If the movie is good, it’s not impossible to accept the appointment.
Moreover, Guan Zu thought about it carefully, if he could really deal with Yuanzi, the eldest lady of the Suzuki consortium, he would be able to lie down and eat soft food in the future.
Although he is rich, he is nothing compared to a large consortium like the Suzuki Consortium that has developed over decades.
After all, the Suzuki consortium is one of the largest consortiums in the whole of Sakura.
And it’s not just cherry blossoms, it even has layouts all over the world.
If Yuanzi is dealt with, wouldn’t the Suzuki consortium belong to him in the future?
Moreover, even if he took care of Yuanzi, it didn’t affect his idea of ​​robbing the Suzuki consortium.
The Suzuki consortium is a large consortium with widely dispersed equity interests.
A lot of people in the Suzuki family definitely have a stake.
The system doesn’t stipulate that you can’t rob ‘relatives’, right?
“Are you planning to go to the appointment??” Xiao Ai looked at Guan Zu with the expression of seeing a ghost.
He is really going to go to the movies with everyone? ?
“Why not? I also occasionally want to watch a movie to relax.” Guan Zu shrugged and said.
“It’s “Uncle Eleven 2″. The previous movie was pretty good, but I don’t know about the sequel this time.” Xiao Ai gave Guan Zu a look, and it was too bad.
Let this guy go, anyway, it has nothing to do with meTie.
There is no special relationship between them! !
“This movie, I’ve seen the advertisement for this movie before. It looks pretty good, so let’s go and watch it together~.” Guan Zu agreed.
Ren Jiazi has already taken the initiative so much, so he has to respond to some extent.
Aren’t there always discussions among netizens on the Internet, is it to find someone you like, or to find someone you like?
If conditions permit, it is natural to find someone you like and like yourself.
If you meet someone like Yuanzi who is young, rich in family, has a bad personality, and still likes you, how can there be other heirs in the family?
Is this still an option?
Not to mention that Yuanzi is actually quite beautiful, but his appearance is sealed by the headband.
Even if she is a fat man weighing two hundred catties, she is definitely the best choice for ordinary men.
This is not less struggle for a lifetime, but less struggle for dozens of lives.
Guan Zu would not kneel and lick her because of Yuanzi’s conditions.
But Yuanzi has already been so active, and it is good to give a little response occasionally.
Instead of cheap Kyogoku Ma’s ‘black chicken’, why not cheap him.
Seeing this, Xiao Ai immediately turned around and left, ignoring Guan Zu again.
I don’t know why, seeing Guan Zu agree to Yuanzi’s invitation, she felt very uncomfortable.
Xiao Ai is very annoying.
The weekend is coming soon.
Guan Zu drives a Cayenne and takes Xiao Ai to the Maori Detective Agency.
Yuanzi will gather at Xiaolan’s place first, and then set off with everyone.
Soon, Guan Zu and Xiao Ai came to the Maori Detective Agency.
So Guanzu finally saw Yuanzi with his hair curled.
In the twin towers skyscrapers before, he actually saw Yuanzi with his hair permed into curls, but at that time, his identity was not Guan Zu.
So it’s not easy to come forward and say something.
But now, Guan Zu didn’t say anything.
“Sonoko, you are really not suitable for curly hair.”.
255. One action makes Yuanzi full of vitality (please subscribe!)
“Yuanzi, you are really not suitable for curly hair.” Guan Zu said to Yuanzi very straightforwardly.
Don’t say no, it has to be said.
After curling her hair, Sonoko looks too similar to Xiao Ai before she shrinks when viewed from behind or from a distance.
He has seen Xiao Ai’s previous photos, and Guan Zu has the most say on this point.
Yuanzi was lucky in the twin tower skyscrapers before.
Gin did not stay on the roof of the building opposite as in the original plot.
In addition, thanks to Guan Zu’s contribution, the sniper on the roof of the building opposite the twin tower skyscrapers was shot in advance.
