Although it was not blown up, the middle floor of the building was blown up and caught fire, and a large number of bombs were also installed on the first floor where the banquet was held.
He hijacked all the guests at the opening ceremony, and I’m afraid that no one will leave alive.
He himself could escape when the explosion happened, but what about the others?
He doesn’t care about those strangers, but Xiao Ai, Xiao Lan and the others will definitely come on the day of the opening ceremony.
Even if he dismantled the bomb that Gin and the others installed on the top floor in advance.
And bombs elsewhere.
He couldn’t check the whole building one day in advance.
It will be exhausting.
And there may not be enough time.
Even if he dismantled all the bombs, and the bombs did not explode when the scheduled time came, the Black Organization would definitely check.
Finding that the bomb did not go off, other plans would surely be activated.
If you find out that he is robbing all the guests, you will definitely find a way to kill him in the end.
After all, he and Qin Jiu had a grudge against them.
He wouldn’t be afraid if it was just a “middle door confrontation”, but if there were any heavy weapons, such as heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, etc., it would be terrible.
With the strength of the black organization, it is not difficult to get those things.
So on the day of the opening ceremony, he definitely couldn’t show up in the open to rob those rich guests.
Assassinate gin and vodka in the dark just fine.
Mori Kogoro drove to the parking lot of the Twin Towers skyscraper, and then walked to the main entrance of the skyscraper.
“Eh? Isn’t that Conan and Dr. Ali? Why are they here??” From a distance, Xiaolan saw Conan and others standing in the square in front of the twin tower skyscrapers.
Guan Zu and others continued to walk towards the gate of the twin-tower skyscraper.
“Little devil! Why are you here?” Maori Kogoro said loudly.
Didn’t they go camping?
“Sister Xiaolan? Uncle Maori?” Conan was also surprised when he saw everyone.
Then he ran towards the crowd.
“We came home after camping, and we stopped by to take a look at this building. Uncle, why did you appear here?” Conan asked curiously.
“Ahem! That’s how it is. The owner of this building, Mio Pan, is my junior in college! Before the opening next week, I was specially invited to visit~!” Mori Kogoro said proudly .
“Oh? Why haven’t I heard from you, Uncle?” Conan was full of curiosity.
With Uncle Maori’s character, shouldn’t this kind of thing have been discussed at home long ago?
“Father, he didn’t even tell me! It’s because I thought it was weird, and he confessed under pressure.” Xiaolan looked at Maoli Kogoro with disdain and explained.
“Confession?? I don’t have it!!” Kogoro Mori was also a little embarrassed when he saw that the old man was demolished.
“Miss Huihara! Long time no see! My name is Mitsuhiko, long time no see!” Mitsuhiko came to Xiao Ai happily.
“Sister Huihara~~” Ayumi also greeted Xiao Ai.
Oh, Xiao Ai met these little ghosts on Shenhai Island before.
“Of course I remember you, your name is Ayumi, and your name is Genta, right?” Xiao Ai looked at Mitsuhiko, Ayumi and Genta in turn.
“That… this big brother… is sister Haibara’s boyfriend?” Mitsuhiko asked hesitantly.
When he was on Shenhai Island before, he especially liked this big sister who was much older than him.
Beautiful and smart.
Of course, he didn’t dare to say this kind of liking.
It’s like he likes Ayumi, but he doesn’t dare to say it.
But now seeing a super handsome guy standing beside sister Huihara, this made Mitsuhiko very sad.
Such a handsome boy must be sister Huihara’s boyfriend, right?
Although Mitsuhiko is very clear that the age difference between himself and the member sister is too large, they are impossible, but he knows that Haihara sister has a boyfriend.
It still made him very sad.
“You’re right~ little ghost~! I’m indeed your sister Huiyuan’s boyfriend~~!” Guan Zu put his arms around Xiao Ai’s willow waist, bent down and looked down at the three little ghosts in front of him, teasing.
“Stop messing around!” Xiao Ai slapped the hand around her waist with a slap.
