gin carefully flipped through the case files of the two.
Miyano Akemi has relatively few related cases, only three cases.
The first was the cash van robbery.
The second was a jewelry store robbery.
The third issue is the bank robbery a few days ago.
However, the content of each file is quite a lot.
There are even more related cases of Guan Zu, and each file of related cases also has a lot of content.
It can’t be finished in a while.
Gin just glanced at the basic information of each case.
All files are then closed.
“I’ll go back and read the details. But now it’s basically confirmed that Miyano Akemi and the guy with her are in Tokyo.”
“If nothing else happens, Shirley should be with them too.”
“Next, just find them out patiently.” Gin threw the lit cigarette into the ashtray.
“I can’t help with this kind of job of finding a needle in a haystack.” Belmode also lit a cigarette for himself.
“Don’t worry, I don’t need you.”

the other side.
Guan Zu took out the divination crystal ball, ready to continue divination for the treasure.
I don’t know what happened recently, and there have been no repeated coordinates.
I don’t know if it’s bad luck recently, or because there are too many treasures in this world, which leads to new coordinates all the time.
But those coordinates are quite far away, and most of them are even abroad, and many of them are even on the other side of the earth.
The coordinates that only appeared once, Guan Zu really didn’t bother to make a special trip to confirm.
It would be great if I could know the name of that golden villa.
Then directly divination the location of that villa, and then ran to collect all the gold in that villa!
Such a large villa, even if it is only inlaid with gold, will cost at least dozens of tons of gold.
It’s also priceless.
Of course, if only gold foil is pasted, there may not be much gold used.
After all, two grams of gold can produce a square of gold leaf.
Even if it is a thousand square meters, it only needs five hundred grams, which is just one catty of gold.
But the Karasuma Group is so rich, and Wei deliberately put a layer of camouflage on the outside of the whole house, it must not be gold foil.
“By the way! Even if you don’t know the name, it shouldn’t be a problem to use vague conditions for divination, right?” Guan Zu suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
When divination the treasure by myself, I also use fuzzy divination!
“Crystal ball~! Crystal ball~! Please tell me where Karasuma Renya’s golden villa is?”
Guan Zu held the crystal ball in both hands and asked for divination.
The streamer flickered on the crystal ball.
Immediately afterwards, a forest appeared in the crystal ball, and there was a villa in the middle of the forest.
At the same time, the coordinates of the villa were also displayed on the crystal ball.
Guan Zu quickly took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the image on the crystal ball, and recorded the latitude and longitude coordinates of the villa at the same time.
“Could it be this villa?” Guan Zu stared at the mountain villa in the crystal ball.
Although the villa looked big, he was not sure if it was the golden villa of Renye Karasuma.
Guan Zu searched for the latitude and longitude coordinates on the map, but the result was not close.
in Fukushima Prefecture.
Then still in the mountains, the drive took longer.
・・ 0 for flowers・・・・・・・・・・
Guan Zu estimates that it will take at least five or six hours for a one-way trip, and one day will be lost every time.
“Let’s do divination tomorrow.” Guan Zu thought for a while and made a decision.
Now that the divination has yielded results today, no matter whether it is right or wrong, at least prove that my idea is feasible.
As long as the result can be obtained through divination, the correct answer will be obtained sooner or later.
There is a fifty percent chance of showing the correct answer every time.
If it is wrong once, it will be twice, and if it is wrong twice, it will be three times.
You can’t do divination ten times, and you can’t even get the correct answer twice, right?
Whenever there are duplicate addresses, go check it out!
After making the decision, Guan Zu put away his phone, turned off the lights and rested.
Dinner time the next day.
“Honesty, did you ask about the parking space at the airport?” Guan Zu looked at Asai Honesty.
.. .. …
He is going to buy a private helicopter for fun.
In addition, you can also practice Makoto Asai.
However, in their family, there is no way to park the helicopter.
So at the heliport, set up a stand to park the helicopter.
It just so happened that the helicopter piloting school provided helicopter parking spaces for lease, so he asked Asai honestly to ask how to rent them.
“I have already asked, as long as you bring the relevant documents of the helicopter and the relevant personal documents, you canIt’s time to rent a parking space. “Asai honestly said.
“That’s it, okay, then I understand.” Guan Zu nodded.
Helicopter has been optimistic, tomorrow will contact the helicopter manufacturer, sign a helicopter sale contract.
Why not buy it in the system store?
Airplanes are not cars, and every flight needs to be reported to the air traffic control department.
If you take off without reporting and are detected, you will be warned to return and land. If you do not listen to multiple warnings, a helicopter will fly over to escort you and let you land.
If you still don’t listen, then they will follow you all the time, and arrest you after you land.
And if you are flying in an empty sea, and you keep warning many times, maybe they will shoot you down directly.
Therefore, helicopters are still purchased through formal channels, and then let the manufacturers fly directly to the apron.
Of course, if you need to use a helicopter during an operation, then buy it from the system.
As long as the plane is not flying very high, the radar of the air traffic control department will not be able to detect it.
176. Xiao Ai: The sheep fell in love with the wolf, what a headache! (Please subscribe!)
Guan Zu has already taken a fancy to the plane he wants to buy.
Hummingbird EC120.
Meters long, with a wingspan of 10 meters and a passenger capacity of 2+3, it can seat five people in total.
The climb rate is 5.84 meters per second, the maximum speed is 278 kilometers per hour, the cruising speed is 204 kilometers per hour, and the range is 710 kilometers.
Of course, none of this matters.
The most important thing is the price, only a little over 300 million.
This price is not the most expensive batch among helicopters, and certainly not the cheapest.
At this price, it is just right for flying and playing.

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