It was just right for Asai Makoto to practice.
Just after dawn, contact the aircraft seller to see if it is in stock.
It’s most convenient if you have it, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have it, and it doesn’t matter if you wait.
Of course, if the waiting time is too long, Guan Zu doesn’t mind changing the plane.

the other side.
(Liu Li. ò ? ó. First release) Xiaolan received a call from ‘Kudo Shinichi’.
“Going to have afternoon tea??” Xiaolan looked surprised.
“Yeah, I have a case to investigate here in the United States, and there is really no way to go back.” Kudo Shinichi’s voice came from the phone.
“You mean you want me to attend instead of you?”
“Yes, it says on the invitation letter that you are welcome to invite friends to participate. You can go with your father, and the child of Dr. Ali’s relative who lives in your house. The three of you can go together.”
“I have asked Dr. Ali to send the invitation letter to your mailbox, don’t worry.” Kudo Shinichi said.
“You finally called me, but you have something to ask me!” Xiaolan complained.
“Let me go, but you have to promise me one condition!”
“Yes, I want you to promise me to go to the midnight movie with me next Sunday!” Xiaolan made her request.
“What’s the matter? You haven’t come back for a long time. I don’t think the kidnapper remembers you long ago, right? At ten o’clock in the evening, let’s meet in the lobby of Mihua Movie City!” Xiaolan set a time and said.
“Hey! But next Sunday is inconvenient! How about a few days later?”
“No! We must meet on May 3rd!!” Xiaolan emphasized with a strong attitude.
But after speaking, Xiaolan’s attitude softened again.
“By the way, Shinichi, which one do you prefer, red or green?”
“Why do you ask this?”
“Don’t worry about it, just say it!”
“Then red.”
Mori Kogoro on the side held a beer in his hand and looked at Xiaolan speechlessly: “I said dinner is ready?”
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it right away.” Xiaolan looked at Kogoro Mouri.
“Then, let’s make a deal, Xinyi, at ten o’clock in the evening on the 3rd, don’t forget!” Xiaolan reminded again, and then hung up the phone.
After hanging up the phone, Xiao Lan’s expression turned dark.
On May 3rd, Xinyi must not be able to attend the appointment.
After all, Shinichi has become Conan.
‘Huh~! Just let him worry about it for a while! ‘
‘The body has become such a big thing as a child, but he never told me, so take this as his punishment! ‘
‘But Shinichi will definitely not be able to come that day, do you want to take Conan to the movies? ‘
‘No, no, if I took Conan to see that movie that day, maybe he would find out. I already know that he is Shinichi! ‘
‘So… let’s make an appointment with Yuanzi and Xiaoai. ‘
Yuanzi and Xiaoai don’t have boyfriends, so they should have time to watch movies with him, right?
(Yuanzi, Xiaoai: I’m so sorry that we don’t have a boyfriend!)
During dinner, Xiaolan told Mori Kogoro and Conan about attending the afternoon tea party of the Moritani family.
Let them go together.
the next day.
“Hey, Yuanzi, Xiao Ai, are you free on May 3rd?” Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi and Xiao Ai and asked.
“May 3rd? Why do you suddenly ask this?” Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan curiously.
The same goes for Xiao Ai.
“Oh, I just want to go to the movies, are you free~?” Xiaolan said a little embarrassed.
She didn’t dare to say that it was because she made an appointment with ‘Xin Yi’, but ‘Xin Yi’ couldn’t go, and she had to go, so she called Shang Yuanzi and Xiao Ai.
That would be embarrassing.
“Xiaolan, you meet me, of course I, Suzuki Sonoko, have time~~ Not to mention watching a movie, even if I go to the ends of the earth, I will definitely go with you, Xiaolan~! ” Yuanzi said, patting his chest.
“Yuanzi…” Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi in embarrassment.
Sonoko is exaggerating.
Still a little moved.
“I’m free too.” Xiao Ai nodded.
Last time, in order to save her sister, she invited Xiaolan and Yuanzi to go shopping, and she always felt guilty towards them.
Now that Xiaolan invited her, she naturally couldn’t refuse.
