Xiaolan turned her head, she still had an expression of disbelief, but when she saw ‘Xinyi’ walking towards her, she was stunned.
Really Shinichi! ! !
Xiao Ai also turned her head, looking in the direction of ‘Xin Yi’ coming.
“Kudou Shinichi…?” Xiao Ai had a look of disbelief.
She had seen photos of Kudo Shinichi.
So this face is no stranger to her.
How could Kudo Shinichi appear here? ?
This is impossible!
Kudo Shinichi has obviously turned into a primary school student Conan, and Guan Zu has filmed the whole process.
He can’t be here!
Could it be… Kudo Shinichi found something, a way to restore his body? ?
Haibara looked at ‘Kudo Shinichi’, thinking about various possibilities in his heart.
Seeing ‘Xinyi’ appearing in front of her, Xiaolan was pleasantly surprised, but she didn’t expect Xinyi to actually come!
But immediately, Xiaolan was full of doubts in her heart.
She knew very well that Shinichi didn’t go to the United States at all, but became Conan and stayed by her side.
Under such circumstances, how could Shinichi come to the appointment? ?
Could it be… Shinichi found a way to change back? ?
Xiao Lan also had the same doubts as Xiao Ai.
“Hi~Xiaolan~!” Guan Zu greeted and came to Xiaolan and the other three.
“Xinyi? Is it really you?” Xiaolan still couldn’t believe it.
Is Shinichi really back? ?
“Stupid~ who else could it be if it wasn’t meah? But you, you obviously invited me to watch a midnight movie, why did you invite this woman, Yuanzi, again? “Guan Zu looked at Xiaolan and complained.
“That…I…it’s because…” Being questioned by ‘Xinyi’, Xiaolan suddenly panicked.
How should she explain it?
Said that he knew that Shinichi had become 450 Conan, so he thought he would not come to the appointment, so he made an appointment with Sonoko and Xiaoai?
“I said you! You still have the nerve to blame Xiaolan? You stay in the United States every day and don’t come back. What’s wrong with Xiaolan asking me?”
“It’s not because you are so unreliable, you always release Xiaolan’s pigeons!” Yuanzi said on Xiaolan’s behalf.
“Okay~ okay~ It was all my fault before. But this time I am here~.” Guan Zu raised his hand in surrender.
“After I solved the case, I came back in a hurry.” Guan Zu defended himself.
He didn’t actually know the excuse Conan made, but even if he didn’t know, he could guess it.
After all, every time Xiaolan was looking for Shinichi, Conan used the excuse of being “involved in a case” to perfuse her.
Guan Zu can guess roughly.
“By the way, who is this lady?” Guan Zu looked at Hui Yuanai.
Haibara Ai transferred to Teidan High School after Kudo Shinichi became Conan.
So ‘he’ doesn’t know Xiao Ai.
“This is Xiao Ai, a classmate who just transferred to our class recently.” Xiaolan quickly introduced.
“My name is Huiyuan Ai, please give me your advice.” Xiao Ai stared straight at the ‘Xinyi’ in front of her.
“So it’s a classmate! Hello, my name is Kudo Shinichi, please give me your advice.” Guan Zu introduced himself with a smile.
His imitation of Kudo Shinichi is almost seamless.
As long as you don’t come and pull his human skin mask, it is absolutely impossible to discover his disguise.
183. Conan: If there is no evidence, then use fraud (please subscribe!)
Guan Zu sat down beside Xiao Lan.
“By the way, how long until the movie starts?” Guan Zu looked at Xiao Lan and asked.
“Almost half an hour.” Xiaolan raised her wrist and glanced at the time on her watch.
As soon as she finished speaking, Xiaolan was suddenly startled.
“Oops!! I didn’t buy Xinyi’s movie ticket for you!!” Xiaolan said apologetically.
She thought that it was impossible for Xinyi to come to the appointment, so she made an appointment with Yuanzi and Xiaoai.
