People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 261: It is Konoha's shame that Sarutobi Hitoshi becomes Hokage!

["The lord..."

"Master Oshamaru understands me!"

A figure seemed to melt into the bones, raising the bone spurs of his right arm like a knight's spiral gun to pierce Gaara's back.

"You...what do you know?" Junmaro roared with all his strength.

Gaara turned around in a panic, looking in horror at the bone spurs that were getting closer and closer to him, his heart stopped for a moment, and his breathing was forgotten.


At this moment, another reversal began.

Everything seems to stop when pressed, the screen...

Stopped abruptly.

Gaara's brain instantly stopped working at the bone spur that was only a few centimeters away from his head.


A breeze blew, and a drop of blood fell on the leaf petals of a daffodil below the bone forest. The petals of the daffodil drifted with the wind, and gradually lost the leaf stem of the flower.

Somewhere in the basement, in the faint light, Zhong was like seeing the man with two red dots on his brows who had been admiring and looking at him.

Those clear and firm eyes kept calling him.

"Master Oshemaru!"

Everything they experienced was like a revolving lantern, screened in front of them, watching the confused he stood among a group of crazy people, he stood in front of a flower and was stupid, he took Junmaro to train with him, and he gave Jun Junmaro smiled brightly when Maro cursed.

The memory went from light to gray, until at the end there was only an empty name.

The faint flame of the candle in Da She Wan's eyes burned out with the wick and dissipated, and his vision returned to darkness again!

The pharmacist glanced at the Oshe Maru from the corner of her eyes, and said with a slight reminder: "It looks like...Junmaro is dead! Lord O Shemaru."

In the dark, the pale yellow snake eyes of the big snake pill instantly looked like a beast, with no expression on his face.

"Pouch, it doesn't matter what Junmaro is, I've been waiting for you... a long time."


The picture was in total darkness. They seemed to be listening from the perspective of a dead person, and the sound of two people's communication appeared in everyone's ears.

"Fighting for important people, is that guy the same as Naruto Uzumaki?"]

Everyone nodded unconsciously, yes, it was true.

Gaara is indeed a great enlightenment.

Obviously found his goal in life, not a murderous madman.

It looks different.

They understand how Gaara is a five-generation star, he is indeed worthy of relying on, and is an excellent partner.

The next sentence changed his tone.


"The people who are important to me are not all kind!" Gaara said sentimentally.

Things hurt their kind! 】

The Quan Ninja Realm chat group silently looked at the portrait of the third generation. It was indeed not a good person.

Konoha Ninja looked hot on the face, which was so embarrassing.

With the understanding of the comprehensive combat power of his village, he couldn't get around this third-generation Hokage in the end.

The same is true for Sand Shinobu's face, and his father Luo Sha should be referred to here.

Foggy feels that the atmosphere is also a bit awkward, the fourth generation of water shadows seem to be similar, right?


[Master Li looked confused, and said without hesitation: "Is it this way?

"However, I don't think of bad guys as important to me!"

Immediately, Master Li said firmly. 】

The audience has already held their foreheads, this idiot, of course Konoha also has a professional term.

That's natural staying!

But Gaara's next words resounded like thunder in the ears of all ninjas.

["No, even if I know that the other party is evil..."


"People can't beat loneliness!"]




This sentence shocked many ninjas like Daigo empowered.

Some ninjas even couldn't help but said, "Is Oshemaru really brainwashing Jun Maro? I don't believe it!"

"Oshe Maru can't be just a tool for Junmaro, there must be some reason!"

[The final picture is a silent scene, Jun Maro lying in a piece of medical equipment, in the healing breath symbol, two lines of clear tears are flowing slowly, obviously crying.

Then the pharmacist told Junmaro Otonin who was lying on the hospital bed and the group of four to bring Sasuke.

At that moment they saw the dying Jun Maro stood up instantly, and the crying eyes changed instantly, becoming full of hope.

Even if he was coughing up blood in mouthfuls, his steps were steady and strong, unlike a sick patient, but like a determined general on the expedition. 】

The video is over, but the audience is very upset and angry.

Everything is known, but is it uncomfortable?

Everything is reasonable, neither of them did anything wrong, but they were panicked.

Some ninjas began to say, "The greatness of a ninja is determined by his death!"

"To give him hope and to fight to the death of Oshemaru, maybe this is the glory of Junmaro!"

"Oshemaru knows that Junmaro belongs to the Kaguya clan and the fighting clan. Lying to death in the hospital bed is an insult to Junmaro, so..."

"Seeing Junmaro, I have changed my view of the former Kaguya clan. They are indeed a group of great ninjas."


The audience sighed, and even some men were already in tears. The encounter was so beautiful and the ending was so tragic.

He, Junmaro, a great ninja, died for his faith and for the people he protected.

"The **** said Junmaro died of illness? Junmaro died in battle!"

"Yes, Junmaro died in battle, he died great!"

Junmaro: "..."

Ochiki: "..."

Tsunade walked to the side of the two of them and patted Junmaro on the shoulder, making him startled.

"I have time to come to the hospital for checkups, my Tsunade's medical ability is okay!"

Junmaro looked at Orochi, who nodded.


When they thought it was over, the video analysis was still going.

[One sunny morning, on the street of Konoha, at the entrance of the Yile Ramen Restaurant, a little boy with yellow hair and a beard was walking bored.

The people around were all far away from him. It was better just talking in a low voice, almost unable to conceal the disgust.

"Now, that's the kid!"

"It was this demon fox who killed the fourth generation of eyes!"


Suddenly a stretched voice sounded abruptly, and the little boy's face changed drastically, covering his belly.

Obviously hungry!

But the little yellow-haired boy digs into his wallet. There is only a small coin, and he can't even eat a bowl of noodles.

A helpless expression of sadness appeared on his face, and at last he could only return home hungry and lie down. It was really hungry and uncomfortable, and he could only run outside in the forest to survive. 】

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

So the ninja's brains hummed, and he hasn't recovered until now.

The grievances that had just been accumulated by Junmaro's tragedy broke out in an instant.

The encounter between Junmaro and Oshemaru can only be said to be a coincidence of fate, after all, there is a Konoha and the other is misty.

Junmaro’s tragedy was created by the Kaguya But it can be said that it has nothing to do with Oshemaru. Oshemaru may have met Junmaro by chance during a special mission.

And what's the situation with Naruto? He was the son of Sidaimu, and was said to have killed Sidaimu.

Is it illegal for Lao Tzu to protect his son from death? Tell them about the violation of that law.

What is even more annoying is the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, who is logically one of Konoha's most noble people, but he is so hungry that he can't even eat food and wants to go to the wild to survive.

Don't talk to them about Sarutobi Hisaki I don't know!

Konoha Ninja has fire in his eyes. Naturally, it is helpless, but artificially, it is the demonic spirit of the human heart.

"Bah! Maade Sarutobi is a Hokage, it is simply a shame, insulting the position of Kage!"

The chat group suddenly scolded, and their expressions were sullen when they knew the inside story and those who didn't know the inside story.

They are all scolding partners!

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