He was by no means a true adventurer!
However, Guan Zu slightly changed the plots of treasure-hunting movies such as Indiana Jones, National Treasure, Mummy, and Tomb Raider, and put them on himself, and told these people.
Everyone was attracted by Guan Zu’s life of treasure hunting.
Even Xiao Ai is the same!
Is the life of an explorer so thrilling?
Xiao Ai even wondered if Guan Zu was really an explorer before? ?
“Mr. Guan, you have been to so many places to explore, so you must have found a lot of treasures, right?` 〃?” Mouri Kogoro changed the name of Guan Zu.
He used to be called ‘Guan’ boy, but now he is Mr. Guan!
When I heard that Guan Zu was an adventurer before, I was just a little surprised, because the profession of an adventurer is too rare.
But now, Guan Zu has been to so many places and experienced so many dangers.
This is clearly an experienced explorer!
Although young, it is also worthy of respect!
“It is true that a lot of treasures have been found.”
“My sports car, the house I live in, and the helicopter that arrived just a few days ago were all bought with the treasures I found.” Guan Zu said with a smile.
“Explorers make so much money!??” Mori Kogoro was shocked.
This is a house, a sports car, and even a helicopter!
Is this something ordinary people can afford? ?
He hasn’t bought a car yet!
It’s not that I can’t afford it, and I’m not willing to buy it.
It takes money to buy a car, and it takes a lot of money to maintain a car.
Not only do you have to pay for insurance, but you also need money to drive out and refuel.
So Mori Kogoro usually goes out, he takes a taxi directly if he is nearby, and rents a car directly if he is farther away.
anyway thanIt’s cheap to buy a car.
And this Guan Zu, who is not a few years older than Xiao Lan, actually relied on expeditions to find treasures, bought a car, a house, and even bought a helicopter!
This is too exaggerated!
He was a little moved by what he said! !
Thinking about whether to quit being a detective altogether and follow Guan Zu to become an adventurer.
“The last time you were guests at home, I didn’t give you any gifts. It’s really rude. This is a gift for meeting, so let’s give it to everyone.” Guan Zu took out three gold coins from his pocket.
This is the gold coin found in the treasure of the female pirate Ann Bonnie.
Most of the gold coins were sold directly to the system store by Guan Zu, and he only kept a small amount of gold coins as collections.
Guan Zu handed three gold coins to Yuanzi, Xiaolan and Mori Kogoro respectively.
A gold coin of more than 30 grams is worth 200,000 days. Easy to shake.
It is basically equivalent to half a month’s salary of a college student who has just graduated.
“I will definitely keep it well~!” Yuanzi obviously liked this gold coin very much.
It’s not that the value of the gold coin itself is so high.
In fact, Sonoko has played with many babies as toys, and babies worth hundreds of millions are the same for her.
But this gold coin is different!
This is a gift from Guan Zu!
“It’s too expensive, I can’t take it~!” Xiaolan declined.
A gold coin, the value of gold alone is worth a lot of money.
Not to mention, this gold coin still looks like an antique.
That’s even more valuable.
“Student Xiaolan, don’t refuse. It’s just a gold coin~” Guan Zu said with a smile.
“That’s right! Xiaolan, this is Mr. Guan’s good intentions! How can we refuse!!” Maori Kogoro drove the car with one hand, took the gold coin with the other, put it in his mouth and took a bite.
“` ‖Dad!” Seeing her father biting the gold coin, Xiaolan felt her face was completely humiliated by her father.
Will Mr. Guan Zu still give them fake gold coins?
The calculation is really fake, and you can’t bite it in front of others!
What a shame!
“Hahaha~~Mr. Guan, don’t mind. I just haven’t seen gold coins, so I’m a little curious~hahaha…” Mori Kogoro also realized that his behavior was a little rude, so he smiled awkwardly .
“It’s okay, when I found the treasure for the first time, I had the same reaction as Mr. Mao Li just now.” Guan Zu said with a smile.
