Guan Zu finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Yukiko, who was responsible for delivering the ransom, had to drive to another location as Guan Zu requested.

On the other side,

Officer Megure heard the conversation coming from the wiretap and immediately gave his men new orders.

"Everyone! Follow the target immediately!! But don't follow too closely, keep your distance!!"

The detectives who were originally deployed near the parking lot quickly moved.

Kudo Yusaku frowned.

The criminals didn't show up.

When the sun was about to set, a phone call came, asking Yukiko to move with the money.

Toshiba in Minato-machi 13...


Did the criminals want to escape underwater??

But what about the money?

Isn't he afraid that the money will be damaged by the sea water??

And how to take so much money away from underwater?


The criminals didn't plan to take 50 million yen from the beginning!

Instead, they only planned to take part of the money!

It could be 200 to 300 million yen, or 400 to 500 million yen!

But it definitely wouldn't be 600 to 700 million yen!

The criminals couldn't take so much cash!

The reason why they extorted so much money at the beginning was to divert their attention!

"Officer Megure! Contact the Coast Guard immediately! The criminal is about to drive his car into the sea!!"Kudo Yusaku said hurriedly

"The criminal is going to drive his car into the sea? ? ?"Inspector Megure was stunned by what Kudo Yusaku said.

Is the criminal mentally ill? Is he going to commit suicide by driving his car into the sea?

"There is no time to explain! Contact them quickly! Even if we can't catch the kidnappers, we must rescue Yukiko!!"Kudo Yusaku said anxiously.

Kudo Yusaku was very upset.

Why didn't he realize it earlier?

Six or seven billion yen, so much cash, how could the criminals get rid of the police and take the money away?

The kidnappers' initial goal was probably just a few hundred million yen!

A dozen duralumin boxes are not easy to carry, but if there are only one or two boxes, it is still easy to carry.

And now it is getting dark, it is safest to go underwater.

Just prepare the diving equipment in advance and prepare an underwater thruster.

You can leave without anyone noticing..

They had no idea where the kidnappers would land.

Kudo Yusaku now only hoped that the criminals would drive Yukiko out of the car.

He couldn't imagine if the criminals drove Yukiko and jumped into the sea.

Shiba Park was not very far from the place Guan Zu mentioned.

It was only about 500 meters.

When he made the call, he had already come out of the coffee shop. He walked into the alley on the side of the road and put on a gangster mask.

Soon, Yukiko parked the car in front of the Toshiba store.

Guan Zu made another call. At the same time, he walked towards the Alpha parked on the side of the road.

"Hello? I'm here." Yukiko said nervously.

"Get out of the car and sit in the passenger seat. Guan Zu ordered

"Got it."

Yukiko quickly followed the instructions, got down from the driver's seat and sat in the passenger seat.

Her son was still in the hands of the kidnapper, so she didn't dare to disobey.

As soon as she sat down, Guan Zu opened the door of the driver's seat and sat in.

Seeing Guan Zu wearing a mask, Yukiko knew that this was the kidnapper who kidnapped Shinichi!

"My son……"

Just as Yukiko was about to ask about Kudo Shinichi's situation, Guan Zu raised the tranquilizer gun and shot her.

Let's knock him down first to avoid him making trouble later.

He put away the tranquilizer gun, started the car, and stepped on the accelerator to start.

Behind the Alpha, Sato Miwako parked her car on the side of the road.

Seeing a masked man get in the car, she quickly stepped on the accelerator to chase after him.

She wanted to stop the criminal before he left!

Officer Takagi sat in the passenger seat, holding the armrest tightly.

Officer Sato's driving was too violent!!

Guan Zu glanced in the rearview mirror and naturally found the pursuers behind him.

"Hehe~ Can you catch up?~?"Guan Zu muttered with a smile, and the accelerator was already pressed to the bottom.

The location he chose was less than 300 meters away from the beach.

At this distance, it was impossible for the people behind to catch up with him.

In the blink of an eye, the car arrived at the beach.

Finally, it broke through the guardrail without slowing down and plunged into the sea.

The beach here is not a beach. Breaking through the guardrail is a deep water area of more than ten meters.

The sea water directly submerged the entire car, but because of the buoyancy, the car soon floated up.

As the sea water seeped into the car, the car began to sink slowly again.

Guan Zu helped Yukiko unbuckle her seat belt and put a full-cover diving mask on her head.

Then all the aluminum alloy boxes in the car were put into the storage space.

Then he put on the diving mask himself and connected the oxygen tube to the masks of both of them.

He smashed the car glass and got out of the car.

He took out the underwater thruster and left with the unconscious Yukiko


Officer Sato drove the car, following closely behind the Alpha.

As they got closer to the beach, Miwako Sato also noticed something was wrong.

Didn't the criminals slow down? ?

If they turned at this speed, they would crash into the sea!!

"Officer Sato! He's going to rush out! He's going to rush out!!"Takagi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was terrified.

Sato Miwako was confident in her driving skills.

She didn't slow down until the criminals slowed down.

But as they got closer and closer to the limit, Sato Miwako stepped on the brakes.


She couldn't follow him anymore.

The criminal was driving an Alfa. At this speed and distance, it was impossible for him to turn the corner successfully.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Alfa broke through the guardrail and plunged into the sea.

Sato Miwako's car turned sideways and finally hit the guardrail and stopped dangerously.

Officer Takagi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned pale with fear.

Sato quickly opened the car door.

""Takagi! Contact the Coast Guard!"

Sato Miwako said as she got out of the car and ran to the guardrail that was knocked open. She took off her shoes and coat while running.

Finally, she jumped into the sea.

There were not only criminals in the car, but also Yukiko!

Even if she didn't catch the criminals, she had to rescue Yukiko.

However, Alpha, which rushed into the sea, was 20 to 30 meters away from the shore.

Coupled with the waves, Sato Miwako couldn't swim fast enough.

When she got closer, Alpha was almost completely submerged by the sea.

The criminals, Yukiko, and the aluminum alloy box in the car containing nearly 7 billion yen were all missing.

This arrest operation was a complete failure.

"Yukiko……"Yusaku Kudo stood on the beach, looking at the vast sea, feeling deep despair.

His son was not saved, and his wife and money were gone.

For the first time, Yusaku Kudo felt a huge sense of failure.

(Thanks to 13482.. and qq_703.. for the reward!!)

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