Besides, she had nothing to do that day… 0
“Great~! Then it’s settled. On the afternoon of May 3rd, we will go to the Mihua Municipal Building to go shopping together~! Then we will watch a midnight movie together~!” Seeing that both of them agreed, Xiaolan was immediately happy Say.
“Midnight movie? Xiaolan, isn’t it a horror movie?” Yuanzi’s expression froze suddenly.
She didn’t dare to watch horror movies.
It must be more terrifying to watch it in a movie theater.
Wait, isn’t Xiaolan also afraid of ghosts? ?
“It’s not a horror movie, it’s a romance movie called The Legend of the Red Line.” Xiaolan quickly explained.
“Romance movies? Xiaolan, shouldn’t you watch them with that boy named Shinichi?” Hui Yuanai asked intentionally.
Xiaolan and Yuanzi often mentioned Kudo Shinichi.
Xiao Ai naturally knows the relationship between Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan.
She was very curious, did Xiaolan know that Kudo Shinichi had become Conan.
Sometimes it feels like Xiaolan knows, and sometimes it feels like she doesn’t know.
“By the way~! I remember that May 4th seems to be that fellow Shinichi’s birthday, right?” Sonoko suddenly remembered.
Then he looked at Xiaolan suspiciously: “Be honest, why did you invite us to watch a midnight movie on the night of the 3rd?”
“Could it be that they use us as a shield, and then go out with Shinichi at night…hehehe~?” Sonoko approached the two of them and asked in a low voice.
“Yuanzi!!!” Xiaolan’s face turned red immediately.
What’s in Yuanzi’s head?
After looking at Yuanzi reproachfully, Xiaolan suddenly showed a disappointed expression again: “I also want to make an appointment with Xinyi, but he has something to do in the United States, so he can’t come back…”
“Hmph~! What a heartless person! That bastard won’t accompany you, we will accompany you!! Right, Xiao Ai!” Yuanzi put his arms around Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai.
It seems that Xiaolan doesn’t know that Kudo Shinichi has become Conan?
“By the way, Xiao Lan, how about we watch a movie with Xiao Ai’s brother?” Yuanzi suddenly said a little embarrassed.
“A difficult opportunity~!” Sonoko said.
“I have no objection, but Mr. Guan Zu, is he free?” Xiao Lan looked at Xiao Ai.
“Xiao Ai, help me make an appointment with that cousin of yours~!” Yuanzi begged.
“He may not be at home…” Xiao Ai felt a little headache.
Why did Yuanzi fall in love with that guy Guan Zu?
Isn’t this the sheep in love with the wolf!
“Just do your best! Please~Xiao Ai~!”.
177, Kudo Shinichidan! (Please subscribe!)
April 29th, Tuesday, Showa Day in Sakura Country, is a holiday.
Xiaolan, Conan, and Mori Kogoro came to Moriya Teiji’s house to participate in the tea party held by his house.
Of course, the so-called tea party is just a group of high-class people sitting together, drinking tea, eating snacks, and then flattering each other.
However, the purpose of this tea party held by architect Teiji Moritani is not just to let people flatter themselves.
His purpose is to ask Shinichi Kudo, a high school student detective, to help him unlock the code of the Dongdu Gunpowder Depot. Good to go in and steal the dynamite.
After that, he made a bomb with the stolen explosives and blew up his failed works.
As for why Kudo Shinichi was chosen, it was because of his design for the reconstruction of Nishitama City, because Kudo Shinichi imprisoned the mayor of Nishitama City, which led to bankruptcy.
He wants Kudo Shinichi to ‘help’ him obtain explosives, and then use those explosives to compete with Kudo Shinichi!
What Moriya Teiji didn’t expect was that the person who came to the tea party with his invitation letter to Kudo Shinichi was not Kudo Shinichi, but Mori Kogoro.
However, Mori Kogoro is Mori Kogoro.
As long as you can help yourself solve the password puzzle of the 20 Dongdu Gunpowder Store, so that you can steal the explosives, it doesn’t matter who comes.
Later, after getting the explosives, I will compete with Kudo Shinichi again.
Kogoro Mori, a big parallel importer, is unreliable 99% of the time. Naturally, there is no way to solve the puzzle given by Teiji Moritani.

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