“Everyone, the winner is the detective Mori Kogoro, let’s ask him to say a few words~!” Nagapan Mio handed the microphone to Mori Kogoro.
“Now I can finally say goodbye to my car rental career~~” Mori Kogoro smiled shyly while scratching the back of his head.
Make the guests below the stage laugh.
Guan Zu also couldn’t help smiling, he really deserves to be Kogoro Mori.
In the original plot, the red sports car was driven by Conan to the swimming pool on the roof of Building B opposite.
Kogoro Mori’s dream of saying goodbye to his rental car career is shattered.
But now, Mori Kogoro should be able to say goodbye to his car rental career.
Because he took away all the bombs in the banquet hall.
No bombs, the red sports car naturallywill not be destroyed.
After the mini-game was over, Guan Zu came back to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the building a few hundred meters away.
240. Tracked? This fat woman has a problem! (Please subscribe!)
Guan Zu would go to the floor-to-ceiling windows and look at the building a few hundred meters away.
The sky had completely darkened, but with Guan Zu’s excellent eyesight, he could barely see everything on the rooftop of that building.
At this moment, he saw that on the edge of the roof of the building a few hundred meters away, there was an extra figure than before!
And judging from the shape of the figure, that person seems to be setting up a gun on the edge of the building, aiming at the side of the twin-tower skyscraper~.
“It’s already here…” The corners of Guan Zu’s mouth raised slightly.
If nothing else, that figure should be Gin!
For this day, Guan Zu had waited for more than a week.
Gin finally appeared!
Guan Zu really wanted to see, if he really killed Gin, what would the world be like?
The only model worker died, will the winery be completely occupied by fake wine?
Guan Zu carried the dinner plate, returned to the nearest table, put the plate on the table, turned around and walked towards the emergency exit.
Now that Gin has appeared, it’s time for him to play too.
The distance between this twin-tower skyscraper and the building opposite is only four to five hundred meters.
With such a short distance, he can be said to be hit with a hundred shots.
Let alone a sniper rifle, it is an ordinary rifle. In the case of a single point, it is impossible for him to shoot crookedly at such a short distance.
But relatively, at such a short distance, it should be impossible for Qin Jiu to shoot crookedly.
If Gin found him first, then he might have to eat a bullet.
However, now that he is in the dark and Qin Jiu is in the light, it is impossible for Qin Jiu to discover him first.
He is destined to be the winner in this “middle-door confrontation”.
Guan Zu left the banquet hall through the safe exit.
Among the crowd, a person noticed Guan Zu’s departure.
That person was naturally Belmode who had sneaked into the banquet hall in disguise.
‘That guy… really has a problem. ‘
“Sorry, I’m sorry.” Belmode said to the people around him, and then followed Guan Zu.
Guan Zu left the banquet hall and walked towards the rooftop along the escape stairs.
Pushing open the door of the roof, I felt a gust of wind blowing in front of me.
This twin-tower skyscraper has seventy-five floors and a height of more than three hundred meters.
The wind at this height of the roof is naturally not small.
Go up to the roof and close the door behind you.
However, Guan Zu did not immediately go to the edge of the roof, but leaned against the wall next to the door, waiting for his followers to catch up.
In the banquet hall before, he had actually noticed that someone seemed to be staring at him.
It’s just that there are too many people in the banquet hall, and he is not sure who the person who has been staring at him is.
Or is it just because he doesn’t fit in with other people that someone is watching him all the time?
But Guan Zu felt that the former was more likely.
Because the gaze that stared at him was very secretive.
Every time he tried to find someone staring at him, he couldn’t find the target.
Obviously, the other party is a person who is very good at tracking and anti-tracking.
Therefore, this cannot be a coincidence.
Since someone was following him, that person must have noticed him leaving the banquet hall now.
So Guan Zu is betting that there is a high probability that that person will catch up.
Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t catch up, the big deal is just wasting a few minutes.
Gin and the others haven’t detonated the bomb downstairs yet, shutting down the building.
It was still early, and he was not in a hurry.
Sure enough, within two minutes, Guan Zu heard footsteps approaching slowly.
Although the footsteps were not loud, he could hear them very clearly.
‘High heel? Is it a woman? ‘
The corners of Guan Zu’s mouth raised slightly.
Interesting, it’s too boring to watch him, so I’m giving him some fun?
However, the duel with Gin is about to start, and there is not enough time for this.
The footsteps were getting closer and closer to the door leading to the roof.
Finally, stop on the other side of the door.
Immediately afterwards, Tiantian’s door was slowly pushed open.
A fat woman pushed open the door and came out.
But when she came out, she didn’t dare to move.
Because, at this moment, the muzzle of a gun was pointed at her head.
“Tell me, why did you follow me?” Guan Zu said lightly.
Originally, hearing the sound of high heels, he thought it would be a young and beautiful woman.
But after seeing the person, he was immediately disappointed.
Although he didn’t plan to do anything, after all, he didn’t have enough time.
But being stalked by such a fat middle-aged woman with heavy makeup is really painful.
“I… I just came to the rooftop to blow some air…” the fat woman said in a trembling voice.
Originally, Belmode was only 70% to 80% sure that the person who ran to the rooftop was the bandit 9527.
But now, she is 100% sure that this person is the gangster 9527!
・・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers 0 ・・・・・・・・・
Otherwise, where can ordinary people get guns?
Don’t say that this is another robber, there is no such a coincidence.
Being pointed at by a gun, she didn’t dare to act rashly now, she could only pretend to be an innocent guest.
“Oh? Really? But you stumbled across my secret, so don’t blame me~” Guan Zu raised a pistol in his right hand, aiming at the head of the woman beside him.
Suddenly he took out an anesthesia gun in his left hand and shot the fat woman in front of him in the stomach.
The opening banquet was being held downstairs, and he couldn’t shoot casually, at least not yet.
So I can only use the tranquilizer gun.
Belmode looked at the needle inserted in his stomach, a little dazed.
sheI thought the guy in front of me would shoot himself with a pistol, and he was just about to beg for mercy.
. 0 ……
As a result, the bullet turned into a needle? ?
Belmode’s brain was running rapidly.
What is this needle?
Anesthetic? Or poison needle?
How should she react now? ?
Belmode’s own figure is very good, thin where it should be thin, and where it should be meaty.
Anyway, there is no fat on the stomach.
But in order to pretend to be this fat woman, she put fake skin all over her body.
Especially on the stomach, it is even thicker!
This needle didn’t even penetrate the fake skin, so Belmode didn’t know what kind of reaction he should make!
Did he die from poisoning? Or unconscious?
After thinking for two seconds, Belmode quickly made a decision and took a gamble.
Pretend to pass out!

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