After breakfast, Guan Zu also packed some food for Conan.

The purpose of kidnapping Conan was to extort money from Kudo Yusaku, not to kill Conan.

Not to mention that it would not benefit him at all.

God knows if there would be any force majeure factors such as earthquakes and tsunamis to stop him if he really wanted to kill Conan.

He is a gangster, not a murderer. He does everything for profit, and he won't do anything without profit.

At noon, Conan didn't wake up, and Guan Zu went out for lunch again.

At the same time, he turned on Conan's mobile phone to see if Kudo Yusaku or Yukiko had replied to him. There was still no reply.

This made Guan Zu a little strange.

Could it be that the two of them didn't plan to save their son?

The money he wanted was too much, so they were going to give up the big trumpet and practice a small trumpet? ?

No way?

Guan Zu stayed in the hotel all day.

During dinner, he turned on Conan's mobile phone again.

This time, he finally saw the message from Kudo Yusaku.

#I will prepare the money, but it will take some time. How to trade?

The email came around 2pm.

Is this... back from the US?

Guan Zu thought about it and edited the information.

#After the money is ready, let Mrs. Kudo drive alone, take the money, go to Shiba Park, and wait for my news!

#Don't call the police! Don't play tricks! Don't delay! I won't give your son anything to eat until I get the money!

#Take care of yourself!

Confirm to send.

Then turn off the phone again.

Guan Zu finished dinner and returned to the room.

After more than an hour, Conan, who was anesthetized, slowly woke up.

""Great Detective, do you want to eat?" Guan Zu looked at Conan and asked.

It would have been better if he hadn't asked, because Kudo Shinichi didn't feel hungry.

As soon as he asked, Kudo Shinichi felt hungry and thirsty.

This is for sure.

After all, since he was knocked unconscious by Gin and drank APTX4869, he hadn't had a drop of water or a grain of rice.

For a whole day, Kudo Shinichi didn't eat anything.

Although he was basically in a coma and his metabolism was relatively low, he still felt thirsty and hungry.

Hearing Guan Zu asking if he wanted to eat, Kudo Shinichi nodded repeatedly

"You can eat if you want, but if you dare to yell, you won't be able to eat anything until your parents give you money." Guan Zu threatened.

He sent a message to Kudo Yusaku saying that he would not give their son food.

It was just a threat.

Guan Zu had just started to be a gangster and was not so cruel.

He had not shot or hurt anyone in the previous robberies.

Of course, if Conan didn't know what was going on, then for his own safety, he would have to be cruel and let the little brat Conan starve.

Kudo Shinichi nodded quickly.


He wouldn't do that without knowing the surrounding environment.

Unless he knew there were other people outside the room.

Guan Zu tore off the tape on Conan's mouth.


""Hiss!!!" Kudo Shinichi gasped in pain.

Then, Guan Zu untied the ropes that bound Conan's hands, but kept the ropes on his feet.


Guan Zu held a tranquilizer gun in his hand and stepped aside.

As long as Conan tried to call for help, he would shoot him and knock him down.

After that, Conan could not eat any food except drinking water.

Looking at the tranquilizer gun in Guan Zu's hand, Kudo Shinichi also realized that he must not do anything that would cause the kidnappers to misunderstand.

So he ate silently.

The meal was the eel rice packed in the morning, which had already gone cold.

But Kudo Shinichi had no choice at this moment. He had been hungry all day, so everything he ate was delicious.

There was also a large glass of water.

Kudo Shinichi was really hungry, and he quickly finished a bowl of eel rice.

He also gulped down a large glass of water.

"Ha~ I'm full~!"Conan touched his belly with a satisfied look on his face.

Finally, he felt better.

"Have you eaten? Then take a nap.~!"Guan Zu raised the tranquilizer gun and shot Conan.

An anesthetic needle shot into Conan's arm.

He immediately felt dizzy.


Kudo Shinichi, who had just eaten, lost consciousness again.

Guan Zu tied up Conan again.

Conan, like his father Kudo Yusaku, is a guy who is very good at reasoning.

He will not give Conan any chance to contact the outside world.

Before getting the money, you'd better go to sleep obediently.

As for whether Conan will become stupid because of too many anesthetic injections.

Guan Zu thinks that it will not happen.

Mouri Kogoro was shot into a hedgehog by Conan, but there is no change?

On the other side.

Kudo Yusaku received Guan Zu's reply email and immediately clicked to check.

Dr. Agasa and Yukiko also hurried over.

#After the money is ready, let Mrs. Kudo drive alone, take the money, go to Shiba Park, and wait for my news!

#Don't call the police! Don't play tricks! Don't delay! I won't give your son anything to eat until I get the money!

#Take care of yourself!

Kudo Yusaku's face turned pale.

It was as expected.

Before, the kidnappers sent ransom emails to both of them, but only called Yukiko.

He felt that the kidnappers seemed to deliberately avoid having too much contact with him.

In addition, the kidnappers knew their identities, which meant that the kidnappers knew them and he was good at reasoning. As for paying the ransom, the kidnappers didn't ask him to go, but asked Yukiko to go.

Kudo Yusaku looked at Yukiko beside him with some concern.

Paying the ransom is inherently dangerous.

What if his son was not rescued, and his wife was in trouble?……

""Hubby! We must prepare the money quickly, otherwise Shinichi will starve to death if time passes!" Yukiko said anxiously.

The kidnappers didn't even give Shinichi food, so they couldn't waste time.

One more day of delay means one more day of hunger for Shinichi. He would become very weak if he didn't eat for three days, and he would starve to death if he didn't eat for a week!

""Yukiko, is it dangerous for you to deliver the money alone?" Dr. Agasa said worriedly.

This criminal is obviously not a good guy.

Don't let him take the money and not only won't let you go, but also kidnap Yukiko as well.

"We can't just watch Shin-chan starve to death!" Yukiko said immediately.

"I will contact Officer Megure and ask him to arrange for police to provide covert protection around here."

"Before meeting the criminals, we can only temporarily follow their demands."Kudo Yusaku said.

As for the criminals saying that we are not allowed to call the police.

How could we not call the police?

If we don't call the police, we will do exactly what the criminals said and let Yukiko deliver the money.

If the criminals don't keep their word, they will lose both their money and their lives.

When the criminals take the ransom, it is the best time to arrest them.

We must not miss it. Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Event time: April 29 to May 3)

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