This is his double disguise.
If the identity is exposed, then remove the first layer of disguise, and then become the second layer of identity.
Splash the dirty water on Phantom Thief Kidd.
After all, Xiao Ai is also with Xiao Lan, and he doesn’t want Xiao Ai to know that he misses her best friend.
“Phantom Thief Kidd??” Xiaolan was surprised.
Just after catching up, Xiao Ai, who was hiding not far away to observe the situation, was also surprised.
“Phantom Thief Kidd? Isn’t it Guan Zu…?” Xiao Ai muttered in a low voice.
She thought it would be Guan Zu.
After all, that guy really needs a lot of women.
Often stay out at night.
“Ah!! It’s Kaitou Kidd!!”
“Phantom Thief Kid has appeared!!”
“It’s really Phantom Thief Kid!!”
Guan Zu’s conspicuous attire immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.
“It looks like the chatting time is over, I look forward to seeing you next time~~” Guan Zu threw a flash bomb to the ground.
188. Yuanzi: I’m So Envious of Xiaolan (Please Subscribe!)
Conan was stopped by the garden, very anxious.
I have been looking for various opportunities to get rid of the guards of the garden.
After a long time, he finally found a chance to break free from Yuanzi’s grasp, and immediately ran in the direction where Xiaolan and the guy who pretended to be him left.
“Hey! Brat!!” Sonoko hurriedly chased after him.
She can’t let Conan, a brat, disturb Xiaolan and Xinyi or two people talking about love!
Although she has quite a big opinion on Kudo Shinichi.
Usually knows reasoning, and always leaves Xiaolan alone when encountering a case.
Recently, I have been staying in the United States, leaving Xiaolan alone in Sakura Country.
But Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi are childhood sweethearts after all, and she also knows that Xiaolan likes Kudo Shinichi.
She has a problem with Xinyi, so she can’t make the decision for Xiaolan.
Conan and Yuanzi hadn’t run far when they suddenly heard a commotion in front of them.
“Phantom Thief Kidd…”
“It’s Phantom Thief Kid…”
“Phantom Thief Kidd has appeared…”
When Conan heard it, Kaito Kidd appeared! ?
Is that to catch Kaitou Kidd? Or go to Xiaolan? ?
【Wait, that direction is the direction Xiaolan and the others left…】
【Could it be…it was Kaitou Kidd who pretended to be me! ? 】
Thinking of this, Conan hastened to run in the direction of the commotion.
The garden is naturally the same.
She is a loyal little fan of Kaitou Kidd!
The Kaitou Kidd appeared, how could she not meet her idol?
The nearby police officers, as well as Officer Megure and others, were also alarmed.
“The Kaitou Kidd has appeared? Is he going to commit another crime?” Police Officer Mu Mu looked shocked.
However, catching monster thieves does not belong to their task of Searching Section 1, that is the task of Searching Section 2.
They also had to make sure that all the people in the Mihua Municipal Building were pulled out safely.
In addition, you have to cooperate with the bomb disposal personnel to find bombs in the building.
Police officer Megure ignored Kaitou Kidd’s matter, but he also arranged for his subordinate Miwako Sato to check the situation.
On Guan Zu’s side, he dropped a flash bomb at his feet.
Put on your sunglasses when the flashbang goes off.
The people around were all blinded by the sudden burst of strong light and entered a short-term blindness.
Xiaolan, Xiaoai, and Conan, Yuanzi, and others who were more than ten to twenty meters away from here, all entered the blinding state.
It was dark at night.
Make everyone’s eyes more sensitive to light.
The sudden bright light turned everyone’s eyes into a vast expanse of whiteness.
Even if it is far away, if you look at this side, you can only see a bright light.
Guan Zu could not be seen at all.
And Guan Zu took advantage of this opportunity to quickly remove the disguise on his body, and quickly put on a pre-made headgear, blending in with the surrounding crowd.
No one could find him at all.
When the eyesight of Xiaolan and others recovered, Kaitou Kidd was nowhere to be found.
Conan and Yuanzi quickly ran to Xiaolan’s side.
“Sister Xiaolan! Is the Shinichi brother just now pretending to be Kaitou Kidd? 〃?” Conan asked quickly.
Kudo Shinichi, who pretended to be himself, disappeared, and Kaitou Kidd appeared here just now.
So the one who disguised himself just now was Kaitou Kidd, right?
“Well, Shinichi just now was pretended by Kaitou Kidd…” Xiaolan said disappointedly.
She thought Shinichi had changed back.
The result is still a primary school student.
Do you really want her to wait for him for more than ten years?
“That guy Shinichi is Kaitou Kidd pretending to be!??” Sonoko was startled.
She is a loyal fan of Kaitou Kidd!
If she knew that Shinichi just now was pretending to be Kaitou Kidd, why would she want to take a photo with Kaitou Kidd!
However, Yuanzi’s expression suddenly froze when he thought of Xiaolan and Xinyi’s sneaky tricks in the auditorium.
Could it be…does Phantom Thief Kidd also like Xiaolan?
[Woohoo … so envious Xiaolan …]
【Should I have long hair too…】
Guan Zu left, and the police did not find the trace of Kaitou Kidd.
After half an hour of rescue, the police have ensured that all the people in the Mihua Municipal Building have been safely evacuated.
No one was left out.
It’s just that as time went by, the police didn’t find any bombs!
When the bell struck twelve o’clock in the evening, the police had nothing to gain.
Police officer Megure came to Moriya Teiji.
“Professor Sengu, did you really plant a bomb in the Mihua Municipal Building?” Police Officer Meguro asked with a serious expression.
“…” Moriya Teiji remained silent.
Can he say that he doesn’t know what’s going on?
He must have installed the bomb, but how did he know what happened.
When it was time to explode, the bomb did not explode.
Now even the bomb can’t be found.
Who is he going to reason with?
Although the bomb he planted was considered secret, it was impossible for the police to find it completely after searching for it for so long.
Especially the biggest bomb placed in the ticket hall of the movie theater, it was too obvious.
Just put it under a chair.
Unless the police are blind, it is impossible to find it.
The only explanation is that someone dismantled all the bombs he had planted, and even took them all away.
“¨~Professor Sengu! You have to think clearly, if you insist on resisting and don’t cooperate with our investigation, you may be given a heavy sentence when you are prosecuted!” Police Officer Mu Mu warned.
“…” Moriya Teiji smiled disdainfully.
He is about to turn 50, stealing bombs from the powder depot in Dongdu, making bombs that endanger public safety, is there any difference between a heavy sentence and a light sentence?
Anyway, the rest of the days have to be spent in prison.
If he could help the police a little bit, he wouldn’t mind asking to ‘cooperate’ with the police.
“This rice flower municipal building is indeed the most failed work in my life. Similarly, Kudo Shinichi is also the person I hate the most.”
“Officer, do you think it’s such a good opportunity, would I not plant a bomb in this building?” Teiji Moritani asked back.
“Then where are you going to install the bomb?” Officer Meguro asked.

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