Kudo Yusaku has already made an appointment with the bank for a large amount of cash.

If all 50 million Mijin are converted into Japanese yen, it will be worth nearly 7 billion Japanese yen.

A large duralumin box can hold 500 million Japanese yen.

7 billion Japanese yen requires 14 large duralumin boxes to hold it.

And 14 duralumin boxes can't fit in a car at all.

It has to be loaded in a van!

Because the criminals want old currency, a bank can't prepare so many old currency in a short time.

Kudo Yusaku directly contacted a bank head office.

Tomorrow morning, 7 billion Japanese yen will be ready.

In fact, he can also prepare Mijin directly, so that 50 million Mijin can be loaded in fewer boxes.

But in order to add trouble to the robbers, Kudo Yusaku deliberately chose Japanese yen for all.

The more inconvenient it is for the criminals to transport, the greater the chance of the police arresting the criminals.

The next morning, Kudo Yusaku and his group, accompanied by Officer Megure and others, took out 50 million Mijin Japanese yen from the bank.

Then Yukiko will drive���An Alfa, carrying money, went to Shiba Park.

As for the detectives from the Metropolitan Police Department, they drove their cars and protected Yukiko from a distance in front and behind.

In addition, there were plainclothes detectives lying in ambush in Shiba Park in advance.

After Yukiko drove to the Shiba Park parking lot, she filmed a video and sent it to her son's email.

No one knew when the criminal would check the email.

Therefore, everyone could only wait patiently.

On the other side, after Guan Zu got up, he went to eat breakfast leisurely.

While eating, he took a look at Conan's email, but he didn't see any email, so he turned it off directly.

Since Kudo Yusaku had replied to the message and said that he would prepare the money, he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, Kudo Yusaku should have prepared the money before Conan"starved to death".

And 50 million dollars in cash can't be prepared in a short time.

Conan didn't wake up until mid-morning.

And then there was the cold pork rice bowl again

"Um, can you please not shoot me with the tranquilizer gun later? I promise to be obedient!!"While eating, Conan asked tentatively

"Well...it depends on my mood." Guan Zu said perfunctorily.

"……"Conan was speechless and could only eat in silence.

The criminal still had a tranquilizer gun in his hand, so he didn't dare to mess around.

Otherwise, he might not have any food to eat, and he would be knocked unconscious by the criminal with a tranquilizer gun.

After dinner, Guan Zu did not give Conan an anesthetic injection immediately, but tied him to a chair with his hands behind his back, and then sealed Conan's mouth with tape.

Conan was very happy about this.

Although he still couldn't move or speak.

But at least his eyes could still see, and his brain could continue to think.

This is much better than completely losing consciousness.

At noon, Guan Zu did not go to eat, but checked Conan's email first.

Then his eyes lit up.

Received Yukiko's reply!

In the video, Yukiko had already driven to Shiba Park with the money.

Guan Zu played the video without lowering the volume, and Kudo Shinichi naturally heard it.

Hearing that his mother had delivered the money to the designated location according to the criminal's request.

Kudo Shinichi became more and more anxious!

He hasn't thought of a way to escape yet!!

Once the criminal gets the money, there are only two results waiting for him.

The criminal kept his promise and released him!

Or, the criminal killed him!

In an instant, Kudo Shinichi was so anxious that sweat flowed down his forehead.

This was the first time he was in such a dangerous situation!

Suddenly, Kudo Shinichi saw the criminal looking up at him, and a terrifying smile appeared on his lips.

"Great Detective, it's time to go to bed!"

Guan Zu raised the tranquilizer gun and shot Conan.

The anesthetic needle shot into Conan's chest.

【Don’t faint! Don’t faint!]

Kudo Shinichi desperately warned himself not to faint.

But he didn’t last more than three seconds before he lost consciousness.

"Hehe... it's harvest time~!"Guan Zu no longer cared about the unconscious Conan, opened the door and walked out.

He drove to Beido Station and took the subway to Shiba Park.

He had just bought this R8, and he didn't plan to throw it away so soon.

Soon, Guan Zu came out of Shiba Park subway station.

The police set up surveillance near the Shiba Park parking lot, but not at the entrance and exit of the Shiba Park subway station.

After all, it is impossible for the criminals to take billions of yen and leave by subway.

With such a large sum of money, the criminals can only drive themselves!

In addition, the flow of people at Shiba Park subway station is not small. If there are fewer police forces, they can't control it. If there are more police forces, they will be discovered by the criminals.

When the criminals cancel the transaction, they will still have a headache.

Near the Shiba Park parking lot, there are dozens of plainclothes detectives squatting in the dark.

Some hide in the car.

Some disguised as lovers and scattered in the park around the parking lot.

Kudo Yusaku, together with Officer Megure, monitored the scene in a nearby high-rise building.

A robbery worth 50 million yen, this is a shocking case.

If the kidnappers succeed, the Metropolitan Police Department will lose face.

Parking lot.

Yukiko sat in the Alpha, anxiously looking at her phone.

The email had been sent for two or three hours, but the criminals had not replied!

Yukiko was very anxious.

Guan Zu came out of the subway station and did not go to the parking lot, but walked along the street towards the beach.

Although he told Kudo Yusaku not to call the police in the email.

But he was sure that there must be many hidden detectives around Yukiko.

That's how it was played on TV and in movies.

Guan Zu ate two bowls of ramen at a ramen shop on the street.

Then he sat down in a cafe.


No hurry.

Let's wait until it gets dark.

He has already made an escape plan.

The police will never be able to catch him.

Guan Zu sat leisurely in the cafe drinking coffee.

A few hundred meters away in the Shiba Park parking lot, Yukiko, Kudo Yusaku, Dr. Agasa, and Inspector Megure and all other police forces were anxiously waiting.

"Why haven't the criminals come yet? Are they playing tricks on us? Officer Gao Mu said depressedly.

They have been wandering around in the park for most of the day.

""Don't talk nonsense, stay alert!" said Officer Sato.

In the Alpha, Yukiko was almost desperate.

It was almost dark, why hadn't the kidnappers come yet?

Could it be that the kidnappers hadn't seen the email sent by Yusaku?

Or, the kidnappers didn't intend to take the money at all, but just wanted to play a trick on them.

The real purpose of the kidnappers was to kill Shinichi!?


Yukiko's cell phone suddenly rang.

As soon as the caller ID showed that it was Shin-chan, Yukiko couldn't wait to answer the call and pressed the hands-free button.

On the other side, Officer Megure and others heard the ringing of the cell phone, and they all perked up immediately.


"Drive the car to the entrance of Toshiba at Minato-cho 13! Don’t let me see the cops following you!"

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