People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 260: Oshemaru and Junmaro!

The dried persimmon ghost shark in Akatsuki's organization looked at the ferret who showed a sick posture.

"That Junmaro is really a genius of heaven, just like a dozen seven mulberries!"


Itachi responded faintly, he did.

[Tou and Dashemaru are still communicating.

"What I found is why he is the only one of the Huiye clan, and the **** history of that clan to such a situation!"

Listening to the words of Yakushi's pocket, Oshemaru silently looked at the burning candle, as if he had seen Junmaro.

The Huiye clan plunged into the mist, Junmaru's confused eyes, everything they experienced.

"The stupid people who challenged the great power of Wuyin to extinction with the power of one clan!"

Hearing what Yakushi said, Dashewan, who quietly watched the candlelight, retorted unexpectedly, and even said with an explanation.

"The Huiye clan is a clan who is incompetent but loves to fight. There is only..."

Speaking of this, Da She Wan suddenly became quiet, and finally said it.

"The battlefield is the only place where they can rest!"]

The audience silently watched what happened here in Oshemaru. They clearly didn't show the scene of Jun Maro fighting, but their hearts were hurting.

You said earlier that Huiye Clan is basically the same as Yakushidou, right?

Why has he become an incompetent person who loves to fight now, not a group of idiots who are going to die!

Dashemaru, you are very sad too!

Junmaro is about to die in battle!

Die to get the body of Sasuke you want!

[Speaking of this, Oshemaru obviously found that his tone was not right, so he should change his tone quickly and said in an arrogant posture.

"This kind of people who enjoy killing and enjoying themselves can run rampant, only a long time ago. Now the times have changed. Only using brute force to challenge Wuyin's meticulously commanded organization has become a stupid generation eager to die! "

After a few stupid words, Oshemaru remembered Junmaro again. When he invited Junmaro to join his Otonin Village, the lake, the big tree, and the daffodil.

"Therefore, as the Huiye clan, the best and youngest, he was saved by you!"

Recalling all of this, O Shemaru proudly said to the pocket: "That kid has the power that even the fighting guys are afraid of, so he has been kept in prison!"

Dou Wenyan couldn't help sighing: "It's a shame to let him die!"

"After all, no one does not want such a scarce bloodstain limit!"

"He has strong and hard bones, and he has the defensive power to defend against all physical attacks."

"At the same time, once he launches an attack, the bones will turn into the strongest spear!"]

When the ninja was sentimental to Junmaro, he couldn't help being surprised by his talents, no wonder that Junmaro was the only Kaguya ninja who had fallen into the mist and came out safely.

To describe it!

[It's another picture. In the dark basement, Junmaro respectfully knelt on one knee, looked at the triangle mark on his chest, and said happily.

"The curse of the earth?"

"This way I can be a part of Osha Maru-sama!"

Da She Wan was very energetic and said happily.

"Let's go get everything! Junmaro, and look at the truth of this world together!"


"You are the container of my dreams. I am looking forward to it. This is my gift to you. It would be great if you like it!"

Junmaro was delighted when he heard the words, obviously he was very happy.

Even if it is to become a container for Dashe Wan! 】


All the ninjas began to sigh, and the two of them were separated after all. Perhaps Oshemaru had only started to use him as a container from beginning to end.

But finally changed his mind, because he started to change his view of the Kaguya clan from Junmaro.

He really likes Junmaro, but this happiness is not eternal, and it is disease that ends it.

[As soon as the screen turns, three people appear, one with purple skin, like a hungry ghost in hell, with bones stuck in the back, but from the looks of it vaguely, it is Junmaro.

The grown-up Junmaro!

His opponent carried a sand gourd in a red ninja suit, and his black eyes revealed his identity.

The last man in a green tights with a watermelon head looked even more excited. 】

"Yes, Master Li!"

The audience chanted, but Master Li was unexpectedly on stage.

and many more!

They saw Master Li's tattered pair, and Gaara looked at Junmaro nervously, and suddenly realized that things were not easy.

In the picture.

[Junmaro said solemnly.

"I have always been fighting for the ambition of Oshemaru!"

"I will stay in the heart of Master Dashewan forever and ever!"

Gaara on the other side had firm eyes, and his expression did not see the madness in front of him, and his clothes became much neater, just like a different person.

"Have you been completely brainwashed by Dashewan?"]

The audience laughed when they saw this sentence, not being brainwashed but fighting willingly.

This is Junmaro's gratitude to Oshemaru. Maybe he did it for the last thing he did for Oshemaru before he died!

Compared to dying on the bed, the new container, the younger brother of Itachi who slinged the Oshemaru, was sent to the front of the Oshemaru at this moment.

Even if he died in battle, he would not hesitate!

["What an empty fellow!"

After Gaara finished speaking, Jieyin immediately controlled the quicksand Chaojun Maro to attack, and I also worried that the chakra was about to run out.

And the look in Junmaro's eyes changed when he heard the words, it was obvious that Gaara was also a person with a story.

Accompanied by my love, the quicksand on the ground seemed to be alive, turning into a whirlpool and gradually devouring Junmaro. Junmaro was wrapped around his legs and arms by the sand, basically as if he was bound and unable to move. Swallowed by sand.

The original Master Li, who was pretending to be forced, became a melon-eating crowd, "What an amazing chakra is this?"

"What an amazing guy!"

Junmaro also sighed about Gaara's strength, but Gaara said blankly.

"I will sink you two hundred meters below the ground, and use the pressure of the sand close to your body to make you unable to move your fingers."]


The audience couldn't help but take a breath, even though Gaara has become more gentle, but this ruthless method has not changed at all!

The defense against Junmaro was buried alive, restraining the opponent's activities with sand, buried him under two hundred meters, and let the opponent starve to death alive?

Seeing here, the audience sighed. It turned out that it was not a death from illness, but a death in battle.

But why is it so uncomfortable?

At this moment, the picture suddenly changed.

"Hey! Look, there are still changes!"

"What happened?"

The audience couldn't help looking up when they heard the romance, and then their faces were shocked.

[I only heard a surging voice under the quicksand, vigorous and powerful.


"Dance of Early Que!"

"call out!"

As soon as the dull voice fell, a sharp sound of a sharp sword piercing the air began to sound, and then it was like a domino effect, and it was also like the sound of thousands of arrows.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The entire ground seemed to be pierced by ten thousand bone arrows, one after another bone groves rose from the ground, and it was endless at a glance. 】

The audience's heart suddenly raised again. Gaara and Master Li are okay?

As the screen moved up, the audience was relieved again when they saw the two safe people.

[I saw that in this treacherous situation, Gaara controlled the sand to hump him and Xiao Li with the, and didn't see Junmaro in the bone forest coming out for a long time.

The two also breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you haven't come out for so long, that guy should never come out again."

"I'm at my limit too!"

"Go down!"


After talking, Gaara weakly pressed on the sand cloud, and at this moment another change suddenly occurred.

One with a weak, hoarse voice exploded in their ears like a ghost.

"It's not brainwashing..."

Gaara's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and Xiao Li's complexion suddenly became stiff and it became difficult to look. 】

The audience held their breath for an instant, did the battle have twists and turns?

Why are you still here?

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