As a result, as soon as the door of the villa was opened, she was shot unconscious with a tranquilizer gun.
Now 200 and more than half of the night has passed.
Although when sleeping, people’s metabolic rate is relatively slow.
But Xiaolan still felt that her bladder was about to explode.
But she didn’t dare to get off the bed without authorization.
Because she is not sure whether what my kidnapper said before will keep her from getting out of bed for a while, or whether she can’t get out of bed all the time.
In case she gets out of bed, her feetAfter occupying the land, what should the kidnappers do if they killed those two people?
Although, she didn’t know those two people.
But she, who is naturally kind, does not want to let two living lives disappear because of herself.
So she can only endure.
Wait until the kidnapper comes back, and then ask the kidnapper to go to the bathroom with her.
It’s just that this feeling of patience is really uncomfortable.
Guan Zu tied up all the other people, and this time returned to the room where Xiaolan was held.
He had to go and get rid of the two bodies there.
Although it is not very hot now, the temperature is still twenty-seven or eight degrees.
He still needs to work non-stop for at least one more day to pry away all the gold in the entire villa.
These two corpses have been kept here for fear they will stink.
And Xiaolan is timid, afraid of ghosts and dead people.
It’s okay when there are many people, but when she is alone, seeing a dead body in the room and a dead body lying at the door, she will probably be so scared that she can’t sleep all night.
As soon as Guan Zu entered, Xiao Lan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly sat up.
“Sir…I want to go to the bathroom…” Xiaolan said with a flushed face.
Part of this blushing is shyness, but more of it is urinating.
“Going to the toilet? Of course it’s okay.” Guan Zu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement.
He even forgot that these people who were arrested by him also wanted to eat and drink.
Eating and drinking can be tolerated for a while, but Lazar really can’t bear it.
My stomach is only that big, I have been holding back, fearing that it will break in the end.
Guan Zu came to Xiaolan’s side and immediately hugged her princess.
There is no toilet in this room, you have to go outside to use the toilet.
Being picked up by Guan Zu, Xiao Lan didn’t dare to chew or struggle.
Now she just wants to go to the toilet to release the pressure in her stomach. She is worried that if she relaxes a little, she will lose control.
After a while, Guan Zu carried Xiaolan to the bathroom, put her down, and then released the handcuffs on her hands.
“Okay, go on by yourself. Don’t delay too long.”
After speaking, Guan Zu walked out of the bathroom and closed the door.
The sound of running water lasted for quite a long time, and it seemed that Xiaolan was really going to hold her breath to the limit.
After a while, Xiaolan came out with a blushing face.
Guan Zu took a look and saw that the handcuffs had been put on by herself.
“Very good~” Guan Zu praised.
Xiaolan smiled awkwardly.
If it wasn’t because Dad and Conan were still in the kidnapper’s hands…
If it weren’t for the handcuffs on her feet…
If it weren’t for being unable to beat…
She had to try anyway, to attack the kidnapper.
But in her current state, she can’t move half of her foot, and her mobility is greatly limited. She should be obedient and don’t offend this kidnapper.
At least for now, the kidnapper doesn’t appear to have plans to kill all of them.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t be left behind, just kill them just like they did with Ms. Qianjian and another fat gentleman.
But the kidnapper didn’t kill them, which means he didn’t intend to kill them.
Guan Zu carried Xiaolan back to the previous room again.
Then he grabbed Dashang Zhushan’s foot and dragged him out of the room.
When he reached the door, he grabbed Qianjian Jiangdai’s foot and dragged the two corpses away.
Dashang Zhu Shan was fine, but his neck was broken, but he didn’t shed any blood.
Although his face was dragged on the ground, the floor was smooth, so it wouldn’t rub his face to blood.
Qianjian Jiangdai is old and miserable here.
The head was shot by a bullet, and a lot of blood flowed out, even mixed with some tofu-like things.
This dragged her on the ground, and the ground was a bloodstained strip.
The construction time of this villa is at least 70 or 80 years, and it may even be built hundreds of years ago.
This architectural style looks like a haunted house.
Now with the blood on the ground, it feels more like a haunted house.
Of course, Guan Zu is not afraid.
Not afraid of the living, but afraid of haunted houses?
Moreover, although Conan’s world is scientific, it has never been haunted. Even if there are suspected haunted incidents, it is man-made.
Then there is no need to be afraid of haunted houses.
Guan Zu dragged the two corpses from upstairs to downstairs.
When he came down the stairs, Oshang Zhushan’s body was also smashed to pieces.
Then the bloodstain on the ground changed from one to two.
Guan Zu dragged the two corpses to the backyard and randomly threw them in a corner of the backyard.
They didn’t bury them, they just left them in the open air.
He didn’t have time to dig a hole for these two.
After finishing these, Guan Zu returned to the second floor to continue his gold digging work.
There are only the last few rooms left on the second floor. After finishing the second floor, you can move to the first floor.
Finally, all the outer walls were removed, and the gold of this villa was almost gone.
The jingling sound continued, and the others suffered.
Before they were in a coma, they couldn’t hear the sound of Guan Zu demolishing the house.
It’s uncomfortable now, the noise is constant, and they can’t sleep at all.
None of them had eaten or drank any water at night, and now they are suffering from the noise all the time.
It was more uncomfortable than being in a coma before.
Soon, more discomfort came.
Conan wants to go to the bathroom too! !
And it’s still big!
“Is there anyone!! I want to go to the toilet!!!”.
210. Conan: I don’t want to live anymore! (Please subscribe!)
Guan Zu didn’t hear Conan’s cry.
Of course, even if he heard it, he would pretend he didn’t hear it.
What does it have to do with Conan going to the toilet or something?
I couldn’t help it anymore, so I just pulled up my pants. Anyway, I didn’t do it when I was young.
Just remember the same year.
Anyway, don’t delay him digging for gold.
Conan shouted in the room for a long time, but he didn’t see anyone coming.The color is getting greener.
This kidnapper is too hateful! ! Not humane at all! !
In his heart, Conan scolded the kidnapper countless times.
But it didn’t work.
Half an hour later, Conan’s face turned black.
Because he couldn’t take it anymore.
At this moment, Conan’s mind went blank, and he couldn’t think of anything in his head.
After a while, Conan’s consciousness returned.
【It’s over… It’s all over…】
【If Xiaolan sees this… Ah! ! Kill me! ! 】
Conan felt that he had lost all face in his life.
The only thing that makes him fortunate is that his current identity is ‘Conan’, not Kudo Shinichi.

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