“Is it a game console?”
The three little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team were surrounding an unidentifiable device next to it.
Yuan Jiaming immediately walked over to the children.
“Would you like to give it a try? This computer can predict what you will look like in ten years~.” Yuan Jiaming said, looking at the three children with a smile on his face.
It can be seen that this software engineer seems to like children very much.
“Oh? What will it look like in ten years?? This is amazing!!” Dr. Ali walked to the equipment in surprise.
Guan Zu and the others also looked at the device.
If it is said that it is only based on the current appearance to predict the appearance in ten years, it is actually not difficult to do this.
・ 0 for flowers 0 ・・・
Only by collecting a large amount of data support, it is possible to calculate the changes in facial skin and facial muscles after ten years based on the facial features of a person.
However, Guan Zu is not sure whether the machine in front of him uses the same method to achieve this function.
He vaguely remembered that in the original plot, when Conan and Xiao Ai used this device, the device immediately went wrong.
If that kind of technology is really used, it stands to reason that there will be no mistakes.
At most, the calculated appearance is not accurate.
But this device is wrong, could it be because the two of them are rejuvenated?
But now, only Conan is “rejuvenating”, from a middle school student to a primary school student.
Xiao Ai covered her face with a human skin mask.
………. ………. 0
I don’t know if Xiao Ai uses this device this time, will it make this device go wrong?
Ayumi and Dr. Ali were invited to two positions by Yuan Jiaming.
Mori Kogoro crossed his arms, looking completely uninterested.
“I don’t want to see my old smelly face ten years from now.Face. “Mori Kogoro complained.
He is almost forty already, and will be almost fifty in ten years.
At that time, maybe he will become an old man like Dr. Ali.
He doesn’t want to see himself like that!
Ayumi and Dr. Ali sat down, and Hara Jiaming pressed the start button.
Two helmets were placed on the heads of Ayumi and Dr. Ari, and the photo was taken with a flash.
Two seconds later, two photos were also printed.
Dr. Ali has not changed at all, but Ayumi in the photo has changed from a primary school student to a high school beauty.
“Ayumi has grown from a small beauty to a big beauty~” Xiaolan praised with a smile.
“After all, he was also a beauty when he was a child.” Guan Zu said looking at the photo.
“Hey…” Ayumi held the photo, blushing from being praised.
“Let me see! Let me see!!”
Mitsuhiko and Genta, who were looking at Dr. Ari’s photo just now, hurried to Ayumi’s side.
After seeing the photo, both of them blushed immediately.
“So cute~!”
“More attractive than this older sister~!” Yuantai said, pointing at Sonoko.
Yuanzi’s face darkened immediately: “How can a little devil attract the charm of an adult!”
Girls, who would admit that their charm is not as good as others? three.
226. Why don’t you grow old? (Please subscribe!)
“Genta! Let’s play too!!”
“Let’s go!”
Mitsuhiko and Yuanta also ran to their seats and sat down together.
Yuan Jiaming helped to operate the machine, and after a while, the photos of Mitsuhiko and Yuanta ten years later were printed out.
Apart from the fact that the two of them had grown a little more mature, their faces hardly changed.
Mitsuhiko still has freckles all over his face, and Genta still has that inverted triangle hair shape.
Even ten years later, he is still as fat as he is now.
Seeing the photos of the two of them, Guan Zu seriously suspected that this machine is based on the user’s current facial features to perform maturity and aging calculations.
Photographs ten years later were then synthesized.
However, judging from the photos of Dr. Ali, it seems that this is not the case.
Because the appearance of Dr. A Li ten years later will not change at all from now.
Although he is already in his fifties, his face shape and facial features basically don’t change much, but after ten years (Liu Li. ò ? ó. First release), he will be in his sixties, so he should be getting older to some extent.
The resulting photos did not show any aging.
This is very confusing.
“Xiao Lan~ Let’s go play too~!”
Mitsuhiko and Yuanta got off the machine, and Sonoko immediately pulled Xiaolan into the seat of the machine.
That is to say, this machine only has two seats, otherwise she would drag Xiao Ai along.
Soon, photos of Xiaolan and Yuanzi ten years later were also printed.
Sonoko’s photo is like a typical cherry blossom traditional wife.
However, she doesn’t quite resemble her mother Tomoko Suzuki, but rather resembles Hattori Heiji’s mother, Hattori Shizuka.
Of course, Guan Zu didn’t know Hattori Heiji’s mother Hattori Shizuka, so he didn’t feel this way.
I just feel that Sonoko ten years later has the temperament of Yamato Nadeko.
This is completely different from her current temperament.
Maybe…become mature after getting married?
“I’ve seen this kind of old woman~!” Yuan Tai laughed again when she saw Yuanzi’s photo.
Who made Sonoko laugh at the photo of him and Mitsuhiko before?
On the other hand, Xiaolan’s photo has changed a lot from what she is now.
“Very beautiful~.” Xiao Ai said looking at Xiaolan’s photo.
“He looks exactly like Eri when he was young!” Mori Kogoro said in surprise.
He is indeed the one who has the most say on this point.
“It’s a pity to be with Shinichi.” Dr. Ali joked.
“Ah??” Xiaolan blushed when she heard this.
“When you think that it’s Shinichi who is with you, it makes people feel angry!” Sonoko also came over and joked.
“What are you talking about! Yuanzi!!” Xiaolan’s cheeks were flushed by Yuanzi’s teasing.
“What about Kudo Shinichi…?” Xiao Ai cast a glance at Conan who was enjoying himself.
This pair of childhood sweethearts, I am afraid that there is no way to be together.
Xiaolan is now seventeen years old, but the former high school student detective Kudo Shinichi has turned into an elementary school student who is only about seven years old.
There is a ten-year age difference between the two.
If a man is ten years older than a woman, it’s better, maybe he can wait for the other party to grow up.
But now the woman is ten years older than the man, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to wait ten years for the other party.
At this moment, Conan was overjoyed to hear Dr. Ali and Sonoko say that Xiaolan was with him or something.
He even couldn’t help but smirk.
This made Ayumi on the side very sad.
Conan actually likes sister Xiaolan who is so many years older than him! !
“Hey~ Xiao Ai, it’s your turn next~! You and your cousin should go and take a photo together~!” Yuanzi excitedly pushed Xiao Ai towards the seat of the machine.
In fact, she wanted to see what Guan Zu would look like ten years later.
Is a handsome guy still a handsome guy?
“Eh? Yuanzi, I don’t want to play this~!” Xiao Ai quickly refused.
But Yuanzi pushed her to the side of the seat without any explanation, and pressed her on the seat.
“Mr. Guan~ You can come too~!” Yuanzi looked at Guan Zu and invited him.
“Okay~.” Guan Zu smiled and went to another seat to sit down.
He was actually curious about what he would look like ten years from now.
Similarly, I am also curious whether this machine can predict what he and Xiao Ai will look like ten years from now.
He is a time traveler, while Xiao Ai wears a human skin mask on his face.
If this machine can still predict the looks of the two of them, it means that this machine is simply reusing the algorithm to age the facial features and skin to achieve the purpose of predicting the looks.
But if this machine is also like the original plot, it will display ‘error’.
Then Guan Zu was very curious about the specific principle of this machine.
Could it be the product of Ke Xue?

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