And he has also seen the eagle ‘Watson’ who is tied to him.
Detective Baima didn’t ask Dashang Zhushan in front of him what happened to them.
Instead, curl your legs up, twist your body, and let yourself lie on the ground.
Then he exerted force on his abdomen and sat up with a swish.
The senior Zhu Shan beside him looked at Tan Baima enviously.
He also wanted to sit up so chicly, but the conditions simply didn’t allow it.
With that big belly in the way, he couldn’t even do the small movement of pulling his legs in front of him.
Baima Tan glanced at the entire room, and then confirmed their situation.
Compared with listening to people, he believed in his eyes more.
“¨” Are you a foodie Dashang Zhushan? “Bai Ma Tan then looked at the fat man beside him.
These people here are all relatively well-known detectives in China, so it is not surprising that he would know Dashang Zhushan.
“Yes, it’s me. If I’m not mistaken, you should be the high school student detective White Horse Detective?” Osami Zhushan said.
“Well, how did you get arrested?” Tan Baima asked while checking the status of his pet ‘Watson’.
The wings appear to be injured, but they are still alive.
“I was stunned by a young man who was about 1.85 meters tall with a tranquilizer gun. I woke up here.” Dashang Zhushan gritted his teeth and said bitterly.
He was the planner of the banquet, and it was a shame that he was plotted against!
“It seems that everyone’s experience should be the same.” Baima Tan looked at the few people who hadn’t woken up yet.
“Mr. Baima, can you open the handcuffs? My position is really uncomfortable…” Dashang Zhushan said aggrievedly lying on the ground.
Because of too much fat on his body, his knees couldn’t be fully bent, and there was still a big angle between his calf and thigh.
His hands were handcuffed together with his ankles.
His whole person now presents a triangular posture completely.
Fortunately, it was the wrist tied to the ankle. If it was the neck, he would have been strangled to death by now.
“Unfortunately, I can’t open the handcuffs without the key. But, oh, we can ask someone else.”
Baima Tan picked up his pet eagle, squatted on the ground, and moved with difficulty to the stripped Kaitou Kidd.
He pinched Phantom Thief Kidd fiercely with his nails.
Kaitou Kidd woke up from the pain in an instant.
Then I saw that there was a foot in front of me!
199. The Phantom Thief Kidd Paniced (Please Subscribe!)
Kaitou Kidd was woken up by the white horse detective, saw the big feet next to his face, and tilted his head back. Then I felt that my hands and feet were bound.
Immediately afterwards, he also found that all his clothes had been stripped off, leaving only a pair of shorts.
Kaitou Kidd was completely dumbfounded.
He already remembered what happened before.
But what he couldn’t understand was, why did that guy strip all his clothes off? ?
Is he shameless?
“Are you a new Kudo couple? Will you open the handcuffs?” Baima saw that “Phantom Thief Kidd” was still in a daze, so he simply asked.
No one has ever seen Kaito Kidd, but the high school detective Kudo Shinichi often appears on TV, newspapers and other media.
Although high school student detective Kudo Shinichi hasn’t shown his face for a while, his fame is still there after all.
At this time, Tan Baima still didn’t know that Kaito Kuroba was Kaito Kidd.
The people invited here this time are all detectives.
And Kaito Kuroba is just an ordinary high school student, at most he knows a little magic, so it is unreasonable to appear here.
Kudo Shinichi is different. He is a high school student detective, so it is reasonable to appear here.
That’s why Detective Hakuba mistook Kuroba Kaito for Kudo Shinichi.
Kaitou Kidd was startled.
The white horse detective called himself Kudo Shinichi?
So the camouflage on his face was also torn off by that guy, right?
It’s okay, okay, Tan Baima didn’t call himself Kuaidou, or else he would show his face just now.
Phantom Thief Kidd rejoiced in his heart.
The next moment, Kaitou Kidd also retracted his feet, twisted his body, and letLying down by myself, and then exerting force on the abdomen, the whole person sat up directly.
Fat detective Osami Zhushan on the side also looked at ‘Kidd the Phantom Thief’ with envy.
He also wants to sit up so chicly!
However, his strength did not allow him, and his fat body made him lie on the ground.
“If you want to open the lock, I know a little bit. But, is there anything like a wire?” Kaitou Kidd looked at Tan Baima and Dashang Zhushan.
As a thief, lockpicking is a basic skill.
But without tools, he is also a clever woman who can’t cook without rice.
All that was stripped off was a pair of shorts, and all the props he had hidden on his body were gone.
Without props, even he has nothing to do.
Bai Ma Tan frowned, why would he have that kind of thing on him.
Helpless, he could only look at Dashang Zhushan who was still lying on the ground beside him.
“Is that… an earwax rake?” Dashang Zhushan asked.
There is no other wire-like thing on him, the only one is the earwax rake hanging from the key.
“Yes!” Kaitou Kidd nodded quickly.
With that thing, he can unlock the handcuffs on his body!
“It’s in my right trouser pocket, hanging with the key.” Dashang Zhushan tilted his head to the right, indicating the location of the things to the two.
White Horse Detective was about to move, but Kaitou Kidd moved first.
“Let me come. Your eagle is inconvenient.” Kaitou Kidd coordinated his hands and feet, and quickly moved to Dashang Zhushan’s side.
Reaching into his pants pocket, he took out a bunch of keys.
On the key, there was indeed an earwax rake.
Kaitou Kidd immediately beamed with joy, and stabbed the earwax rake into the keyhole of the handcuffs.
Kala~ Kala~
Within two seconds, Kaito Kidd uncuffed his left hand.
Kala~ Kala~
The handcuffs on his right hand were also removed.
Next are the two feet.
“Oh, I’m finally comfortable~!” Kaitou Kidd stood up and stretched comfortably.
The hands and feet were handcuffed together, and the whole body was curled up, which was simply too uncomfortable.
“Hey! Mr. Kudo, please help me untie it quickly!” Osami Zhushan said impatiently.
Lying on the ground in such a posture, he was almost dying of pain.
“No problem~ no problem~”
Kaitou Kidd undid the handcuffs on Dashang Zhushan with two or three clicks.
Then he helped Baima Tan untie it.
And then there’s Conan who hasn’t woken up yet.
After unlocking Conan’s handcuffs, he also pinched Conan awake.
“It hurts~!”
Seeing that Conan woke up, Kaitou Kidd dropped Conan directly and walked to the last person.
Open all his handcuffs first, then turn him over, and prepare to strangle him awake.
As a result, as soon as he turned Motegi Haruki over, he was startled by Motegi Haruki with blood on his face.
Conan on the side was staring at Kaitou Kid in a daze.
Who is this man? Why do you look exactly like yourself?
Could it be… Phantom Thief Kidd! ? ?
Hearing Kaitou Kidd’s shout, and seeing Mogi Haruki with blood on his face, he hurried to Mogi Haruji’s side to check his situation.
“Not dead, still alive.” Conan breathed a sigh of relief.
He thought that Mr. Motegi was dead just now.
The Kaitou Kidd was taken aback just now, and felt a little ashamed, so he strangled Haruka Mogi awake with his own hands to save himself some face.
“Hiss…!!!” Mogi Haruki woke up sucking in the air-conditioning.
“Am I… dead?” Mogi Haruki lay on the ground, looking at the people around him.

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