Otherwise, Yuanzi was mistaken for Xiao Ai by the people in the black organization, so he couldn’t be shot to death?
I was lucky before, and there was Guan Zu’s interference, so I can still have ~ this luck in the future?
In case he was walking on the main road and was seen by the core members of the black organization such as Qin Jiu, he would be kidnapped by Cheng Xueli.
Even if it turns out that she is not Shirley, I am afraid that she will not be released, but directly tear up the ticket.
If you tear up the ticket directly, the person who kidnapped her will not be exposed.
“Ah??” Yuanzi was shocked when he heard Guan Zu’s words.
The whole person is depressed.
She deliberately changed her hairstyle so that Guan Zu could see her charm.
Now Guan Zu said that curly hair is not suitable for her, which was a blow to Yuanzi.
“Mr. Guan, Yuanzi wanted you to see her new hairstyle on purpose!” Xiaolan said for Yuanzi’s injustice.
Xiao Ai on the side understood Guan Zu.
She also knew that after Yuanzi permed her hair, she looked very similar to herself from the back.
There is a possibility that people in the organization mistakenly think they are themselves.
So she also persuaded Sonoko to change her hairstyle.
But Yuanzi won’t listen to persuasion, and it’s not easy for her to force Yuanzi to change her hairstyle, so she can only be careful of the surrounding environment when she is by Yuanzi’s side.
Once the people in the organization are discovered, they must not let the people in the organization mistake Yuanzi for herself.
Now that Guan Zu is “hitting” Yuanzi, Xiao Ai thinks it is right.
Yuanzi would not listen to her words, but Yuanzi should be able to listen to Guan Zu’s words.
After all, Yuanzi likes Guan Zu.
Conan on the side glanced at Sonoko suspiciously.
Garden is not suitable for curly hair?
He thinks it looks pretty good, at least much better than the previous hairstyle.
How could this Guan Zu say it was not good-looking?
This guy’s aesthetic…is a bit strange!
Seeing Yuanzi’s shocked appearance, Guan Zu wondered if his words were too direct.
So he spoke again.
“Yuanzi, your previous hairstyle was actually pretty good. Of course, it would be even better if you put the headband down!”
After finishing speaking, Guanzu thought of the way Yuanzi put down his headband before.
Because the headband was worn for too long, after the headband was put down, the bangs were still curled up, causing Yuanzi to die directly.
“Emmm… you can’t put the headband down halfway, you have to wash your hair without wearing the headband, it’s absolutely beautiful. Believe me!” Guan Zu raised his hand and touched Yuanzi’s head and said comfortingly.
“!!!” Sensing the warmth from Guanzu’s palm, Yuanzi was startled.
Immediately afterwards, the blood in his body began to boil, his cheeks became hot, and two blushes appeared.
Although Yuanzi is usually careless, when he really meets someone he likes, he will still show his little girly side.
Of course… maybe not much.
“Huh~?” Xiaolan noticed the change in Yuanzi.
Sonoko, who was depressed at first, healed instantly!
Sure enough, the power of love is really powerful!
Xiao Ai: “…”
Seeing this scene, Xiao Ai felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.
this touchHead kills were obviously her exclusive use in the past.
Conan on the sofa beside him was also surprised.
what happened?
Sonoko would be shy too! ? ?
“Okay, okay! I said you guys have to go out quickly if you want to go shopping! My work has been interrupted!” Mori Kogoro said impatiently.
It’s just that Mori Kogoro wasn’t working at all, but was watching a video of Okino Yoko’s concert!
“Dad! You’re not working at all!” Xiaolan looked at her father dissatisfied.
“Uncle Mao Li is right, let’s not disturb him, let’s go now.” Guan Zu looked at everyone and said.
“That’s right! Let’s go quickly~~” Yuanzi was full of energy again.
She is very much looking forward to shopping and watching movies with Guan Zu.

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