Conan also swears in his heart that he will never let Xiaolan know that he is Kudo Shinichi! !
Let ‘Conan’ carry this black history!
Except for Conan, everyone else is not feeling well.
Tan Hakuba, Haruki Motegi, and Ikumi Gunida also faced the problem of wanting to go to the toilet one after another.
Conan’s shouts were heard by them in the next room.
So I knew that the kidnapper had no intention of controlling them at all.
They did not waste their energy in shouting.
No one knows how long the kidnappers will hold them, and whether they will be given food after dawn.
It’s better to save energy.
As for going to the toilet or something, let it be.
Everyone who survived is the same, and after they get out, no one will mention this matter.
Guan Zu rattled and rattled all night, from the second floor to the first floor.
After dawn, he was still destroying the villa.
Guan Zu’s stomach growled.
Looking at the time, it was past eight o’clock in the morning.
“Going to make breakfast…it’s a waste of time.”
“Why don’t we just buy some convenience food from the system store? It seems that I feel too wronged…” Guan Zu rubbed his stomach that had already started to growl.
“By the way, just let Xiaolan cook.” Guan Zu had a flash of inspiration.
Let Xiaolan cook for him, so he won’t be wasting his time digging for gold.
Just wait for Xiaolan to finish the meal, and he can go directly to eat.
As for whether Xiaolan will poison the food?
Guan Zu was not worried.
Xiaolan is such a kind person, if she is asked to poison and kill people, she will definitely not do it.
More importantly, Xiaolan doesn’t have poison either.
Just do it.
Guan Zu put down the pickaxe and went to the room where Xiao Lan was held.
“Miss Xiaolan, are you hungry?” Guan Zu opened the handcuffs that bound Xiaolan’s hands and feet.
“Sir…do you need me to cook?” Xiaolan was not stupid at all.
“Smart!” Guan Zu praised.
“It’s okay to cook, but… I hope you will allow me to cook some food for everyone.” Xiaolan asked.
From noon yesterday to now, Xiaolan has been in a state of not eating or drinking.
She is starving.
So she was sure that Dad, Conan, and others must all be starving too.
The kidnapper asked her to cook, she must not be hungry.
But, she hopes, other people can eat a little, too.
“Emmm… okay.” Guan Zu thought for a while, and agreed to Xiaolan’s request.
Make food for other people to eat, so it can better ensure the safety of food.
“Thank you very much!” Xiaolan thanked quickly.
“If you want to thank me, make the food as delicious as possible.” Guan Zu said.
Xiaolan went to the kitchen to cook.
In order to guard Xiaolan and prevent her from untying others, Guan Zu took a pickaxe to dig for gold outside the kitchen.
Anyway, all the gold has to be dug, so it doesn’t matter if you dig here first.
After nearly an hour, Xiaolan finally prepared everyone’s breakfast.
The breakfast was divided into ten portions.
“I don’t know how many people there are here, so I made ten breakfasts in total.” Xiao Lan said looking at Guan Zu.
“There are only six people, the rest can be put here.” Guan Zu said.
“Okay.” Xiaolan nodded obediently.
Then put six breakfasts in the cart and send them to others.
Guan Zu naturally accompanied him.
The villa has a very old style small lift.
The two walked into the elevator together and pushed the cart to the second floor.
Guan Zuxian took Xiaolan to the room where Guntian Yumei was held.
0・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・
Guan Zu came to the bed and untied the rope from Gun Tian Yumei’s hands.
“It’s time to eat, beautiful lady.” Guan Zu said.
Xiao Lan helped up a bedside table that had fallen to the ground, then took out a breakfast from the cart and put it on the bedside table.
“Um… I want to go to the bathroom first!” Said Ikumi Gunida, crossing her feet.
In fact, she was almost at the limit.
If there is still no one coming, then she can only completely release herself.
Fortunately, someone came in the morning!
Guan Zu raised his eyebrows.
He didn’t expect that this beautiful detective actually endured all night?
This is also great.
“Miss Xiaolan, you can go with her.” Guan Zu looked at Xiaolan.
“The only wooden bridge leaving here has collapsed, don’t try to escape~! If you escape, the rest of you will be executed~!” Guan Zu threatened.
.. 0 0
“We won’t escape!” Xiao Lan promised quickly.
Papa and Conan are still here.
Xiaolan left with Guntian Yumei, and Guan Zu picked up the breakfast on the bedside table and ate it.
He firmly believed that Xiaolan would not prepare poisonous food for a stranger.
Guan Zu ate very quickly, he ate a portion of breakfast in a hurryFinish.
A breakfast is not huge but enough.
Guan Zu put another breakfast on the previous bedside table.
At this time, Xiaolan and Guntian Yumei came back.
“Hurry up and eat, you only have ten minutes to eat.” Guan Zu looked at Gun Tian Yumei and said.
After speaking, he looked at Xiaolan again: “Continue to deliver breakfast to others.”
Xiaolan pushed the cart and went out.
“The next three rooms are all, I will only wait here for ten minutes. After ten minutes, I will use an anesthesia needle to knock everyone out.” Guan Zu stood in the corridor, holding a mobile phone in his hand to start the timer .
He was too lazy to run from room to room.
And most importantly, he could no longer smell the stench coming from the front.
The people in the next three rooms must have their pants pulled up.
Upon hearing this, Xiaolan hurriedly pushed the cart to the next room.
She doesn’t want everyone to go hungry.
Especially I don’t want my father and Conan to go hungry.
Guan Zu held his mobile phone and looked at the forest outside the window.
[I don’t know where Phantom Thief Kidd is now. If he escapes, the police will arrive soon, right? 】
[You have to hurry up! 】
211. Mori Kogoro: Come save me! (Please subscribe!)
Xiaolan delivered breakfast to the people in the three rooms behind one by one.
Every time you enter a room, you will smell something strange.
The rooms of Hakuba Tan and Motegi Haruki smell foul, while Conan’s room smells like Kaoru’s fainting human hair.
When Conan saw Xiaolan walk in, he was in despair.
What he was most worried about happened.
Xiao Lan saw the shit on her body!
Direct social death ah!
This also made Conan swear that Xiaolan must never know that he is Kudo Shinichi.

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