Although there are other people together, she is already very happy.
・・・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・
“Then let’s go~” Xiaolan also picked up her bag, ready to go out.
Conan also jumped off the sofa.
“Is this kid Conan going too?” Guan Zu glanced at Conan and said.
Isn’t this a proper light bulb?
Going shopping with three girls is a pleasure, and bringing an oil bottle, the fun will be halved, at least.
“I’m sorry, after this kid heard that we were going to watch a movie, he insisted on going together.” Xiaolan said apologetically.
In fact, Xiaolan was quite happy when Conan clamored to go out with her.
Because she knew that Conan was Shinichi.
Hearing from her that she wanted to go shopping and watch movies with Yuanzi, Xiao Ai, and Guan Zu, Conan clamored for it.
This shows that Shinichi still cares about himself.
….. ………. 0
He was worried that she would be snatched away by Guan Zu, right?
When Sonoko and Xiao Ai were the only ones together before, Conan wouldn’t clamor to go shopping together.
“Because they also want to watch movies~~” Conan said coquettishly, pretending to be a child.
Guan Zu: “…”
Conan pretends to be a child, which is really handy.
“Okay, let’s go.” Guan Zu agreed.
Just pretend that the kid like Conan doesn’t exist.
And talking and laughing with Xiaolan and the others in front of Conan, this guy should feel even more uncomfortable~?
“Okay~~ Let’s go to the movies~!” Conan deliberately pretended to be a happy child.
Xiaolan glanced at Conan, but didn’t show any different expressions.
She is used to Conan’s appearance now.
A group of people went out, took Guan Zu’s car, and went to the shopping street.
Let’s go shopping first, and then watch a movie in the evening.
After watching the movie, go straight home.
I have to say that shopping with girls is really tiring, the key is that girls don’t feel tired.
Guan Zu’s physique is good, but he doesn’t feel tired, he just feels a little bored.
But Conan was miserable, tired and bored.
After walking around all afternoon, I was really exhausted.
When I eat at night, I feel weak.
When watching a movie, I even fell asleep sitting alone.
But this movie is really so-so, with an old-fashioned plot and nothing new.
I’m totally sorry for its publicity.
256. Xiao Ai: So, will love disappear? (Please subscribe!)
This movie is nothing to watch, but it is quite interesting for Guan Zu to tease Yuanzi from time to time.
The seats for five people are Conan, Guanzu, Yuanzi, Xiaoai, and Xiaolan.
Originally, Xiao Ai was going to sit next to Guan Zu, but Yuanzi seemed to have said something to Xiao Ai, and then Xiao Ai gave up the seat next to Guan Zu to Yuan Zi.
Guan Zu bought popcorn and Coke for everyone.
There is one cup of Coke per person, but there are only four big buckets of popcorn.
No two people with a big bucket of popcorn between them must be enough to eat.
Then Guan Zu didn’t go to get the popcorn between him and Conan, but went to get the popcorn on the other side of the garden.
Every time he accidentally touched Sonoko’s hand, Sonoko felt like getting an electric shock.
It’s not fun.
Her appearance is completely different from her usual carefree look.
Guan Zu estimated that Yuanzi might not even have the heart to watch this movie carefully (Liu Li. ò ? ó. First release).
Soon, the movie ends.
Guan Zu woke up Conan, who had been sleeping for most of the movie, and everyone left together.
Walking out of the cinema, the group went to the parking place together.
Because of shopping in the afternoon, Guan Zu’s car was not parked in the parking lot of the cinema, but parked elsewhere.
But it’s not too far away, about a hundred meters away.
It will be there in a short walk.
A group of people walk on the sidewalk of the road.
“Hey, Yuanzi, what do you think of this movie?” Xiaolan tilted her head and asked Yuanzi beside her.
Yuanzi strongly requested to watch this movie. Now that he has watched it, he naturally wants to ask Yuanzi how he feels.
“Huh? A movie? It’s okay.” Sonoko smiled awkwardly.
Because she was sitting next to Guan Zu, and the two of them had been eating the same bucket of popcorn, she didn’t have the energy to pay attention to the plot of the movie.
Moreover, she and Guan Zu would have skin-to-skin contact from time to time.
It’s almost like a couple on a date!
Yuanzi was so excited to death throughout the movie, how could he have the energy to pay attention to the plot of the movie?
“Really? What do you think about Xiao Ai?” Xiao Lan looked at Xiao Ai on the other side.
“It’s okay.” Xiao Ai also gave the same answer.
She was sitting next to Yuanzi, and she could clearly see the small movements between Yuanzi and Guan Zu.
depressedI’m so bored to death, how can I still be in the mood to watch a movie.
There’s no way to concentrate at all, okay?
“Is that so…” Xiaolan was a little confused.
Why does she feel that this movie is not as good as the last one?
It feels like the quality has dropped.
“What do you think of Conan and Azu?” Xiaolan looked at Conan and Guanzu who were walking in front again.
Xiaolan is a little worried, maybe there is something wrong with her own aesthetics?
‘Not gregarious’, this is a big problem!
“Ah, I think it looks pretty~~” Conan said quickly, pretending to be a child.
He didn’t dare to say that he fell asleep not long after the movie started.
After all, when he was at home before, he strongly requested to go out to watch movies with him.
Now she fell asleep in the movie theater, Xiaolan should not bring herself out next time.
Hearing Conan’s evaluation, Xiaolan doubted herself even more.
She knew very well that Conan was not a child who had never seen the world.
This movie is not a detective movie like Sherlock Holmes, and it is not Conan’s favorite type.
But he said the movie was great!
Could it be… I am really out of touch with everyone! ? ?
“I don’t think the quality of this movie is so-so. The plot is old-fashioned and blunt. The director has no sincerity at all. I feel that the production company made a sequel to make money because the previous movie did well.” Guan Zu commented.
When watching a movie before, although he teased Yuanzi from time to time, he also roughly read the plot of the movie.
The plot is really corny.
And it’s not a blockbuster with special effects, anyway, it just doesn’t feel a little bit of sincerity.
“Really? I think so too~!” Xiaolan’s eyes lit up when she heard it.
Finally someone who has the same opinion as me?
Fortunately, I am not out of gregarious!
Conan, the Asian vinegar king, suddenly felt a strong crisis.
No way! No way!
Because of this, Xiaolan won’t be more fond of Guan Zu, right? ?
Won’t! Won’t!
That woman in Sonoko likes Guan Zu! Xiaolan will definitely not rob Yuanzi of a man!
They are the best girlfriends!
“Huh??” Yuanzi was suddenly bumped by a passerby.
The man kept walking and ran straight forward.
And Yuanzi hadn’t even noticed that the bag that was straddling her elbow was gone!
That’s when someone targeted her luxury bag and robbed her on the street!

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