But if Kudo Shinichi took it off by himself…
Is he a pervert?
“Ah… this, I don’t know either. As soon as the door opened, I was shot unconscious with a tranquilizer gun, and I was with you when I woke up.”
“What happened in the middle, I have no memory at all.”
“Maybe… that person is my Kudou Shinichi’s enemy? It is possible that his relatives or lovers have been sent to prison by me.” The strange thief pretended to be calm and analyzed while pinching his cock.
How dare he say that his disguise has been seen through.
The moment he took out his poker gun, the man saw through his identity.
It was obvious that the man knew himself very well.
Kaitou Kidd even suspected that that person might be his fan!
【asshole! You are obviously my fan, but you don’t save me any face! 】
[Even if you are afraid of me running away, don’t just leave me a pair of shorts! 】Eight.
201. Fatty Detective: No one wants to leave! (Please subscribe!)
“Well, there is indeed a possibility.” Conan squeezed the bar and nodded.
He himself knows best how many criminals he has caught and sent to prison.
Like the former Moriya Teiji, didn’t he hate himself because he put the former mayor of Nishitama City in prison.
Although Teiji Moriya and the former mayor of Nishitama City are not relatives, friends or lovers, they have a close relationship of interests.
This is enough to make Moriya Teiji resent himself.
So Conan is very clear about how many enemies he has provoked.
But he doesn’t care.
If he was afraid of provoking enemies, then he would not have embarked on the road of detective.
As long as the truth can be unraveled, it doesn’t matter if he is hated by the murderer.
“Well, what are you thinking now? Leave here first and call the police. Or arrest the guy who stunned us with the tranquilizer gun first?” Kaitou Kidd quickly changed the subject .
Anyway, just don’t stare at your identity and chat.
These people here are all very famous and famous detectives. Kaito Kidd can’t guarantee that these people won’t see through their identities if there are too many things exposed.
If his identity is really found out, how will he escape when he is only wearing a pair of shorts?
All the props are gone, the tools for disguise are gone, and the human skin mask made in advance is gone.
He has nothing and can’t escape at all.
So, don’t delve into the issue of your own identity, and think about how to get out of here.
Kaitou Kidd wanted to leave quickly anyway.
That person is too evil, it’s better to leave as soon as possible.
“I don’t care what you plan, I have to arrest that guy before I’m reconciled.” Haruhime Mogi stood up with a bloody face.
He didn’t think the guy who attacked them before was strong.
The reason why that guy was able to arrest him was entirely because of the sneak attack!
Now that he is prepared, it is impossible to lose to that guy who can only sneak attack!
You know, even if he was hunted down by the mafia in Chicago, he was never afraid.
How can you be afraid of a guy who can only sneak attack?
“I also intend to catch that person first.” Tan Baima gently stroked the pet eagle in his arms.
‘Watson’ has been following him for several years.
The guy wounded Watson’s wing, stunned himself with a tranquilizer gun, and left himself in a dusty room littered with construction debris.
He must avenge this revenge with his own hands.
“I also want to rescue Uncle Maori and Sister Xiaolan.” Conan also said.
Xiaolan doesn’t know where she is now, let alone how she is.
How could he just leave first?
Upon hearing this, Grand Master Zhu Shan was overjoyed.
He was thinking just now that he wanted to find a chance to blow up the wooden bridge leading from the villa to the outside world.
Now it seems that there is no need to detonate the bomb.
These people had no intention of leaving directly!
He only needs to get back the few guns placed in those rooms, and he can slowly kill everyone!
This dusk villa is located in a remote place, surrounded by mountains.
There are no other residents in the vicinity for several miles, and the nearest village is two kilometers away.
This is still a straight line distance.
Even if you shoot here, the sound of the gun will be greatly weakened by the forest, so you don’t have to worry about being heard by others.
As long as you kill all the people here, then all the gold in this villa will be yours! !
With gold worth hundreds of billions, I can live a lifetime in style! !
“I have to find that guy first! I was invited to enjoy the food, and the guy who made me miss the food will not be forgiven!” Dashang Zhu Shan also stood up and said in agreement.
Kaitou Kidd’s claws.
“Hey! Are you all planning to stay? That guy has a gun in his hand!”
“Although it’s just an anesthesia gun, as long as we are shot, we will lose our mobility in an instant!”
“And, if that guy knewWe broke free, and we will definitely be imprisoned with stricter methods next time. ”
“It’s even possible to kill us directly!” Kaitou Kidd looked at these people in front of him speechlessly.
Aren’t these people in front of them all clever detectives?
Why does he feel that these people are reckless?
“So, we have to plan first,” Motegi said.
“That’s right, except for this brat, we are all well-known detectives outside. If we escape like this, how can we be worthy of our title as a detective?” Dashang Zhushan glanced at Conan next to him and said .
Anyway, he doesn’t want anyone to leave here…
Conan didn’t speak.
He was more confident than the others that he could handle that man.
Because, all the props on him are still there!
Anesthesia watch, foot-strengthening shoes, football belt, etc., all still on him.
He can completely anesthetize that guy with an anesthetic needle while his attention is on others.
Kaito Kidd was really speechless.
That guy doesn’t just have an anesthesia gun, he’s also very skilled.
Being able to avoid your own poker cards at close range shows how fast the opponent’s reaction is.
Also, when he knocked on the door before, that guy almost instantly knocked down all four people standing at the door with an anesthesia gun.
Although there is a certain sneak attack element in this, it is also enough to prove that the opponent’s skill is very strong.
How can they compete with each other with bare hands?
Forget it, forget it, slip away by yourself.
“I won’t be with you anymore. I only have a pair of shorts left all over my body. I can’t help you much.”
“Let’s split up and go catch that guy. I’ll go down the mountain to help everyone call the police and call for an inspection.” Kaitou Kidd looked at everyone and said.
He was afraid of doing it again, the man didn’t even keep the last pair of shorts for him.
“Whatever.” Tan Baima didn’t care.
He was a proud man, and even if he was alone, he would have stayed to arrest the one who kidnapped them.
Conan glanced at Kaitou Kidd, but didn’t say anything.
The most important thing now is to rescue Xiaolan and find out the person who kidnapped them.
As for Kaitou Kidd, let him go this time.
Only Dashang Zhu Shan had a gloomy look in his eyes.
This well-known high school detective Shinichi Kudo actually wants to escape!
It seems that we can only blow up the wooden bridge leading to the outside world.
As long as the wooden bridge is blown up, this villa will become an isolated island, and no one can leave here.
However, it cannot be fried now.
After this guy leaves the villa, look for a chance to detonate the bomb.
Don’t let other people notice your actions.
the other side.
The maid who was first shot by the anesthesia needle also woke up at this time.
She was woken up by the knocking sound.
Immediately after waking up, I found that I seemed to have been kidnapped! .

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