Then put away the phone, walked to the door with a smile on his face, and opened the door.
“Sorry, may I ask…”
Just as Xiaolan was about to say something, she suddenly saw the boy who opened the door and pointed a gun at her!
And in an instant, a needle was shot into his leg.
Immediately afterwards, she felt that her brain was dizzy, and her vision became blurred.
In the next second, Xiaolan lost consciousness and fell forward.
She couldn’t figure out what was going on.
She just asked where the toilet in the villa was, but she was shot unconscious with a tranquilizer gun.
Obviously the owner of this villa invited them to come, didn’t he?
There are indeed vampires in this villa, do you want to suck their blood?
Guan Zu hugged Xiao Lan and closed the door again.
After all, it’s a couple’s day of grace, so he couldn’t let Xiaolan fall face-to-face.
What should I do if this falls and disfigures me?
And even the beautiful detectives from before were brought in, so of course you can’t treat Xiaolan favorably.
Guan Zu hugged Xiaolan, walked to the bedroom on the second floor closest to the stairs, and put her on the bed in the bedroom to rest.
Only then did I go downstairs again.
Guan Zu glanced at the screen of the mobile phone. Mori Kogoro and Conan’s group were walking towards the gate together with the man who arrived before them but never got out of the car…
As soon as Guan Zu came down the stairs, he heard a knock on the door.
Boom boom boom~!
Guan Zu came to the door and opened it.
As soon as he opened the door, Conan frowned the moment he saw Guan Zu.
The person in front of him was too dirty.
The servants in such a big villa, logically speaking, shouldn’t have so much dust on their bodies.
There is a lot of dust on shoes, pants, clothes, and even hair.
Although it looks like it has been cleaned, the traces of dust cannot be completely erased.
Even if it is a general cleaning, there shouldn’t be so much dust, right?
Just when Conan was wondering, he suddenly saw a gun he was very familiar with appearing in the servant’s hand!
Bandit 9527! !
He has been shot by this tranquilizer gun many times! He will never be wrong!
However, before Conan could speak, an anesthesia needle was shot into his arm.
“Uncle…he’s 9…”
Before Conan finished speaking, he fell to the ground with his face facing forward.
But he is short, so the fall is not heavy, and it should not be disfigured.
At this time, the others finally reacted.
This person in front of me has a problem!
The old woman was about to draw a gun when an anesthesia needle was shot into her arm.
just took the gunHe escaped, and before he could shoot, he was knocked down by an anesthesia needle.
“Run!!” Mori Kogoro yelled.
At the same time, while Guan Zu was attacking other people, he took out a poker gun and continuously pulled the trigger on Guan Zu’s face.
Guan Zu can dodge bullets, He Guang is a card.
And when he saw this poker gun, Guan Zu realized that the Mori Kogoro in front of him was not Mori Kogoro, but Kaitou Kidd!
After all, the poker gun is Kaito Kidd’s signature prop.
“I didn’t expect it to be a thief like you~!” Guan Zu shot Mori Kogoro in the arm while avoiding playing cards sideways.
Another detective, taking advantage of this time, turned around and ran down the stairs.
Guan Zu casually flicked the gun, and an anesthetic needle shot the opponent’s stamina.
At this moment, Kogoro Mori suddenly threw a flash bomb.
In an instant, an intense white light dispelled the surrounding darkness completely.
197. Don’t Bother Me Digging for Gold Nuggets (Subscribe!)
Although Kogoro Mori’s movement of throwing the flash bomb was secretive, it still did not escape Guan Zu’s eyes.
Before the flash bomb landed, Guan Zu had already put on the special sunglasses for anti-flash bomb.
The flash bomb thrown by Mori Kogoro exploded right in front of his eyes, and it didn’t affect him at all.
Mori Kogoro also put on sunglasses, Guan Zu thought he was going to turn around and run away.
As a result, just as he turned around, he felt as if his soul had been taken out of him, and he fell to the ground with a slap.
In just a few seconds, Kogoro Mori, Conan, the old woman, and a middle-aged male detective who were standing at the door were all brought down by Guanzu with the tranquilizer gun.
Guanzu came to the side of Kogoro Mori who was unconscious, and knelt down next to his head.
He raised his hand and pinched his cheek.
A human skin mask was torn off by Guan Zu.
The Mori Kogoro lying on the ground is indeed Kaitou Kidd in disguise.
When I saw this Mori Kogoro just now, when he took out his poker gun, he immediately knew that this guy was Kaitou Kidd.
Now it’s just 100% confirmed.
“I thought you were resistant to anesthesia needles, but it turned out that you fell down in two seconds?”
Guan Zu squatted next to Kaitou Kidd who pretended to be Mori Kogoro and complained.
He also thought that the Kaitou Kidd dropped the flash bomb to escape, but he didn’t escape at all.
So what was the point of him throwing this flashbang?
Could it be that he wanted to cover others from escaping?
But everyone else fell one step ahead of Kaitou Kidd.
Guan Zu held Kaito Kidd’s belt with one hand, and lifted Conan who was unconscious on the ground with the other hand.
Holding a person in each hand, he walked towards the room where the fat detective was locked up.
Throw the two of them beside the fat detective.
Handcuffs were also used to handcuff the two people’s hands and feet.
Then the Kaitou Kidd was stripped off, leaving only a pair of shorts.
All the equipment on his body was taken off by Guan Zu.
Guan Zu knew exactly how many props this guy had.
Things like poker guns, flashbangs, smoke grenades, rocket roller skates, paragliders, lockpicking pins, and more.
As a magician, Kaitou Kidd hides all kinds of small props wherever he can hide things.
If it wasn’t for being dirty, he would have taken off his shorts too.
Putting all these things away, Guan Zu then went back to the gate.
The old woman detective was old, and Guan Zu was still thinking on the way back to the door if she fell and broke it.
Then when I came to the door, I took a look, and my breathing was calm, and there was no problem at all.
It was another middle-aged uncle detective who was shot by Guan Zu’s anesthesia needle when he ran to the stairs at the door.
Then, he fell straight down the stairs.
Fortunately, the steps at the door are not high, only five or six steps.
Otherwise, that uncle detective might fall to his death directly.
But now it’s pretty miserable.
It can be said that he was the worst one among all those arrested by Guan Zu.
Facing forward, he fell from the top of the stairs, and his face was covered in blood.
The bridge of the nose was broken.
But the breathing is smooth, the pulse is strong, and there is nothing serious.
That is, this person’s luck is good.
If something went wrong with his fall, Guan Zu would definitely throw him directly under the cliff that he passed by before.
The cliff under the wooden bridge is quite deep, Guan Zumu measured more than 100 meters.
Throwing him off a cliff hundreds of meters away, even if the body is found, the police must think that the man accidentally fell off the bridge and fell to his death.
Guan Zu mentioned both the uncle detective and the old lady detective.
They were thrown into two rooms where men and women were held.

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