People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 156: It's messed up, it's all messed up!

"Excuse me, the combination of light and darkness, did you put the fourth generation of Hokage there?"

"How long has the fourth generation of Hokage been dead?"

"It's so atmospheric, has Konoha become stronger?"

"No, no, as far as I know, Uchiha destroyed his clan later, and I heard that Yunren was given a corpse to make amends."

"Hahaha, these two old guys are really poisonous!"

"I thought that the combination of light and darkness would be a powerful combination. This is for Konoha, and this is clearly going to destroy Konoha!"

Danzo hides his dog's head deeper, and Sarutobi lowers his breathing.

The other ninja villages who watched the show ridiculed the combination of light and darkness frantically.

[At night at Naruto Cliffs, Kakashi took off his mask and said that he was not qualified to stay in Anbu. 】

[Sandaime said that thanks to Kakashi, he was able to get his life back, why is he not qualified to stay in Anbe. 】

[Kakashi said that he had thought of betraying him, and said that hating him is inevitable, and also explained that Watergate had called him once before his death. 】

[The picture also turns to the memories of Sarutobi Hizen. 】

[The same Hokage Rock in the sunset, standing fourth and third generations. 】

[Watergate opened the mouth and said that he arranged Kakashi to enter the Anbu in the hope that he could forget the pain in his heart. He also said that he had heard of Kakashi's cold-blooded nickname and cold behavior, and regretted that Kakashi had been arranged to enter the Anbu. 】

[Sandaime said that no one can heal the heartache, only time can make him forget it. Speaking of this, Sandaime put forward a suggestion to let Kakashi become Kushina’s bodyguard, stay away from the task of Anbe, and observe the process of human beings gestating new life. Perhaps Kakashi can be touched. 】

This time it was a bigger storm than Sarutobi Hizen revealed his inner heart.

understood! All the spectators who watched in the duel fully understood why Kakashi paid homage to Lynn and was so sad after being told by the tiger mask that his wife was about to give birth to four generations.

Kakashi is still in autism even now.

All the truth is lost.

"Hahaha, this is the arrangement of fate!"

"How can it be repaired!"

Otono and Sanda even laughed wildly, and Konoha ninja's forehead burst into blue veins.

Even Asma who took care of Sarutobi Hisaki was shocked, and a cigarette in her mouth also fell.

"Impossible... I don't want to believe all this."

The truth shown on this screen is exactly the same as the reminder. Sarutobi is not a good person. He is closely related to the death of Konoha Yodaime.

There was only dead silence left on Tsunade Jiao's face, not only her and all the Hokage around her remained silent.

Except for ordinary Konoha ninjas who were yelling in disbelief, the atmosphere around them was terribly silent.

All the truth derivation to the end is related to Sarutobi Hisaki. Sharanyan can control Nine Tails, and Saruto Hisaki does not allow Uchiha's clan to participate in the battle.

And the news that the Son of the Four Generations was about to be born also had the factor of Sarutobi Hizen.

If he doesn't let Kakashi be Kushina's bodyguard, will Kakashi know when Naruto will be born?

If Sarutobi Hizaki doesn't let Mizumon be Hokage and chooses Oshemaru, will Konoha's fourth generations die?

When one coincidence after another is combined, then it is not accidental, but inevitable.

Group in.

[Sarutobi Lake Biwa: How could this be? this……】

Sarutobi Lake Biwa also understood what happened to Sarutobi and Kakashina when she and Mahong watched the first video.

The other big guys who were basically related to Sarutobi Hizen had all troubled him, so he was calm and even wanted to laugh, but he couldn't help feeling sad when he thought that he was ruining the village where he lived.

[The screen continues to move. From a certain experimental site, Danzo tells Oshemaru that Kakashi has betrayed until Kakashi has dreamed of Lin. Washing hands can't wash away the guilt in my heart. 】

[Three-color dumpling shop, Kai, Shiranui Genma, Hong, Izumo, Zitie and Asma eat three-color dumplings together. 】

[Shiranui Genma said that the third generation of Meme Hokage would continue to be Hokage, but Moonlight Hayate said: "I thought that the generational change would bring a new atmosphere."]

[Kay said: "I understand what Xuanjian means!"]

[Zi Tie said: "Don't think so much, we just need to complete the task."]

[Red but suddenly said happily: "Celebrate the inauguration of the third generation of Hokage!"]

The outside world discovered the fact that Konoha hasn't changed at all in the year Mizumon became Hokage.

The new atmosphere of generations change, the two consultants said that Konoha will be transformed, and the emotional water gate has done nothing this year.

"Hahaha, I laughed to death!"

"Sarutobi Hizaki actually held Konoha firmly during the Shidaime reign. Nothing has changed in Konoha."

Group in.

[Yiu Sheng: Uncle Zhenhong, how long have you not died? This Asma invited Hong to eat three-color dumplings, it was terrible! 】

[And you see Sarutobi is one of the murderers who killed you! 】

[Hong married the son of the murderer who killed her father, and gave you a granddaughter, and finally made her a widow. 】

[Fictions dare not write like that, even more fantastic than fantasy! 】

When Yuri Zhenhong heard Liu Sheng say a sentence, there would be a tic-tac-toe on her head, her face getting darker and darker.

The other group members were startled, what can you understand like this? Why does it sound exciting?

[Xihi Zhenhong: Let me go out, I'm going to kill Asma! 】


A layer of white fog disappeared, and an additional animal appeared in the auditorium, and then he ran and became a middle-aged uncle.

He ran to Sarutobi Asma and shouted: "Sarutobi Asma, die for me!"

The Sarutobi Rizen who was still pretending to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes, bounced up, and saw a familiar subordinate, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Really red?"

Asma hadn't recovered yet, Sarutobi Hizaki and the line with Yuhi Zhenhong came to the line.

Hong frightened his mouth and looked at the diamond-shaped face of the middle-aged uncle in front of him in disbelief.


All Shinobu including Kai turned around subconsciously, and Kakashi's dead fish eyes came back to his senses.

For a time, the entire auditorium jumped up and down.

Sun Shinobu, Otono Shinobu and even the ninjas in other small villages are dumbfounded.

No, they saw Yuhi Zhenhong dying in the Kyuubi Rebellion on their front feet, and on the back foot they saw Yuhi Zhenhong appearing to kill Sarutobi Hizen. When they thought they were seeking Sarutobi Hizen's revenge, who knew it was the ape who killed him. Fei Rizhan's son.

Please let me take care of what happened?

The other big guys in the group are also in a mess, and the little Liu Sheng actually released Yuri Zhenhong and instigated him to kill Asma.

"It's over, Konoha is all messed up."

Qianshoujian patted his head with a headache, but they were hidden.

Isn't it exposed a lot in this fight?

The soil controlled by the curse imprint saw the messy Konoha mats, and the corners of his eyes showed a smile of joy, and he quickly turned on the power of the on the power of the gods...

Finally lay on the ground like a dead fish!

This super power has failed!

Because of the sudden exposure of true red, Qianshou was not hiding, and his figure flashed in front of Sarutobi Hizen. It was a strange force fist facing his head.


Sarutobi Hizhan volleyed and then slammed to the ground, and a deep hole was punched in the ground of the auditorium!

Tsunade's pupils shrank, Grandpa Second, and a man in red armor on the other side.


The ninjas such as Sanda and Otobuki were stupid on the spot. When did the first and second generations in the duel field run up, and more than that, they beat Sarutobi Hitoshi?

Can't the really angry ancestors bear the trouble of coming to him to find him?

It feels like the world has changed all at once!

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