202. Behind-the-scenes black hands have their own ghosts (please subscribe!)
The maid’s body flexibility is still good.
With his hands and feet handcuffed together, he squatted up easily.
The maid carefully moved to the side of the beautiful detective.
“Miss Guntian? Miss Guntian?” The maid pushed the beautiful detective with her hand and called out in a low voice.
She was also afraid of alarming the kidnappers.
If the kidnapper came back and found her awake, would he kill her? ?
As for her acquaintance with the beautiful detective, it was not surprising at all.
In fact, every detective’s invitation letter was sent by this maid herself.
And in order to serve every detective well, the owner of the villa, Shi Shi sent her the photos of every detective.
And remembering the appearance of every detective is the job she should do as a maid.
If you can’t even confirm the identity of the guests, how can you be a good maid?
Therefore, she not only knew this beautiful detective, but also knew the old lady next to her, who was a descendant of Qian Jian.
He is a famous detective who is said to be able to solve the case while lying in an easy chair and listening.
Detective Baima and others who were separated from them, this maid is also known to every famous detective.
After shouting for a long time, the beautiful detective Gun Tian Yumi finally woke up.
Guntian Yumi, who just woke up, noticed her state immediately.
Immediately recall what happened before.
She understood that she had been kidnapped!
“Great, Miss Guntian, you finally woke up!” Seeing Guntian Yumei wake up, the maid was very happy.
Finally, I am not alone in this desperate situation.
Guntian Ikumi is a very famous detective, and before becoming a detective, she was a prosecutor!
That’s why the maid was the first to wake up Guntian Ikumi.
She was praying that Gunida Ikumi would find a way to uncuff them.
“Are you… the maid here?” Guntian Yumi looked at the maid in front of her.
The maid also wore an apron in front of her body.
Combined with the environment of this villa, only maids can dress like this.
And the man who opened the door before should be a guy who has occupied the magpie’s nest.
It’s just that she doesn’t know the other party’s purpose yet.
“Yeah!” The maid nodded repeatedly.
Ms. Qiangtian is really amazing, just by looking at herself, she knows that she is the maid here!
“Miss Gunda, what should we do now?” The maid looked at Gunda Yumi helplessly.
All her hopes now are pinned on Guntian Yumi.
Guntian Yumi didn’t speak, but turned over, and then sat up easily.Then he took a strange-shaped ‘key’ from the shoe, stuffed it into the handcuffs and turned it twice, and the handcuffs were opened.
As a former prosecutor and now engaged in detective work, it is natural to prepare some self-defense gadgets.
In addition to not having a gun, she has a lot of gadgets for self-defense.
“Miss Gunda!!” Seeing Guntian Yumi undoing the handcuffs, the maid suddenly became excited.
She is saved!
“Shhhhhhhhh!” Guntian Yumi hurriedly signaled the maid to whisper.
Before escaping, the kidnappers must not be alarmed.
The maid quickly closed her mouth and nodded repeatedly.
After uncuffing all the handcuffs that bound her, Guntian Ikumi helped the maid uncuff them as well.
“That’s…?” Guntian Yumei looked at the old lady who was lying on the ground and hadn’t woken up yet.
The old lady turned sideways, with her back turned to her, and Guntian Yumei naturally didn’t recognize it. The old lady was a descendant of a famous detective.
“That should be Ms. Qianjian Jiangdai.” The maid said.
There were only two female detectives invited this time.
One of them is Gunida Ikumi, and the other is Chima Kodai.
Although the maid didn’t see Qianjian Jiangdai’s face, she also guessed her identity.
“Ms. Sengen?” Guntian Yumi walked up to Sengen Koyo, and found that it was her.
Immediately, she also used her strangely shaped key to uncuff the handcuffs for Qianjian Xiangdai.
Then he also summoned Qian Jian to Hu Xing.
“This is me…” Qianjian Jiangdai was old after all.
Although he has a good mind when he is awake, he has just woken up from a coma and is still a little confused for the time being.
“Ms. Qianjian, we were kidnapped, don’t you remember?” Guntian Yumi reminded.
In fact, there is no need for Guntian Ikumi to remind, Chigen Jiangdai has already recalled what happened before the coma after asking.
He came to the villa with Mori Kogoro and others, but was attacked.
As soon as the pistol was drawn out, she was brought down with a tranquilizer gun.
The gun must have been taken too.
“Thank you, I’ve already remembered.” Qianjian Jiangdai sat up and said.
“Miss Guntian, Ms. Qianjian, let’s get out of here quickly and go down the mountain to call the police.” The maid looked at the two worriedly.
“Don’t worry, that person hasn’t found us yet.” Gun Tian Yumei didn’t panic at all.
It can only be said that these people are worthy of being detectives, and they can keep calm when encountering anything.
And I don’t like looking for inspections when encountering things, and I like to solve them by myself.
Maids can’t do it.
“This house… was originally like this?” Qianjian Jiangdai looked at the room.
As her house, she also studied here for a long time with Osami Zhushan.
She knows every room like the back of her hand.
But no room is like this.
The whole room has been knocked down, leaving only the cement wall.
Coupled with the knocking sound of Duang~Duang~Duang~, it is clear that someone is demolishing her home!
But she can’t show that she is very familiar with this villa, so she has to let the maid speak out.
“No, every 130 rooms in the villa were originally good. I don’t know what’s going on with this room.” The maid quickly explained.
“That person should be destroying this villa.” Guntian Yumi said.
After finishing speaking, she and Qianjian Jiangdai walked to the corner of the room at the same time, and found the gold powder on the ground.
“As for the purpose, it should be related to these gold powders.” Guntian Yumi said.
“Yeah, it must be related to these gold powders.” Qianjian Jiangdai sighed.
Seeing the gold powder on the ground and the rooms that were dismantled into rough houses, Qianjian Jiangdai already knew what the treasure of this villa was and where it was hidden.
She didn’t expect that she and Dashang Zhushan had studied here for such a long time, but they didn’t discover this secret.
It turned out that the treasure that my father was looking for was the gold hidden in this villa.
And his father died because of the gold.
It’s really sad.
However, if Dashang Zhushan knew that the treasure in this villa was the gold, he would be very happy, right?
After all, he bought this villa with himself just for money.
And she also knew that Dashang Zhushan had already planned to kill everyone as soon as the treasure was found.
And that includes her too!
Now that the treasure is found, she can go and kill Dashang Zhushan.
203. Detectives’ Counterattack (Please Subscribe!)
Guan Zu was still tearing down the villa, digging out all the gold buried in the walls.
Most of the entire second floor has been demolished by him.
Before dawn, the second floor will definitely be demolished.
Even part of the first floor was demolished.
Guan Zu estimated that according to the current progress.
By the day after tomorrow at the latest, the gold in the entire villa can be completely removed.
And Guan Zu, who devoted himself to the gold digging work, didn’t realize at all that the detectives he arrested had all broken free from the handcuffs.
He was already guarding against Kaitou Kidd, but he forgot to take away the other people’s things as well.

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