The bomb does not use GPS to monitor the speed of the train, but uses the monitoring of sunlight to calculate the speed of the train.
When the train passes over the bomb, it will block the sunlight, and the bomb will start a countdown.
Only when sunlight is received again before the countdown ends, the countdown time will be reset.
If the speed of the train is lower than 60 kilometers per hour, the bomb will not be able to detect sunlight, and the countdown will end before it will explode.
That’s why, after the sun goes down, bombs go off too.
As Kudo Shinichi, Conan informed Officer Megure of this reasoning, and asked Officer Megure to notify the train dispatching center to transfer all the trains on the circular line to other lines.
In this way, the train will be safe.
Police officer Megure has a lot of trust in Kudo Shinichi.
After hearing Kudo Shinichi’s reasoning, he immediately notified the person in charge of the dispatch center and asked him to issue an order to transfer all the trains on the entire circular line to other lines.
Then, it worked.
The first train diverted from the ring line to another line, then pulled into the station and slowed down to a stop.
The train did not explode.
Followed by the second, third, and finally all the trains were safely transferred from the ring line to other lines.
All the passengers who had been trapped in the train were also evacuated.
The police quickly dispatched a large number of police forces, and found all five bombs on the entire circular line.
But the headache for Police Officer Mu Mu is that the bombs found so far are only a quarter of the explosives stolen from the Dongdu Gunpowder Depot.
In other words, the gangster still has three quarters of the explosives in his hands!
If the gangster cannot be found out, then the gangster can continue to make bombs at any time…
Mori Kogoro suddenly thought that when Conan fled the residential area with the cat cage this afternoon, the timer on the bomb had stopped.
Conan said it himself!
So Mori Kogoro guessed whether the gangster’s home is nearby!
Police officer Mu Mu thought it was very reasonable, and hurried to the scene with his men.
the other side.
Guan Zu finished dinner at home.
“I’m going out for a walk.”
Guan Zu took the car keys and drove away.
It’s almost time, time to go on a date with my childhood sweetheart.
Although the appointment time is ten o’clock, after all, he still has to find the bombs in the entire shopping mall.
Otherwise, wouldn’t the atmosphere be lost when the bomb exploded during the date?
Guan Zu drove to the Mihua Municipal Building.
Tonight, Xiaolan and the others will watch a midnight movie here.
According to memory, Guan Zu can be sure that there must be a bomb in the cinema hall.
In addition, in order to prevent Xiaolan from escaping from the cinema hall, the criminals should use bombs to blow up all the exits of the cinema.
Therefore, bombs must have been installed at every exit position.
Guan Zu parked the car in the underground parking lot.
Put on the human skin mask prepared in advance in the car.
It wasn’t Kudo Shinichi’s face, but an ordinary, unremarkable passerby’s face.
Before going to the appointment instead of Kudo Shinichi, he has to find all the bombs, so it is very necessary to have a public face that will not be remembered by people.
As a bomb expert, Guan Zu knew very well where a bomb should be placed in order to achieve the best blasting effect.
Therefore, it is not difficult to find out the bombs placed by the gangsters.
For an hour, Guan Zu found a large number of bombs around the Mihua Cinema.
The number of bombs exceeds ten!
And most of them are hidden in the trash can.
Regarding this, Guan Zu was speechless.
Why does this gangster also like to place bombs in trash cans?
Isn’t this embarrassing him!
It is too conspicuous for ordinary people to dig through the trash can, so Guan Zu can only run to the bathroom and change into cleaning clothes.
hygienic personIt’s normal for the staff to dig through the trash.
182. Xiaolan: Is it really Shinichi? ? (Please subscribe!)
After changing into cleaning clothes, it is much more convenient to dig through the trash can.
It’s not really a trash bin either.
Just use a pair of iron tongs to pick up the bomb from the trash can and put it into the storage space.
In order not to cause commotion among the surrounding customers, there was no other way.
Including the biggest bomb placed in the movie hall, all the bombs were taken away by Guan Zu.
Guan Zu was in the bathroom, dismantling all the bombs.
The skill of this bomb maker is just so-so.
After the festival of the bomb, Guan Zu couldn’t be bothered at all.
It doesn’t take a minute to defuse a bomb.
After removing all the bombs, Guan Zu did not immediately go to the cinema lobby, waiting for Xiaolan and the others to come over.
Instead, continue to wander around the mall.
Mainly to check whether bombs have also been installed in other places.
He dismantled the bomb near the cinema, but if there were other bombs in the whole building, the explosion would still affect his date with Xiaolan.
Nine o’clock sharp.
Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, and Yuan 22 came to the movie theater lobby ahead of time, sat down to rest in the rest area, and waited for the opening of the midnight movie.
On the other side, Officer Megure and others failed and returned.
They went to investigate the place where the bomb timer stopped in the afternoon, and it turned out that everyone around them was not suspected.
They all had alibi.
In the end, I had no choice but to return to the hospital.
As for Conan, when he saw the news of a series of arson cases, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen the houses where arson cases occurred in the last few times.
After thinking about it carefully, I finally realized that I saw it in the exhibition room of the architect Teiji Moritani!
Those houses were all designed by Teiji Moritani before he was thirty!
Of the five bombs placed on the ring today, one was placed on a bridge.
And that bridge was also designed by Teiji Moritani!
So, he finally locked his eyes on Moriya Teiji.
Conan made the police officer Megure and others notice Moriya Teiji by insinuating, and then followed him to the home of Moriya Teiji.
Mihua Municipal Building.
Guan Zu walked around the commercial complex from the first floor to the fifth floor of the building, but found no other bombs.
Looking at the time, it was half past nine.
Then Guan Zu went to the bathroom and disguised himself as Kudo Shinichi.
Naturally, all the clothes on his body were changed.
When he came to the movie theater lobby, Guan Zu glanced over, and soon saw Xiaolan, Xiaoai, and Yuanzi sitting together to rest.
Guan Zu smiled slightly, raised his foot and walked towards the three of them.
“Hey~Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, you said the three of us read the legend of the red thread together, will the marriage thread of the three of us be tied together in the end~?” Yuanzi looked at the two with wide-eyed thoughts.
“Yuanzi, how is this possible~.” Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi dumbfounded.
What’s in Sonoko’s head?
“Let’s make it clear in advance, I don’t mind if you flirt, but I like handsome guys.” Xiao Ai said with a flat expression.
She will never consider anyone who looks worse than Guan Zu.
Don’t say that highly educated people should be rational and should see the inner beauty of the other half.
But if there is no way to attract yourself on the outside, I simply don’t have the patience to find out whether the inner beauty is good or not.
“Xiao Ai~~” Xiao Lan looked at Xiao Ai again, dumbfounded.
Why did Xiao Ai become like Yuanzi?
“Eh?? Shinichi???” Sonoko was suddenly taken aback.
Of the three, only Yuanzi was facing ‘Guan Zu’, so he was naturally the first to discover ‘Guan Zu’.
“What Xinyi, Xinyi is still in America~.” Xiaolan said.
“No, Xiaolan, look behind you!! It’s really Shinichi!!” Sonoko pointed behind Xiaolan with a look of surprise.
Isn’t Shinichi unable to say it? ?
Why did this come again temporarily? ?
“How is it possible, really…”

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