“This guy is called Guan Zu, he is my cousin.” Xiao Ai explained.
Of course, she didn’t explain it to Mitsuhiko, but to others.
She didn’t want Xiaolan and Yuanzi to be misunderstood.
225. A machine that predicts the future? (Please subscribe!)
At this time, a young woman in a work suit came out from the building and walked towards several people.
“Excuse me, are you Mr. Mori Kogoro?”
“Ah, yes!” Kogoro Mori responded quickly when he saw the beautiful lady.
“Hello, I am the secretary of the chairman, and my name is Zeguchi. The chairman is still receiving customers, please follow me to the exhibition room first.” The secretary said.
After that, he led everyone into the lobby of the Twin Towers skyscraper.
And while walking, introduce this twin-tower skyscraper to everyone.
“Building A here,The whole building is an office area. ”
“Everything above the 31st floor belongs to the Changpan consortium. The exhibition rooms are located on the second and third floors.”
Guan Zu is also looking at this twin-tower skyscraper.
From the outside, this twin-tower skyscraper is quite shocking.
But that’s only for Sakura Country.
Because Sakura Country is located in an earthquake zone, the requirements for building super high-rise buildings are very high, and they are rarely approved.
So there are very few super high-rise buildings.
If this is in a big country next door, especially a big city, it won’t feel so shocking.
However, Guan Zu feels that there is nothing to be proud of in building a large number of super tall buildings.
Just build one, then it represents having the technology to build super high-rise buildings.
However, the construction of super high-rise buildings in patches does not have much effect except to look good.
The height of the building means that there are many people inside.
In case of disasters such as fires and earthquakes, more people will die at that time.
As for the people who work inside, will the work efficiency be higher? Will you feel happier?
It doesn’t.
Ordinary migrant workers still work in a cubicle, and when it’s time to fish, they still fish in the same way.
Guan Zu and his party followed Miss Secretary into the twin-tower skyscraper, and the inside of the building became even more ‘ordinary’.
It is no different from other buildings, office buildings are similar anyway.
“Hey, what kind of company is Changpan Group?” Ayumi asked Mitsuhiko beside him curiously.
In the Boy Detective Team, apart from Conan, Mitsuhiko knows the most.
As for Yuantai, he probably only knows how to eat.
“It’s mainly about computer software, but as long as it’s related to computers, the Changpan consortium can do it.” Mitsuhiko explained.
“Then there is also a game!? Now there is something to play!!” Yuan Tai became excited in an instant.
When everyone came to the second floor, they saw a large number of booths.
On each booth, there are some electronic equipment.
Some of them can be seen as game consoles at a glance.
But some devices look at it at a glance and don’t know what it does at all.
“Oh, there are so many interesting things~!” Dr. A Li looked at everything in front of him in surprise.
He also often makes some games for children to play, so he is naturally very interested in this aspect.
Guan Zu also looked at the various equipment in front of him with great interest.
He’s also a gamer who loves video games, both before and after traveling through this world.
He loves playing video games.
So when he is free, he often goes to a nearby game hall to play games, or plays games on his computer or mobile phone at home.
After acquiring [programming] skills, he will even write game plug-ins by himself.
However, after playing a few times, I found that after opening the plug-in, the fun of playing the game was greatly reduced, especially when playing that kind of stand-alone game.
So most of the time, he will not make plug-ins by himself.
For online games that need to be recharged, he will not deliberately make plug-ins. After all, he has money and does not care about recharging all kinds of 648.
Unless the manufacturer of the game is too ugly, or other game players cheat, he will make cheats to punish the other party.
With his programming ability, he has not encountered a player who is better at making cheats than him.
“Welcome everyone!” A middle-aged man wearing glasses came over.
“This is the director and engineer, Mr. Hara.” Secretary Sawaguchi introduced.
“Haha~ Please give me more advice.” Yuan Jiaming greeted everyone with a smile.
“what is this?”

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