After all, in most cases, basically only Yakuza, and unscrupulous young people in society, would get that kind of large tattoos.
And normal people, when they see Yakuza, will be somewhat afraid.
If you are a timid person, you may even tremble with fear.
Looking at it this way, I feel that this tattoo is so cheap.
Guan Zu took off his shirt, got up and walked towards the bathroom.
He was going to see what the evil dragon tattoo on his shoulder looked like.
Although I don’t know the effect of the tattoo, but this is OK for you to choose to show or hide.
Guan Zu didn’t want to suddenly have an inexplicable tattoo on his body.
If it is ugly, he will have to spend time and money to wash off the tattoo.
But it would be much better if you could choose to hide your tattoos on your own.
If the tattoo is not good-looking, at worst, he will not choose to show the tattoo for the rest of his life.
In this way, no matter how ugly the tattoo is, no one will see it except himself.
In the bathroom, Guan Zu stood in front of the vanity mirror.
‘appear! ‘
As soon as Guan Zu’s consciousness moved, a tattoo appeared on his body.
It was an evil dragon.
At a glance, one could tell that it was a dragon with a murderous temperament, and his eyes were full of killing intent.
�� is the evil dragon over the shoulder.
Only the dragon head and a section of the dragon body are on Guanzu’s chest, and the rest of the dragon body goes around Guanzu’s left shoulder and extends to his back.
Just this evil dragon tattoo on Guan Zu’s body.
Guan Zu has no doubts that it can improve the deterrence.
It is no exaggeration to say that this evil dragon can make a child stop crying.
Even the authentic Yakuza will be frightened by the murderous intent carried in the eyes of this evil dragon.
Although the reward tattoo stretches the hips a bit, the effect of this tattoo is quite strong.
It’s just that Guan Zu doesn’t need this kind of tattoo.
After all, he usually doesn’t want this kind of tattoo to add momentum to himself.
Even if you go to nightclubs, pachinko shops, and don’t need to scare people with tattoos at all.
If someone really wanted to provoke him, he would simply make the other person disappear from this world.
So, this tattoo is pretty tasteless.
Useful a little, but not much.
Guan Zu didn’t hide his tattoos, and he didn’t put on any clothes, he just walked outbathroom.
He was going to try the effect of this tattoo on Belmode after he woke up.
See if this deterrent effect works on Belmode.
If it works, that’s great.
Belmode is a core member of the black organization, what has he done to kill and set fire?
Coupled with the rich life experience, the real age is at least forty or fifty years old.
And with superb acting skills, not only can he win various awards in Vinewood, but he can also pretend to be someone else in life without being discovered.
If the deterrent effect of tattoos can even affect Belmode, then it will be really awesome.
On ordinary people, the effect is even more powerful.
However, Belmod received an anesthesia injection, and he might not be able to wake up in a short time.
Guan Zu didn’t bother to wait any longer.
Just lie on the bed and sleep first.
As for the others, wait until Belmode wakes up.
Early the next morning, Guan Zu felt movement in his arms and woke up…
As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Belmode looking at him with cold eyes.
One cannot hide the look in the eyes of a swordsman.
Guan Zu didn’t care.
Sit up and stretch.
“Don’t look at me like that, you’re a prisoner now, it won’t do you any good to make me angry, Miss Chris~!” Guan Zu stretched out his hand and patted Belmode’s face lightly.
Then he noticed that Belmode’s eyes had changed.
How should I put it, the murderous intent in the eyes was seven points less, and the fear was seven points more.
The corners of Guan Zu’s mouth raised slightly.
Can the deterrent effect of the evil dragon tattoo rewarded this time have an effect on people like Belmode? ?
If this is the case, then this tattoo is not useless.
There will be another identity that he can pretend to be in the future.
That is Brother Yakuza with tattoos on his body.
When doing some shady things, you can use this identity.
“Are you… the wanted criminal 9527?” Belmode took two deep breaths, looked at Guan Zu and asked.
After adjustments, Belmode has calmed down.
However, the vigilance in her eyes did not decrease at all.
According to Qin Jiu’s information, the person they are going to deal with this time is the wanted criminal 9527 of the police.
In order to deal with 9527, they can be said to have made sufficient preparations this time.
However, she was still arrested.
This shows that their operation failed this time.
Gin and the others don’t know what’s going on, but Calvados is dead.
Now that I have fallen into the hands of the other party, I must find a way to get out as soon as possible!
Belmode’s brain was running rapidly.
Her hands and feet were tightly tied to the four feet of the bed, and she had no way to break free with her own strength alone.
Just trying it before woke up this guy.
Now… what is she going to do?
“9527 is the code name given to me by those guys from the Metropolitan Police Department. You can call me Uncle Long.” Guan Zu said, looking at Belmod lying in front of him.
“After waiting all night, you are awake now, so it’s time to get down to business.”
“Miss Chris, you don’t want to die at a young age, do you~?” Guan Zu showed a frightening smile on his face.
252. Belmode: Will he be a silver bullet? (Please subscribe!)
“It’s actually you!!” Belmode looked at Guan Zu in disbelief.
When she was playing the game just now, she felt that the 9527 in front of her was somewhat familiar, but she couldn’t remember where it was familiar.
Now that the game is over and she has rested for a while, she finally remembered what the inexplicable sense of familiarity was all about.
Earlier, in order to investigate whether Yukiko’s son, Kudo Shinichi was really killed by the organization.
So he pretended to be the school doctor of Didan High School and sneaked into Didan High School.
As a result, the life and death of Kudo Shinichi has not been fully investigated, but an accident happened.
She meets a man of dubious identity at Tedan High School.
Later, when she went to follow up and investigate that person, the other party found out her identity and kidnapped him.
Even, he was forced to play a few games.
Now that I think about it carefully, how similar are the two people’s ranks in playing games?
It can even be said to be exactly the same.
After all, as an assistant in the game, she is the most clear about the length of the A26DC’s range and the level of skills.
Although Belmode is not young, but after living for so many years, there are not many people who have teamed up with her to play games.
And the only ones that impressed her deeply were these two people.
She didn’t know before that that punk youth was actually 9527 who had let Gin down many times!
But now, she confirmed that the person in front of her was 9527.
And 9527 is proficient in disguise, and the level of playing games is exactly the same as that punk youth before.
After calming down, Belmode naturally realized that these two people are the same person at all!
“What is me?” Guan Zu raised his brows upwards, some of them didn’t quite understand what Belmode meant by what he said.
Did you discover his true identity? then what?
“Stop pretending! As a woman, I feel that I can never go wrong! You were the one who kidnapped me in the abandoned factory last time, right?” Belmode stared at Guan Zu and said.
“Hmm~.” Guan Zu shrugged, but did not deny the matter.
He thought Belmode had discovered his true identity.

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