I saw a woman standing in the center of the stage, speaking into the microphone.
He had met that woman last week, she was the chairman of Changpan Consortium, Changpan Mio.
“I want to have some sideshows, please play a little game.” Changpan Meixu stood on the stage, looking at all the guests in the audience, and said unhurriedly.
“This game is named after my late father, Changpan Jincheng. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Changpan Consortium, I want to play a game of guessing the time, that is, guessing 30 seconds.”
“For those who have no errors at all, or those who guess the closest, the red high-end sports car you see in front of you will be used as a gift for you to drive home.” Changpan Mio pointed to the sports car on the platform beside him and said .
Guan Zu looked at the red sports car on the booth through the crowd.
He had visited that sports car before, and it was a ‘dung fork’ sports car.
Not the most expensive model, but not cheap either.
It will probably take more than 30 million days.
Even the president of a company would not refuse such a sports car for nothing.
239. As expected of Kogoro Mori (Subscribe!)
Hearing Nagapan Mio’s words, the three little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team were extremely excited.
Guess in thirty seconds! They have played this game! !
On the way back from camping, they played a 30-second guessing game in the car!
Although Mitsuhiko and Genta are not very good at playing, Ayumi is very accurate in guessing the time!
Thirty seconds, a perfect guess!
“Great! Mitsuhiko!!”
Genta and Mitsuhiko clapped their hands.
“Anyway, with Ayumi here, we don’t have to be afraid~!”
“The prize must be ours~!!”
Yuantai and Mitsuhiko were so excited that they were dying.
Ayumi was looking around, looking for Conan.
The last time she guessed correctly in thirty seconds, it was all because Conan was by her side, so that she could hear her own heartbeat so nervous.
Then count the heartbeats and guess correctly for thirty seconds.
But if Conan wasn’t by her side, she wouldn’t be able to guarantee that she would guess correctly in this game.
“Those who want to participate in the game, please deposit your watch first! Later we will give you a gemstone of equivalent value according to the value of your watch!”
Guan Zu held the plate and continued to eat his food.
He will not participate in this game.
Although he really wanted that red sports car, it was worth more than 30 million yuan.
Although he has plenty of money now, who wouldn’t want a free sports car?
However, it is estimated that the bomb installed by Gin and the others will explode in a short time, and 440 will be a mess here.
And he will also go out to confront Qin Jiu.
With all the guns out, he definitely can’t come back and ask for that sports car.
If you really did that, wouldn’t you be throwing yourself into a trap and let those criminal police officers be promoted?Performance?
More than a dozen staff members, holding a basket and a bunch of flags, came to each guest and asked them if they would participate in the game.
Those who participate in the game need to hand over their watches.
A staff member came to Guan Zu.
“I won’t participate.” Guan Zu refused to participate in the game.
Since it is doomed not to get a sports car, there is no need to play this game.
However, there was one thing Guan Zu couldn’t figure out.
Play this game and just have to hand over your watch? What if the guests participating in the game look at their mobile phones?
Is it possible to cheat like this?
Or, Changpan Meixu is confident that the guests will not cheat?
Or, feel that even if someone cheats, they can’t escape their eyes?
Although Guan Zu was very curious, it had nothing to do with him. Even if someone cheated, it would have no effect on him.
He wasn’t in the game anyway.
Just watch the show on the sidelines.
On the other side, Belmode took off the watch on his wrist and put it in the staff’s basket.
And from the hands of the staff, I took over a small colored flag.
Of course, she didn’t really want to be in the game, to win that sports car.
She’s just trying to keep herself from being too unique, since she’s pretending to be someone else now, after all.
Although he participated in the game, Belmode’s mind was not on the game.
Her eyes kept scanning every guest, wanting to see if she could find the bandit 9527 in advance.
Yi Rong couldn’t see it.
But you can judge whether it is normal based on the behavior of the guests.
Normally, the kidnapper wouldn’t be able to play such a small game, would he?
But it’s not sure, maybe the gangster 9527 has that bad taste?
Suddenly, Belmode’s eyes fell on Guan Zu who was still eating.
“This person…” Belmode felt that Guan Zu was a little strange.
It’s just… out of tune with the surrounding environment.
The others, even if they didn’t participate in this little game, put down their plates, wine glasses, etc.
Today is the opening day of the Changpan Consortium’s twin-tower skyscrapers, and as the chairman of the Changpan Consortium, Changpan Mio has already stepped onto the stage.
As a guest, you have to show some face, right?
And it’s also a courtesy.
But this person was still eating leisurely, as if he didn’t pay attention to Chang Pan Mio at all.
This is not normal.
In addition, there are no other companions around Guan Zu, which makes Belmode feel that the person in front of him is very problematic.
Belmode decided to focus on this person who was still eating leisurely!
“Kids, come to a place where you can see clearly~!” Nagapan Mio said.
All the children at the scene walked to the front of the crowd.
“Then, let’s start~!”
“After she said start, when you count to thirty seconds, please raise the flag in your hand.” Nagapan Mio pointed to the secretary beside her.
“Get ready…start~!” Secretary Sawaguchi pressed the stopwatch in his hand.
When the game started, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.
Most of the guests have participated in this game, and now they are all silently counting the time in their hearts.
This is related to whether the red imported sports car can be owned, but no one is stupid enough to read out the time they have calculated.
Didn’t that help others around me?
This caused the entire hall to suddenly become very quiet.
But Guan Zu was still eating.
Others around him could even hear the occasional chopsticks hitting the dinner plate.
Fortunately, the banquet hall is large enough that only those who are close can hear it.
It would be a little embarrassing if everyone could hear it.
Although Guan Zu was not afraid of embarrassment wearing a human skin mask, he didn’t want to attract too much attention.
Being stared at by too many people will affect his appetite.
Fifteen seconds later, people began to raise their flags one after another.
Twenty seconds later, more and more people raised the flag.
Thirty seconds exactly.
“Wow~~~” The baby in the arms of a young mother suddenly cried loudly.
The frightened Mori Kogoro raised the flag in his hand.
“it is good!!”
“It’s time!” Secretary Sawaguchi raised his hand, indicating that the game was over.
“The guest with the blue flag over there!” On the stage, Mio Nagapan pointed to Kogoro Mori in the crowd.
Guan Zu looked at Kogoro Mori in the crowd, and was a little surprised.
Shouldn’t this kind of game that requires luck be Xiaolan’s strong point?
Did Kogoro Mori steal Ran’s luck today?
Kogoro Mori stepped out of the crowd.
“It’s Mori-senpai. Come here, please.” Nagapan Mio found out that it was Mori Kogoro.
Mori Kogoro stepped onto the stage and came to Nagaban Mio.

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