People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 157: Konoha Hidden Boss Sarutobi Hi Slash!

Sure enough, things were not beyond everyone's expectations.

[Sandaime explained that they performed the initial cell transplantation experiment for Konoha Ninja, but all failed. That experiment was also sealed as a taboo, and Sarutobi Hisaki appropriately reminded the villagers in recent years. Some people in Xia Ren, Zhong Ren and even Anbu are missing one after another. 】

[Moreover, Konoha and surrounding villages also have several cases of kidnapping babies. 】

[These incidents shocked Kakashi. At this point, the third generation of Hokage still uses very strict terms, saying that it is rumored that someone is still doing cell transplantation experiments. 】

[Kakashi said: "Although it's just a rumor, why do you do this?"]

[Sandaime explained: "Perhaps someone wants to collect all kinds of ninjutsu, even though I sometimes feel that it would be great if there are Mudun Ninjas there, and I don't have to sacrifice the lives of the fourth generation in vain."]

[Finally, the third generation of Sarutobi again rigorously said: "Of course, these are just rumors."]

[Kakashi said without hesitation: "If there are babies transplanted with interpillar cells..."]

[Kakashi interrupted by the third stern words. 】

["It is forbidden to transplant cells to babies... But, in case, I said it is just in case, the baby who was kidnapped at first will live to be ten years old now!" After the third generation, Kakashi left time to think about it. Then turned and left. 】

After watching this screen, the audience laughed.

"No, no? No? Isn't there anyone who can't see that the third generation is fooling Kakashi?"

"How could it not, I was fooled, hahaha."

"I thought the writer Kakashi was strong? That's it? That's it?"

They were almost laughing to death. Three generations opened a rumor and closed a rumor, and they knew everything about the Mudun Ninja.

Even Kakashi knew what Kakashi was looking for, and he was still pretending to be there?

The three people in Class 7 only felt anger rushing to their hearts, but Kakashi teacher murmured wherever he felt like losing his mind.

Konoha's elite Shangren kept silent and watched.

Yurihong lifted the bench and was farther away from the position of Sandaime and Sarutobi.

Kai and his men all watched silently around Kakashi.

Although their brains are a little stupid, they still have intuition. Third generation is not a good person.

Kakashi is really miserable!

Tsunade frowned and turned to look at Ochihime.

"Why does Orochiji do this?"

Ochiji licked her lips and smiled evilly: "In order to obtain all the ninjutsu in the world!"

Wen Yan Gang frowned again, and it was obvious that Da She Wan was telling lies.

"Ha ha!"

Big Snake Ji's body stiffened!

Konoha recorded the information and analyzed it keenly and found a loophole.

"Isn't it said that Zhuanyan and Mudan can control Kyuubi? Why don't you only use Mudan but not Zhuanyan?"

"You're stupid, how can ordinary Shalanyan control Kyuubi and..."

Speaking of this, the intelligence ninja's pupils shrank. During the first copy, Danzo came out and arranged for the Uchiha clan to evacuate the crowd, and Sandaime agreed.

The more I think about it, the more creepy it gets.

The Uchiha genocide incident, the mysterious masked man, the death of the fourth generation of eyes, the political game of Sarutobi Hisaki.

All are connected in series.

Four generations of eyes could have no need to die, but because of Sarutobi's behavior and actions, the impossible turned into an inevitable result.

Of course, Sunnobu and Otonobu were unable to analyze some things due to lack of intelligence, but they still found that some of Konoha's behaviors were stiff.

They also vaguely heard that this place was called the Uchiha Annihilation Event. Except for the masked man at the beginning, the Shaolamyan mentioned by the third generation, it seemed that they didn't know anything.

They also feel that they have grasped part of the truth, but they have not grasped all of it.

The big guys in the group have long understood Sarutobi's nature, and it's no surprise that even Sarutobi Lake Biwa is a roommate of Sarutobi Hiichi. Wouldn't he know his husband?

It's that Yuri Zhenhong, who was crippled by the will of fire, is more uncomfortable.

[Liu Sheng: Tsk tut, I learned it, but I learned it by stealing a new house and pretending to be Xiaobai. 】

[If Sarutobi Rizen is a good person, the bad guys in this world will probably be ashamed to death, right? 】

[Uchiha Tomitake: As expected, he is the disciple of the second generation of Naruto. 】

[Thousands of hands: Humph! 】

The screen is still moving, this time the screening is not over yet.

[Tuan Zang arranged in Gen’s base to prepare his subordinates to assassinate Sandaimu, and severely accused Sandaimu of being timid and indecisive. 】

I laughed as soon as I said this. The three generations are indecisive and timid? How did Sarutobi become Hokage?

["Three Generations of Hokage" was successfully ambushed by Root, but the final discovery was that Kakashi pretended to be. Root's assassination plan was undoubtedly bankrupt, and the picture changed again. 】

[In the Hokage Building, Danzo is lying on top of Hokage's deeds, and a familiar and powerful voice comes from behind. 】

["Sorry, I can't give up this position to other people." Three generationme walked into the office with Danzo's horrified expression, looked up and asked: "You seem to be surprised that I am still alive!"]

[Danzo explained in a flustered sweat, "Where, just because I heard that you went to the Daming Mansion this morning!"]

[Three generations of Hokage said: "There was a man who betrayed him, but he woke up and revealed to me... that someone was assassinated."]

[Wearing that the fist of the hate is clenched, the eyes are splitting, and the fear on his face is undoubtedly revealed. 】

["The master behind the scenes will find out after checking that, in this way, that person will be put to death, there is no doubt about it." Speaking of the terrifying explanation of the third generation of eyes, suddenly the third generation of voice paused and turned around and said indifferently: "It's a pity that I This doctrine does not allow me to hurt more people.” Then he said alludingly, “If you see him, please speak for me, this matter will not be held accountable.” Wen Yan Danzang's heart relaxed, his expression relaxed, It's like soaking in water for a long time. 】

[Three generations continue: "But relative, I hope he can do his best to Konoha from now on."]

["You are still a pacifist, Sarutobi will ruin your innocence one day." Danzo got up and left after hearing the words of the three generations of goals, but when he reached the door, Danzo stopped abruptly, saying something pointedly : "It has always been like this, you are light and I am dark."]

[Three generations looked at Konoha outside the window, and said leisurely: "Where there is light, there must be darkness, but without any side, the world cannot maintain normal operation."]

As soon as the words on the screen came out, the audience stood up in an uproar and lost their voice.

This is the first time Sarutobi Sun took off the mask of kindness, revealing his own thoughts.

"You are light, I am dark!"

"Fuck, it's burning."

"Sarutobi Rizen has always been aware of it. Look at the front again, tsk tsk, what a deep scheming!"

"I Sarutobi Rizen knows that Danzo uses people to do the Mudun experiment, but I should not see it, hahaha!"

"Poor Kakashi, in the end thought he was helping a good person, but he didn't know that he was an accomplice instead!"

"His repeated horizontal jumps in Anbu and Gen are just the uneven distribution of the two murderers?"

"Master laughed to death."

"In the end, Kakashi just jumped from a small pit into a huge pit, which is even more dangerous."

"Konoha Hidden Boss Sarutobi Hi Slash!"

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