He didn’t mind what Mori Kogoro did just now.
Who wouldn’t want to take a bite of a gold coin?
As Guan Zu said, he suddenly felt his arm was pinched.
As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xiao Ai staring at him.
“Where’s mine?” Xiao Ai was reaching out to him.
“Huh? We know each other so well, do we still want to give a gift~?” Guan Zu was amused by Xiao Ai.
In fact, he deliberately left out Xiao Ai, wanting to see her reaction.
Unexpectedly, she really cared about this gold coin?
“That’s why you missed me?” Xiao Ai still stretched out her hand in front of Guan Zu.
“Okay~ okay~ but the gold coins are gone~ I’ll give you this~!” Guan Zu took out a ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg from his arms and put it in Xiao Ai’s palm.
The ruby ​​is as bright red as blood, and it is crystal clear, without even a tiny bit of impurities.
This ruby ​​is also the treasure of the pirate Ann Bonnie.
At that time, Guan Zu selected many precious gems and did not sell them to the system store.
Isn’t it for this time.
“It’s so beautiful!!!” Xiaolan and Yuanzi were both attracted by the ruby ​​in Xiaoai’s hand.
Girls, there is no boy who doesn’t like gems.
Even Mori Kogoro was attracted, looking at the ruby ​​in Ai’s hand through the rearview mirror.
“Mr. Mori!! Watch the road!!”.
224. Is this sister Huihara’s boyfriend? (Please subscribe!)
Mori Kogoro looked at the gemstone in Xiao Ai’s hand through the rearview mirror, and the car veered off.
But Guan Zu was taken aback.
Fortunately, it was reminded in time, so that Mori Mori Kogoro’s attention could return to driving.
Surprisingly, everyone finally came to West Tama City safely.
Entering Nishitama City, you can see the towering twin-tower skyscrapers from a distance.
Cherry Blossom actually has restrictions on super high buildings, and it is not allowed to build super high buildings casually.
After all, there are frequent earthquakes here.
In particular, various small earthquakes can always be encountered several times a year.
Super tall buildings are too dangerous. In case of a major earthquake, the people inside the super tall buildings cannot escape at all.
Even in the event of a small earthquake, the taller the building, the more likely it is to collapse.
Therefore, in the country of cherry blossoms, it is generally not allowed to build super high-rise buildings.
I don’t know how this passed the inspections and built this super tall building.
Guan Zu thought about it, it seems that he had an ‘offline transaction’ with a city councilor, so the construction bill was passed?
Guan Zu couldn’t think of too many details.
But this matter has nothing to do with him. After thinking about it for a while, he didn’t bother to think about it anymore.
He did have an idea to do something on the day of the opening ceremony of the twin tower skyscrapers.
347 For example, all the guests who came here to attend the opening ceremony that day were kidnapped!
Just like those who participated in the 60th anniversary celebration of the Suzuki Foundation, they were all prominent upper-class people in Tokyo.
Those who participated in the opening ceremony of the twin-tower skyscraper must also be high-class people.
After all, the Changpan Group is not a small consortium.
It’s just that unlike the Suzuki Foundation, which is involved in all industries, the Changpan Group is more focused on the electronic field, such as computers, TVs, game consoles, video games, and so on.
In this field, Changpan Group can be said to be the industry leader.
When the time comes to attend the opening ceremony, except for a few who want toExcept for Kogoro Mori, who is famous but doesn’t have much money, the vast majority of people must be partners of the Changpan Group.
At least they are at the level of the president and vice president.
Even if people from other consortiums come to participate, it is not surprising.
But Guan Zu thought that on the day of the opening ceremony of the twin tower skyscrapers, Gin and Vodka might be trying to make trouble here.
Guan Zu gave up the idea of ​​robbing at the opening ceremony.
Those two guys, gin and vodka, were going to blow up the building.

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