The man was imprisoned with the former fat detective, Phantom Thief Kidd, Conan, and White Horse Detective.
The old woman was locked up with the former maid and the beautiful detective.
All the hands and feet were handcuffed to death, and they were bound together with the people next to him.
The only exception is Xiaolan.
The others were all lying on the cold and rough concrete floor.
The surrounding walls, ceiling and floor tiles were all pried open by Guan Zu, and the gold inside was stripped away.
There is a lot of decoration waste piled up on the ground, that is, the middle one is a little empty.
When these people wake up, they will probably be sore all over.
Xiaolan is different. The room she rests in is a normal bedroom, and the demolition has not yet begun.
Sleeping on a normal big bed, the soft quilt is not cold and roughThe rough concrete floor is comparable.
After all, it is a relationship of knowing the roots and knowing the bottom.
There has to be some special treatment.
The only thing that was the same as the others was that his hands and feet were also handcuffed by Guan Zu.
But instead of handcuffing hands and ankles, hands are handcuffed together, and feet are handcuffed together.
She can still move like this, but not many can move.
She is good at karate, and there is no way to use it.
Locking everyone up, Guan Zu resumed his work of digging for gold.
Not counting the maid, he had already arrested eight people.
Six of them were also detectives.
Although Kogoro Mori is disguised as Kaito Kidd, he came as Kogoro Mori after all, so he is naturally a detective.
With six detectives gathered together, there should be no more.
Ding~! Ding~! Ding~! Ding~!
Guan Zu took the iron pick and smashed the wall, ceiling and floor one by one, and then pulled out the gold inside.
Although he used an iron pickaxe and needed to knock on the walls and the ground by himself, Guan Zu demolished the house 377 at a speed that was not slow at all.
Once the manuscript is down, and then pry it again, a large piece of wall skin can be pried off.
It is easier to disassemble the wooden board, and it will be a whole board with one pry.
It is no more troublesome to use than an electric impact hammer.
The impact hammer can better break cement, stones, etc., but after all, he just wants to demolish the surface layer, not really demolish the entire villa.
Moreover, the crushing impact hammer is very heavy, and it is useless at all if it is light.
It’s okay to hit the ground, but if you hit the wall, even Guan Zu can’t stand it.
Guan Zu knocked down the house, and no visitors continued to come to the door until early in the morning.
In other words, all the guests have been arrested by him.
Next, he just needs to seriously dig for gold.
On the other side, the room where the ‘male prisoner’ was held.
The fattest detective who came to this villa first, and the fattest one, woke up first.
He has the largest body weight, so the effect of an anesthetic needle has the shortest effective time on him.
The fat detective woke up to the sound of Duang~Duang~Duang~.
When I woke up, I realized something was wrong.
He was actually handcuffed! !
who is it? Who actually did this to himself?
Soon, the fat detective remembered the strange man who opened the door when he knocked on it.
Who is he?
Thanks to 17685.. for the reward! .
198. Dashang Zhushan: I am the mastermind behind the scenes! (Please subscribe!)
The fat detective is Oshang Zhushan, a guy with the title of gourmet detective.
Because besides reasoning, what he loves the most is food. He can not only eat, but also cook.
The invitation to the banquet this time was actually an invitation letter sent to everyone by him and the old woman detective, that is, the descendants of Qianjian.
The purpose, of course, is to find other famous detectives to help find the treasure in this villa.
This villa was actually purchased by him and Qianjian Jiangdai together.
Qianjian Jiangdai contributed part of the money, and he also contributed part of the money, and a considerable part of the money he contributed was outside, through loans.
It needs to be paid back! And you need to pay a lot of interest.
At first, he wanted to use his mind to find out the treasures in this villa.
It’s just that Dashang Zhushan overestimated his own mind, and at the same time overestimated Qian Jian’s mind.
The two of them studied for quite a long time, but neither of them solved the puzzle and found the treasure.
In the end, there was really no other way. If the treasure was not found, Dashang Zhushan would not be able to repay the previous loan.
Therefore, I can only invite other famous detectives to help solve the puzzle and find the treasure.
Of course, Dashang Zhushan is ready to kill all the detectives after they help solve the puzzle and find the treasure!
Even the descendants of Qianjian will not let go!
All the treasures in this villa belong to him! !
It’s just that Dashang Zhushan didn’t expect that he was actually cheated by someone!
Just when he came to this villa, he was knocked down by a young man with an anesthetic needle.
【Who is that person? 】
Dashang Zhushan struggled to move his body and let himself sit up.
But it can’t be done at all!
His feet were bent at the knees, and his calves were stacked on top of his thighs.
Handcuffs then bound his wrists and ankles together.
If it is someone else, you can also squat yourself by curling up.
But Dashang Zhushan can’t do it.
He is too fat!
The fat belly was even more exaggerated than October pregnancy, which made it impossible for him to shrink his legs, let alone squat himself.
Dashang Zhushan struggled for a long time, but still could only lie on the ground.
Tired of struggling, Dashang Zhushan tilted his head to the other side, only to realize that there were other people in this room!
One is Detective Hakuba, a high school student detective, and the other… is Shinichi Kudo, a high school student detective? ?
But why was his clothes stripped off?
Just a pair of shorts.
Although, it is true that Kudo Shinichi was in their initial list, but that guy did not give any reply.
In the end, he came secretly?
Then there was another person with the back of his head facing him, so Dashang Zhushan couldn’t see the other person’s face.
However, according to the previously prepared list, that person should be the detective Haruka Motegi.
Apart from these few people, there was only one child and an eagle that was also handcuffed in this room.
All the invited male detectives were arrested? ?
“Hey! Wake up.ˇ! Dashang Zhushan shouted in a low voice.
He could always hear the knocking sound of DuangDuangDuang, so he didn’t dare to shout too loudly, for fear of attracting that person.
Although I don’t know who he is, it is certain that that person is also looking for the treasure in this villa.
Otherwise, the whole room would not be demolished.
If you attract that person, who knows what that person will do to you.
If the situation is better, I will anesthetize myself with an anesthetic needle.
If the situation is worse, you may kill yourself directly.
So it’s better to be careful.
But what gave Dashang Zhushan a headache was that he yelled several times, but he couldn’t wake up the people in front of him.
There was no way, in the end, he could only move his fat body with difficulty, and crawled towards the white horse closest to him, wriggling over.
After wriggling for a while, Dashang Zhushan finally came to Baima Tan’s side.
Then he opened his mouth and bit Bai Ma Tan’s arm.
“Ah!!” Bai Ma Tan’s painful body twitched and he woke up.
“Hush! Keep your voice down, don’t call people over!!” Dashang Zhushan quickly stopped him.
“??” Baima Tan looked at Dashang Zhushan, who had almost slipped into his arms, with obvious disgust in his eyes.
But at this time, he also realized that he had been kidnapped.

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