However, what Xiaolan and Conan didn’t know was that the Mori Kogoro at this time was no longer Mori Kogoro.
After changing the tire, it was already dark and it was raining.
Because of the delay, Kogoro Moori simply drove to the Twilight Annex by taking a shortcut.
“Really! What kind of shortcut is this! The owner of the gas station just now told me to go this way!!” Mori Kogoro complained while driving.
This trail is completely dirt road.
Now it’s raining again, and it’s bumpy and slippery.
“I said Dad, he really meant this road, right…?” Xiao Lan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, firmly grasped the handle above the door with both hands.
The same is true for Conan sitting in the back seat, holding the door handle tightly with both hands.
This car is too bumpy.
“Of course! He also deliberately asked us to drive the car into the gas station. In order to understand this generation clearly, I even bought a damn expensive map!!”
“If that boss dares to frame me, I will never let it go!” Mori Kogoro gripped the steering wheel with both hands and complained.
Fortunately, after driving on this small road for more than ten minutes, they finally returned to the Panshan Highway.
“It looks like that’s really a shortcut. You see, that’s the Twilight Villa we’re going to, right?” Conan said, pointing to the villa on the top of the mountain not far away.
Mori Kogoro glanced twice.
“That villa looks really evil. The Twilight Villa, I think it should be changed to a vampire villa~!” Mori Kogoro complained.
Xiaolan also looked at the villa on the top of the mountain in the distance, feeling a little hairy in her heart.
“Dad, are we really going there? I think we should go back?” Xiaolan flinched a little.
After all, she grew up so big, what she was most afraid of were ghosts and ghosts.
・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers 0 ・・・
“Idiot, we have all received the invitation letter, so naturally we have to go. Besides, we have already accepted the check for two million.” Mori Kogoro said angrily.
“But… what if there really are vampires?” Xiaolan was still afraid.
After all, the villa on the top of the mountain looks really gloomy.
“What nonsense are you talking about? No matter how you say it, it’s impossible for vampires to exist. If there were any, there would only be old monsters in the mountains~ hahaha… eh!??”
Mouri Kogoro just laughed a few times when he suddenly saw a figure standing in the middle of the road ahead, and hurriedly slammed on the brakes.
The car stopped dangerously in front of that figure.
“Mountain… the old demon in the mountain!!!”
…. … …
Mori Kogoro saw the face of the figure in front of the car clearly through the headlights of the car, and immediately screamed in fright.

On the other side, the Twilight Annex at the top of the mountain.
Guan Zu is still earnestly ‘demolishing the house’.
Each pickaxe can dig out a large piece of gold, no matter who it is, I’m afraid they won’t be able to stop, right?
And it’s not even working for the ‘boss’.
All the gold dug up belongs to him.
Moreover, the mining time is limited, and someone may stop you from continuing to dig at any time.
If it were anyone who came, I’m afraid they wouldn’t want to rest.
It will not stop until all the gold has been dug.
The same is true of Guan Zu.
He was already ready to go to sleep.
He will not rest until all the gold in the entire villa has been dug out.
Of course, his physique also allows him to do so.
If you don’t sleep for two or three days, there will be no problem at all.
Beep beep~!
The drone siren sounded again.
Guan Zu took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Another car drove into the yard of the villa and was parking.
“Got~ go and get rid of you first~!” Guan Zu put down the manuscript, and went to the gate with his mobile phone.
As he walked, Guan Zu frowned.
Why doesn’t this guy get out of the car?
What are you doing sitting in the car all the time?
Guan Zu has come to the front hall, but the guy in the car is still sitting in the car with the old god.
[Isn’t it because I found something? 】three.
196. One V Five, All Extinct (Please Subscribe!)
The police in the Conan world are not good, and handling cases is called rubbish.
But among the detectives in Conan’s world, there are still quite a few very powerful people.
For example, the White Horse Detective who was arrested by Guan Zu last time.
He is obviously only a high school student, but he is very strong. Of course, it is only in terms of vigilance.
The moment Guan Zu shot, he was actually aware of it.
This has been very difficult.
However, the strength of the fat detective and the beautiful detective was much worse.At least Guan Zu’s actions were not discovered.
So, it’s not enough to be a detective, you have to be a high school student?
It seems to be the case.
Kudo Shinichi is a high school student, Hattori Heiji is also a high school student, and Hakuba Tan is still a high school student.
There is also the future Sera Masumi, who is also a high school student.
[(Liuli. ò ? ó. First release) Then, this guy outside is nothing to worry about…] Guan Zu thought.
However, Guan Zu did not take the initiative to open the door and go out to greet him. That was too deliberate and seemed abnormal.
He couldn’t believe that the man sitting in the car outside would stay outside and not come in.
If that was the case, he wouldn’t have driven all the way to this ancient villa in the mountains.
Guan Zu was waiting in the hall.
After a while, the beeping alarm sounded again.
Another car drove into the yard.
Through the lens of the drone placed on the window sill on the second floor, Guan Zu saw that the people sitting in this car were Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan!
Because of the angle, the people in the back seat couldn’t see it.
But Guan Zu is sure, that kid Conan must have followed.
Both Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan are here, and it is impossible for Conan not to come with them.
Mori Kogoro parked the car, and Xiaolan immediately opened the door and got out of the passenger seat.
He hurriedly ran to the trunk to pack himself on his back, and opened another umbrella.
Holding an umbrella, he ran towards the gate of the villa.
And the other people in the car, Mori Kogoro, Conan, and an old woman, got out of the car slowly.
“Yo… actually scattered, this is just right~~”
Seeing this scene, Guan Zu smiled.
Xiaolan’s combat effectiveness and responsiveness cannot be underestimated.
If she comes with others.
Guan Zu was the first to bring down Conan with an anesthesia gun, then Xiaolan might react.
Although Xiaolan’s strength is not as good as his, he still has the strength to hold Guan Zu for a while.
It doesn’t take much time, a second or two is enough for everyone else to react.
Not counting Mori Kogoro, he must not have a gun.
Not necessarily the old woman.
She is the owner of this villa and the initiator of this banquet.
And a plan has been made, ready to kill.
Who knows if she has a pistol on her.
There was another man in the car as well.
Not all detectives are like Mori Kogoro who ‘obey the law’.
Detectives often encounter danger. It is normal for some detectives who wander in the gray area to prepare a pistol for self-defense.
Xiaolan ran towards the gate under an umbrella, while Mori Kogoro and the others were admiring the row of luxury imported cars parked in the yard.
Boom boom boom~!
Guan Zu, who had been waiting in the lobby, finally heard a knock on the door.

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