Passing Xiao Ai’s side, he habitually raised his hand and rubbed her hair.
Xiao Ai suddenly sniffed her nose.
Then he frowned, suddenly raised his foot, and stomped hard on Guan Zu’s instep.
“Hmph! Big liar!” Xiao Ai glared at Guan Zu, then turned around and walked away without looking back.
Guan Zu scratched his head helplessly.
Xiao Ai, is this guy a dog? The nose is so good? ?
He just forgot to take a shower when he came out. Could it be that he really smelled of Belmode? ?
Guan Zu raised his hand and smelled it.
Didn’t smell any perfume either.
Even if it was his own scent, with the sensitivity of his nose, he wouldn’t be able to smell anything.
So, Xiao Ai is really a dog?
This is exactly a dog nose!
And he is particularly sensitive to himself, every time he goes out to find a teacher for class, he will be discovered by Xiao Ai when he comes back.
It’s just a ghost.
Guan Zu came to the living room and saw Xiao Ai sitting on the sofa, reading a fashion magazine in his hand.
Guan Zu walked over and sat down beside Xiao Ai.
He put his arms around Xiao Ai’s shoulders: “Hey, I’m fighting against the people from the Black Organization for you.”
“It’s fine if you don’t thank me, but you still step on me? Xiao Ai, won’t your conscience hurt~?”
“Thank you! But please don’t touch me!” Xiao Ai raised her left hand, pinched the skin on the back of Guan Zu’s hand on her right shoulder, and moved his hand away.
“¨”…” Guan Zu pouted helplessly.
Forget it, don’t irritate Xiao Ai.
Anyway, after a day or so, she’ll be almost fine.
Guan Zu turned on the TV to check today’s news.
He wanted to see if there was any news about what happened to the twin tower skyscrapers yesterday.
He especially wanted to see if the gin and vodka were dead.
Last night, he hit Gin the helicopter they were flying with an RPG.
The helicopter did go down, but before it did, he saw something pop out.
I don’t know if it was the person on the plane.
The TV turns on.
Sure enough, Nikmai TV was broadcasting the news about the twin towers and skyscrapers yesterday.
#双塔skyscraper exploded, and a fire broke out… so far no one has been injured or injured due to the fire…
#A gunship was shot down, but the police did not find any casualties in the helicopter… The police are investigating the unit of the helicopter…
Seeing the news report, Guan Zu sighed, somewhat helpless.
He bombarded the helicopter that Gin Jiu was flying with RPG, but Gin Jiu and the others still survived.
This cannot be explained by science at all, it can only be explained by science.
As expected of the anime world.
However, it doesn’t matter, it’s actually pretty good not to die.
This time they fought against Gin and Jiu, and won another system reward.
Although the effect of this tattoo is average, but after allIt’s also a system reward, isn’t it?
He could use the black organization and gin to collect system rewards.
If you swipe a few more times, there will always be good reward bins.
“Zu~Xiao Ai~ It’s time to eat~!” Miyano Akemi came out of the kitchen with a plate in her hand.
When eating, Xiao Ai still looked like ignoring people.
Guan Zu is also used to it, it’s normal for girls to play petty temper.
After eating, Xiao Ai immediately put on her schoolbag.
“I am leaving!”.
254. Yuanzi, Curly Hair Is Really Not Suitable For You (Subscribe!)
Didan High School.
“Hey, Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, let’s go to the cinema to watch a movie this weekend~!” Yuanzi looked at Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai and said.
“Wow~!” Xiaolan agreed without hesitation.
“What movie do you want to see on the weekend?” Xiao Ai asked curiously.
If the movie is too boring, it might as well go shopping.
“It’s that “Uncle Eleven 2″!”
“The content of the previous “Uncle Eleven 1″ was exciting! Suspenseful and tense! I have been looking forward to its sequel for a long time!” Yuanzi looked at Xiao Ai and said excitedly.
“This movie.” Xiao Ai showed a little lack of interest.
The first part of this movie was pretty good.
But if it’s a sequel…
Xiao Ai feels that there will be a situation where the dog’s tail continues.
After all, isn’t that the case with most movies, and sequels always get worse and worse.
It’s just for making money.
However, since it was Yuanzi’s invitation, then go.
“Well, there’s nothing to do on the weekend anyway.” Xiao Ai also agreed.
“Hey~! Xiao Ai, is your cousin back yet?” Yuanzi looked at Yuanzi expectantly.
“Well, I came back at noon today. What’s the matter?” Xiao Ai replied subconsciously.
“How about you invite your cousin out that weekend too~~?” Yuanzi took Xiao 497 Ai’s hand and said coquettishly.
“Huh?” Xiao Ai looked at Yuanzi speechlessly.
Invite Guan Zu to watch an action romance movie? ?
Are you sure you’re not joking?
Even if you want to invite, you should invite that guy alone, right?
This is inviting girlfriends and handsome guys you like, what’s the matter?
Let them be light bulbs?
“Are you okay?” Yuanzi said coquettishly, shaking Xiao Ai’s hand.
“I finally changed my hairstyle yesterday and wanted to surprise Azu. But Azu had something to do and didn’t attend the opening ceremony of the twin tower skyscrapers.”
“While he still has this hairstyle, let your cousin meet him~~” Yuanzi hugged Xiao Ai’s arm, and said coquettishly.
“Okay~ okay~ I’ll go back and talk to him about it.”
“However, this guy often runs out, I don’t guarantee that he will come.” Xiao Ai couldn’t stand Yuanzi’s acting like a baby, so she could only agree.
“Xiao Ai~ You are so kind to me~!” Yuanzi hugged Xiao Ai excitedly.
Xiao Ai: “…”
Xiaolan on the side showed a helpless smile.
There is really no way to get the garden.
For the handsome guy, Yuanzi really worked hard.
In the evening, Xiao Ai returned home.
“Go to the movies together on weekends? This is really strange, Xiao Ai, you actually want to go on a date with me~?” Guan Zu looked at Xiao Ai in surprise.
At noon, Xiao Ai was still angry with him.
Invite yourself to a weekend movie in the evening?
There’s no conspiracy here, is there?
It’s no wonder Guan Zu thinks this way, it’s really abnormal.
Even in normal times, Xiao Ai seldom invites him to the movies.
And when he came back at noon today, the girl clearly smelled a woman on her body, and then she had a relationship with herself.
When I came back in the evening, I asked myself to go to the movies on the weekend, Guan Zu couldn’t help but doubt it.
“It’s not that I want to invite, but Yuanzi wants to invite you to watch a movie on weekends.” Xiao Ai rolled her eyes and said.
If it weren’t for Yuanzi, she wouldn’t have invited Guan Zu to watch a movie alone! !
“It turned out to be like this, then the explanation makes sense.” Guan Zu suddenly realized.
Guan Zu knew that the girl in Yuanzi liked her.
After all, he is so handsome, so it is normal to attract Yuanzi, a ‘yan dog’ who likes handsome guys.
As for going to the movies, it’s not impossible.
“What movie to watch?” Guan Zu asked curiously.

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