At this time, she can only choose to gamble.
“I…really… came to blow the air…” Belmode leaned against the wall, slowly sat on the ground, and finally fell into a coma.
I have to say that Belmode really deserves to be an actor in Vinewood, and his acting skills are really nothing to say.
The appearance of this coma is exactly the same as the real coma.
It’s just that she has been in a coma for a long time.
Guan Zu looked at the unconscious fat woman in front of him with some doubts.
‘Could it be because this guy is too fat, so the effect of the medicine is slow? ‘
But Guan Zu thought about it, and felt wrong.
When I was in the Twilight Annex before, that gourmet detective weighed nearly three hundred catties, and he fell into a coma faster than this fat woman.
This woman has a problem! ! Eight.
241. Shocked Belmode (Please Subscribe!)
Guan Zu raised his toes and kicked the fat woman in front of her stomach.
This feeling… not quite right.
The inside of the stomach is not like fat, but like cotton!
So soft!
Guan Zu can be sure that there is definitely something wrong with the fat woman in front of him!
This woman is not fat at all.
However, she pretended to be a fat woman!
No one even saw the flaw!
Even Guan Zu didn’t find any flaws in her body.
Even the arms and calves that are exposed outside the clothes, no matter how you look at it, are the dimensions that a fat person should have.
Guan Zu could only think of three people who possessed such superb camouflage skills.
One is Yukiko Kudo, but Yukiko is not good at imitating voices.
She was just able to change her voice a little so that people couldn’t tell it was her own voice.
But if (Liu Li. ò ? ó. First release) pretends to be someone, her voice will not work.
In addition to Yukiko, the other two are Kaitou Kidd and Belmode.
Both of them have superb disguise skills, and they are also proficient in voice imitation skills.
Can imitate other people’s voice at will.
So, who is this fat woman in front of her?
“Hey, let me tell you, you are not unconscious at all.” Guan Zu took out the silencer and installed it on the pistol.
The fat woman lay motionless on the ground.
Guan Zu aimed his gun at the leg of the fat woman in front of him.
“I’ll count to three. If you keep pretending, I’ll cripple your leg. Don’t worry, with a silencer installed, even if I shoot here, the people attending the banquet downstairs won’t be able to hear the sound. “Guan Zu pointed a gun at the fat woman in front of him and said.
After finishing speaking, he didn’t dare to tell whether the fat woman was really in a coma or a fake coma, so he started counting down.
If Guan Zu counted to three, the fat woman in front of him was still lying on the ground pretending to be unconscious.
He really can shoot.
Whether it is Kaitou Kidd or Belmode, Guan Zu will not show mercy.
Even if there was a story between him and Belmode, it didn’t affect him in the slightest to shoot her.
He had already given the opportunity, and she couldn’t blame him if she didn’t seize it.
Guan Zu hadn’t yelled “three” when the fat woman lying on the ground suddenly opened her eyes.
“Don’t shoot!!” Belmode shouted hastily.
She didn’t dare to bet that the person in front of her couldn’t shoot.
He is a gangster 9527!
How could you not dare to shoot?
When I robbed the bank before, I don’t know how many SATs were killed.
When the bombing was carried out at the Shrine of the Outer Coffin, quite a few people were also killed.
This kind of person is essentially the same as the people in their organization.
Killing people is completely as normal as eating and drinking.
“Hehe… Sure enough, you are not in a coma. Did you take the initiative to remove the disguise? Or should I remove it for you?” Guan Zu said jokingly, looking at the fat woman in front of him.
He had a guess that the fat woman in front of him was probably disguised by Belmode.
Because Kaitou Kid has no reason to come here.
Today is the opening ceremony of the Changpan consortium’s twin-tower skyscrapers, not a jewelry exhibition. What is Kaitou Kidd doing here?
Steal a concrete pillar?
But Belmode, appearing here is not surprising.
After all, as members of the same organization, both gin and vodka were dispatched, so it was normal for her to join in the fun.
She didn’t appear in the original plot, but it doesn’t mean she can’t come.
Therefore, if this fat woman is disobedient, he doesn’t mind doing it himself to see if she is really Belmode.
“I’ll just do it myself.” Belmode said hastily.
She had a gun hidden in her body.
If 9527 finds out, she will most likely be unlucky.
To be on the safe side, this person would probably really kill her.
And if she came by herself, insteadIt is possible to take out the gun and fight back when he is not paying attention.
Belmode sat up, raised her hand and tore off the human skin mask on her face, revealing her face of a famous female star.
Belmode is Chris Wynyard, a very famous female star in American Hollywood.
And Sakura, as the watchdog of the United States, is also very respectful of the United States.
A famous female star in the country of America is naturally also very famous in the country of cherry blossoms, and there are quite a lot of people who know her.
Belmode thought that her celebrity status would be recognized by the person in front of her.
But the next moment, she heard an unexpected name.
“Hehe… Belmode, it really is you.” Guan Zu looked at Belmode jokingly.
Sure enough, he guessed it right…  
On the other hand, Belmode was quite shocked.
The code name Belmode is the code name she only uses in the organization!
Except for the people in the organization, outsiders don’t know this code name!
Moreover, even in the organization, only a few core members know her true face.
The peripheral members, at most, only know that there is a witch with thousands of faces named Belmode in the organization, but they have never seen her real appearance.
She also never knew that the Witch with Thousand Faces in the organization would be a well-known actress in Vinewood!
But the 9527 in front of him knows her!
How could Belmode not be shocked by this.
If she didn’t know, 9527 was definitely not a member of the organization, and she would even wonder if this person had ever stayed in the organization!
He is not a member of the organization, but he knows his identity and code name.
How much does this guy know about the organization! ?
“Who are you?” Belmode looked at Guan Zu with great vigilance.
Seeing the shocked look in Belmode’s eyes, Guan Zu found it very interesting.
When Belmode was kidnapped at Didan High School, she didn’t even show such a shocked look.
It can be seen from this that the exposure of his identity has dealt a huge blow to Belmode.
If it was at other times, Guan Zu would definitely not mind playing with Belmode.
But now, he still has work to do.
So, don’t waste time with Belmode.
Guan Zu took out the tranquilizer gun again.
“Who am I, you will know later.” Guan Zu raised the tranquilizer gun in his hand, aimed it at the back of Belmod’s hand, and pulled the trigger.
An anesthetic needle was inserted into the back of Belmode’s hand.
The rest of Belmode’s body is covered with thick fake skin, but the fake skin on his hands is not that thick.
After all, the palm itself is not easy to accumulate fat.
Therefore, the anesthesia needle can easily pierce Belmode’s real skin.

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