“The place where I imitated the bomb is under the chairs in the movie theater lobby, next to the safe exits…”
Moriya Teiji told all the places where he placed the bomb.
Officer Megure quickly asked Takagi to notify the police officers inside the building of the location of these imitation bombs.
“Don’t waste your time, Sergeant.”
“Except for the biggest bomb, I set all the bombs to explode at ten o’clock in the evening.”
“But none of the bombs exploded, and you still can’t find the bombs. This means that someone has already taken my bombs away in advance.”
“Who do you think this person is? What is the purpose of taking the bomb away? Heh heh heh~~”.
189. Xiaoai who almost broke the defense (please subscribe!)
Moriya Teiji was arrested and left a headache for the Metropolitan Police Department.
That is, where did the disappearing explosives go?
Who took it away? What is the purpose of taking it away?
The police can’t analyze them at all.
At first, Officer Megure wondered if it was Kudo who found the bombs.
But thinking about it, it’s impossible. Even if Kudo finds those bombs, he won’t dismantle them.
Even if he can dismantle it, it is impossible to take the bomb away without saying a word.
Police officer Megure still believes in Kudo Shinichi’s character.
However, this is not Kudo Shinichi, who else knew that there was a bomb in the Mihua Municipal Building?
And even Shinichi Kudo only knew there was a bomb a minute in advance.
Teiji Moriya installed more than one bomb in the Mihua Municipal Building. It is impossible for someone to accidentally discover the bomb, dismantle the bomb, and take it away.
All the bombs disappeared, which shows that the person who took the bombs was definitely premeditated.
Only half of the explosives that Teiji Moriya stole from the Dongdu Gunpowder Depot were used, and the remaining half has now disappeared.
Mr. Toshiro Odagiri from the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department has a headache.
This Tokyo is really restless for a moment.
On the other hand, Conan also couldn’t figure out why Kaitou Kidd disguised himself as himself and approached Xiaolan.
Moreover, how did that guy know that Xiaolan made an appointment with him today to watch a movie in the cinema of the Mihua Municipal Building?
Could it be that Kaitou Kidd is secretly investigating himself? ?
Just because I solved that guy’s riddle?
【hateful! ! 】
[How dare you approach Xiaolan as me! And it also took advantage of Xiaolan! Take Xiaolan’s hand! ! 】
[I will write down this hatred! Next time, I will definitely send you to prison with my own hands! ! 】
Conan has already hated Kaitou Kidd.
the other side.
Kaito Kidd was sleeping soundly, and suddenly sneezed three times in a row.
Qiu! Qiu! Qiu!
Three consecutive sneezes woke up the sleeping Phantom Thief Kidd.
“Really… Who is thinking about me?” Phantom Thief Kidd was left speechless by the continuous sneezing.
After rubbing his nose and confirming that he would not sneeze again, Kaitou Kidd lay down again to rest.
He never dreamed that there really was a little god of death full of resentment towards him at this moment.
Guan Zu used disguise and flash bombs to get away from Xiao Lan and returned home directly.
When he got home, Guan Zu took out the divination crystal ball while he was taking a bath in the bathroom.
After divining the location of Renye Karasuma’s golden villa yesterday, he suddenly thought of something.
That is, that golden villa seems to have been bought by someone!
Now it doesn’t belong to Renye Karasuma!
So he asked the divination crystal ball for the location of Renye Karasuma’s golden villa, and it is very likely that he will never find it!
This is also the problem that Guan Zu realized after several consecutive divinations, but failed to get the correct results.
Divination of Renye Karasuma’s golden villa is not the same as divination of treasures.
There are many treasures in the world, but if nothing else, Renye Karasuma only has one golden villa.
He was too unlucky to not get the correct answer in divination for several days in a row.
After careful recollection, Guan Zu remembered that the golden villa seemed to have been bought by other people long ago.
And it changed hands several times, and was finally bought by an old lady detective who was in grade.
Therefore, Guan Zu readjusted the divination conditions today.
“Crystal Ball, please tell me where is the golden villa that once belonged to Renye Karasuma?”
It used to belong to Karasuma Renye, but now it doesn’t necessarily belong to Karasuma Renye.
This divination condition is always no problem, right?
Guan Zu holds a crystal ball in both hands for divination.
Soon, a picture appeared on the crystal ball.
In a forest, there stands a huge villa in the shape of a Chinese character.
At the same time, the latitude and longitude coordinates are also displayed.
Guan Zu quickly picked up the mobile phone beside him and took a picture of the picture on the crystal ball.
Also record the latitude and longitude coordinates.
If the divination conditions are accurate, you should be able to find out the location of the golden villa three or four times, or four or five times, right?
After taking a shower, Guan Zu walked out of the bathroom wearing a towel.
Just happened to meet Xiao Ai coming back.
“Huh? Didn’t you watch a midnight movie with Xiao Lan and the others? Why did you come back so late?” Guan Zu looked at Hui Yuan and asked.
Hui Yuanai often sees the picture of Guan Zu wearing a bath towel.
But even so, every time she saw such a picture, she still felt her cheeks burn.
Because Guan Zu’s figure is so good!
The plump chest muscles, well-defined abdominal muscles and mermaid lines, and most importantly, that handsome face.
It still made her heart beat faster.
If it weren’t for Guan Zu being a scumbag…
Xiao Ai looked away.
“Meet the case at night, Some gangsters planted a bomb in the Mihua Municipal Building. Everyone was ripped out by the police. ”
“After the police took notes for us, they drove us home.” Xiao Ai explained.
If Officer Megure hadn’t asked Officer Sato to send them back, they might have actually opened a room in a nearby hotel.
After finishing speaking, Xiao Ai suddenly looked at Guan Zu suspiciously.
“Why are you taking a shower so late?”
That Kudo Shinichi, couldn’t it be Guan Zu in disguise?
He can pretend to be Kudo Shinichi, so he can also pretend to be Kaitou Kidd!
“Well~ Children don’t inquire about adults~~” Guan Zu gave a smile that you know.
“…” Xiao Ai’s face was darkened.
Sure enough, it was still him, nothing had changed.
He actually ran to the bar again to be chic.
Xiao Ai really wanted to pry open Guan Zu’s head to see if his brain was filled with tadpoles!
“I’m already eighteen!” Hui Yuanai said with a dark face.
Guan Zu came to Xiao Ai’s side, facing each other, his breath could almost reach her face.
“I don’t have a boyfriend~ Even if I’m twenty-eight~ I’m still a child~~” Guan Zu said jokingly.
“So~ do you want to experience the feeling of being an adult~?” Guan Zu asked teasingly.
“No…shameless!!” Xiao Ai pushed Guan Zu away and ran upstairs in a panic.
Running back to the room, closing the door, Xiao Ai leaned against the door, holding her cheek with both hands.
Guan Zu, who just took a bath, smelled too strong of male hormones.
She almost broke the defense.
Fortunately, I kept my sanity in the end.
Unless Guan Zu can get rid of his scumbag character, otherwise, she will not give in!
Downstairs, Guan Zu looked at the back of Xiao Ai who left in a panic, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.
It’s so easy for Xiao Ai to forget her doubts about herself.
Guan Zu hummed a little tune and went back to his room.
It’s time for him to rest too.
The next day, major news media were scrambling to report on the case that happened last night.

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