Movie tickets were only bought for the three of them, not for Xinyi at all.
Now that Shinichi is here, I don’t know if there is still a seat with them.
“Show me your seat numbers.” Guan Zu looked at Xiaolan and said.
Xiaolan quickly took out her movie ticket.
“Our tickets are seats four, five, six and three in the fifth row.” Xiaolan said.
Her own seat is number four.
If Guan Zu wanted to buy it, he had to buy number three or number seven.
Of course, the seat number is not the most important.
Most importantly, Guan Zu confirmed the name of the movie!
Before coming, he didn’t know what movie Xiaolan and the others were going to watch, because Xiao Ai didn’t tell him.
When he asked Xiao Ai last night, Xiao Ai was just a midnight movie, but he didn’t mention the name of the movie at all.
I don’t know if I didn’t know, or if I didn’t tell him on purpose.
There are three midnight movies, one romance, one drama, and one horror.
If Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi watch the movie by themselves, there is a high probability that they will watch a romance movie.
But now it’s not a “couple” watching the movie, but three girlfriends watching the movie.
It is possible to watch romance movies, but it is also possible to watch drama movies, and it is not impossible to watch horror movies.
Guan Zu couldn’t be sure what movie Xiaolan and the others would watch.
Now that I have seen the movie tickets, it will be easy to handle.
Guan Zu got up and went to the counter, and asked the waiter to give him a movie ticket for the legend of the red line.
The seat is next to Xiaolan and the others.
The audience who watched the legend of the red thread were almost all couples.
Guan Zu saw through the computer screen that all the tickets sold were two or two sitting together.
And everyone also separated very tacitly.
Only Xiaolan and the others sat together.
If you encounter someone you don’t know about, you may think that a man or a woman is awesome and has two opposite sexes.
For these reasons, Guan Zu bought the seat next to them very easily.
Guan Zu bought Coke and popcorn, and returned to the three of them with his arms in his arms.
“Come on, hurry up and help~々¨!”
With three buckets of popcorn and four servings of iced Coke in his arms, Guan Zu couldn’t put the things down at all.
“Really, why buy so much? We won’t be able to finish eating later.” Xiaolan Lianman got up to help.
Yuanzi also stood up, and happily took the Coke from Guan Zu’s hand: “You boy, you have good eyesight today~!”
“Eating can’t stop your mouth!”
After dividing the good things, Guan Zu sat down again.
“Hey, Shinichi, how are you doing in America?” Xiaolan asked tentatively.
She wanted to confirm again whether the person in front of her was Shinichi.
“That’s it, it’s just a little unaccustomed. Let’s not talk about me, I heard that Uncle Maori has become very famous recently, is it true?” Guan Zu avoided the topic of himself in the United States.
He didn’t go to the United States, and he wasn’t even Kudo Shinichi.
This topic can’t be discussed at all.
Seeing Guanzu avoiding this topic, Xiaolan further confirmed that Shinichi did not go to America.
Hui Yuanai on the opposite side also confirmed this point.
But there is still one thing that cannot be confirmed, has he really found a way to restore the smaller body to its original shape?
Or is this Kudo Shinichi in front of him actually someone else in disguise?
Hui Yuan Ai knew that there were two people who were good at disguising.
One is Kaitou Kidd, and the other is Kanzu.
Of course, Xiao Ai herself is actually one of them.
It’s just that she can only be easy, and will not imitate other people’s voices.
Kaitou Kidd and Guanzu are not only capable of disguise, but also good at voice imitation.
Phantom Thief Kidd used to be on the Sally Beth, disguised as Xiaolan. At that time, except for Guan Zu, no one saw through Phantom Thief Kidd’s disguise.
As for Guan Zu, he once imitated his sister’s voice and asked her to run into the bathroom!
She couldn’t even distinguish her sister’s voice, which shows how similar Guan Zu’s voice imitation is.

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