It turned out to be justthis matter.
He didn’t dare to admit what he had done.
Of course, the premise is that you have to find it yourself.
But having said that, he didn’t expect Belmode’s sixth sense to be so strong.
This can find two auxiliary ADCs, is it the same person?
Or is it that her game level is too high, so she is impressed?
“…” Seeing that Guan Zu didn’t deny it, Belmode didn’t know what to say for a moment.
And she also suddenly realized one thing.
That is, even if she knew that the punk youth last time was the same person as 9527 this time, so what?
doesn’t change anything.
It might even put her in crisis.
In case the face of the punk youth last time was 9527’s real face, and in order not to reveal his identity, 9527 would not rule out murdering him.
Seeing that Belmode’s expression became serious, the corners of Guan Zu’s mouth raised slightly.
“What? Worried that I will kill you to silence you~?” Guan Zu raised his hand and gently stroked Belmode’s face.
“Don’t worry~! I said, I’m your fan~ Even if you expose my real identity, I won’t kill you~!”
“However, if you do something wrong, you have to accept punishment. At that time, you have to be prepared to play games with me~!” Guan Zu looked at Belmode and said with a smile.
“…” Hearing this, Belmode was relieved a lot.
As long as you don’t kill her, it’s fine to team up and play games.
Anyway, she doesn’t suffer.
Although she looks young, only twenty-seven or eighteen years old, her actual age can be considered an old man for ordinary people.
But 9527 is a real young man.
To be honest, she actually made money.
Belmode also realized that he seemed to have gone wrong. With the ability to disguise, would he be afraid of his identity being exposed?
Not at all.
Like herself, she has no fear of revealing her true identity.
Even if it is known to the outside world, the well-known actress Chris Wynyard is actually a core member of an illegal organization and has even killed many people.
It doesn’t matter to her either.
At worst, give up the identity of Chris Wynyard.
Although there were some troubles in a short period of time, it was harmless at all.
She is proficient in disguise, it is not easy for her to change her identity.
Moreover, Belmode also suddenly had an idea.
That is, will this 9527 become a silver bullet that destroys the organization?
If he could really become the silver bullet that destroys the organization, then not only would she not destroy him, but she would help him secretly.
After all, although the organization provided her with a lot of convenience and protection, it was also a kind of shackle and a cage.
Belmode has always wanted to leave the organization.
It’s just her identity and her understanding of the organization that prevented her from acting impulsively.
But if the organization is destroyed, then she is really free.
Belmode’s thoughts returned to his eyes, and he looked at 9527 in front of him.
“I don’t think it’s punishment to play games with a young, handsome and powerful man like you.” After realizing that he was not in danger, Belmode became much calmer.
It also allowed her to regain more sanity, and she was able to joke in front of Guan Zu.
“Really? Then next time, let’s add some punishment.” 570 Guan Zu casually took out a small knife, and cut off all the ropes binding Belmode’s hands and feet.
He was not worried that Belmode would run away, and he had never worried that Belmode would pose any threat to him.
After all, Belmode’s melee combat power is not that strong at all.
She just has better marksmanship.
Without a gun, even if Guan Zu gave her two hands, she would not be Guan Zu’s opponent.
Even if Belmode had a gun in his hand, it was impossible for the gun in Belmode’s hand to hit him at such a short distance.
Before she could shoot, he’d take the pistol out of Belmode’s hand.
After untying the rope for Belmode, Guan Zu got up and put on his clothes this time.
It was already noon now, and he was already very hungry, so he had to eat a big meal to replenish his energy.
Belmode also sat up.
It’s just that at this time, he is looking helplessly at the shredded clothes on the ground.
“I’ll ask the hotel to send you some clothes later. Just wait in the room.”
After getting dressed, Grandfather Guan went to the bathroom to wash up, and then came out again.
“This is your pistol, return it to you~!” Guan Zu disassembled a small women’s pistol into parts, pushed out all the bullets in the magazine, and put them on the coffee table.
“I’ll miss you ~Miss Chris~.”
Guan Zu blew a kiss to Belmode before turning around and leaving.
253, Xiao Ai is angry again (please subscribe!)
Guan Zu returned home, took out the key and opened the door.
As soon as he entered the door, he saw Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai rushing from the living room to the entrance.
“Zu! You’re back!” Miyano Akemi looked at Guan Zu with concern.
Xiao Ai didn’t say anything, but the worry on her face just now? Since, Xiao* said & group [9! 8; 0, 2> 0, 5.~8-5/6 in a daze, in a daze, and now relieved, it also shows that she is worried about Guan Zu.
Yesterday at the Twin Towers skyscraper, Xiao Ai was really shocked when she saw Gin and Vodka appear.
But then she saw the helicopter piloted by gin and vodka shot down, and she thought of Guanzu.
I think it must have been done by Guan Zu.
Only Guan Zu will appear by her side and attack the organization.
However, after escaping from the twin-tower skyscrapers, after taking notes and returning home, it was discovered that Guan Zu had not returned, which made Xiao Ai start to worry.
Could Guan Zu have other accidents later, right?
Xiao Ai told her sister what happened in the Twin Towers skyscraper.
They didn’t dare to call Guan Zu and ask him where he was. They were worried that the ringtone of the mobile phone would cause him trouble, so they stayed at home and waited for Guan Zu to come back.
After waiting all night, Guan Zu did not come back.
The two of them became even more worried.
Originally, I had to go to class today, so Xiao Ai asked for leave directly, and continued to wait for news from Guan Zu at home with her sister.
It’s noon now!
Seeing Guan Zu coming back, the two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.
If Guan Zu really had an accident while fighting with the people of the organization, they would definitely be sad.
Not just because they need Guan Zu’s protection.
Having lived with Guan Zu for such a long time, the two of them have already regarded Guan Zu as a companion and a family member.
“Xiao Ai, don’t you have to go to class today?” Guan Zu asked curiously.
On the way back, he passed several schools, and the students inside were all in school.
Why does Xiao Ai not have to go to school?
“It’s not because you are worried that you won’t come back!” Xiao Ai gave Guan Zu a white look and said.
After finishing speaking, Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu again to confirm the doubt in her heart.
“Yesterday, you were the one who shot down Gin’s helicopter with an RPG at the Twin Towers skyscraper, right?”
Although she guessed, that person should be Guan Zu.
But without Guan Zu’s affirmation, she couldn’t be 100% sure.
What if… it was just a coincidence?
“Well, I am indeed right.” Guan Zu nodded and admitted.
There’s nothing wrong with admitting this kind of thing.
“When I went to the Twin Towers skyscraper with you last week, the staff of the Changpan Consortium discovered the car of Gin.”
“I was worried that Gin would cause trouble at the opening ceremony of the twin tower skyscrapers, so I laid an ambush in advance. Unexpectedly, I was actually guessed right.”
“Until now, I just finished the follow-up finishing work. But I’m exhausted~.”
“Machiko, is lunch ready? I’m starving to death~!” Guan Zu took off his shoes at the entrance and walked into the house.
“It’s already being made, and the meal can be served right away!” Miyano Akemi said quickly.
Guan Zu is fighting against the organization for her and her sister.
Naturally, she couldn’t let Guan Zu go hungry.
Although she didn’t know whether Guan Zu would come back at noon, she still made Guan Zu’s meal.
“Zu, you and Xiao Ai take a break first, I’ll go to the kitchen to see!” Miyano Akemi finished speaking, then turned and walked quickly towards the kitchen.
Guan Zu also raised his feet and walked into the house.

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