Chapter 96 Polaris!!

Trasker Industries.

This is a multinational arms company ranked among the world’s three largest weapons companies, alongside Stark Industries and AI pioneer technology companies.

Inside the office, Bolívar Trask, founder of Trasco Industries, stands silently in front of the giant floor-to-ceiling glass, quietly looking at the pedestrianized street below.

Behind him stand respectfully Dr. Abraham Cornelius, chief scientist of the Weapons Lab, Christopher Nord of Agent Zero, and Jason Stryker, the Master of Illusions.

Dr. Abraham Cornelius is already a world-renowned expert in the field of genetics, but in front of Trask, he is still respectful like a student.

Dr. Cornelius knew very well that the man in front of him, with a dwarf body, had the most intelligent brain on the planet.

He is as knowledgeable as a sea, spanning the realm of robotics, high-energy weapons to the realm of genetics, and is a top authority in every field of expertise, and he is the most in-depth researcher on the planet who has studied the mysteries of mutant genes.

At this time, Bolívar Trask turned around and slowly spoke: “I think you have received news that President Redford has approved the application to restart the ‘weapons laboratory’ and the ‘Sentinel’ program. ”

“From now on, the ‘weapons laboratory’ does not need to be hidden in the shadows, and can carry out experiments in an open and honest manner.”

“Cornelius, you need to hurry up and speed up the development of H weapons.”

Trasker said in his usual calm tone.

“Yes, I see.”

Dr. Cornelius nodded quickly.

Trasker gently pressed the button on the desktop, and soon, the solid wooden door of the office pushed open, and the female secretary walked in with a slender girl.

The girl has extremely conspicuous green hair and a black collar tied around her fair neck, which is a device to suppress mutant abilities.

The girl’s name is Lorna Dane, nicknamed ‘North Star’, and her other identity is the daughter of the famous omega mutant ‘Magneto’.

Magneto’ has always been the leader of those radical mutants, whose idea is to establish an independent kingdom led by mutants.

“Miss Lorna, please sit!”

Trasker stretched out his hand to signal, and then he said in a deep voice: “I invited you to come this time, or I want to ask you if you are willing to accept my suggestion and choose to cooperate with us.” ”


‘Polaris’ had a look of contempt on his face, and did not put the legendary figure in front of him in his eyes at all.

“You want to use me against my fellow citizens? Stop dreaming, I will definitely not accept your conditions. ”

“Miss Lorna, you misunderstood, I don’t have any ill will towards the mutant group.”

Trask held up his hands and said in a calm tone.

“In my opinion, the genes in your body and those of other mutants are like a pistol, and the pistol itself is not divided into good or evil, the key is, in whose hands is this gun, the police or the thug?”

“Everything I do is to protect the human race, and I hope to keep your innate abilities under the control of the government,”

“You have to understand that uncontrolled forces will eventually turn into a disaster, and what I have done all my life is nip this disaster in the bud.”

“By putting a collar around the neck of every mutant?”

Polaris’ sneered and retorted disdainfully.

“No, my purpose is to monitor and not enslave, the genes in your body are a godsend, I hope you can use your talents correctly, as now, I hope you can cooperate with the government, not stand against it.”

Trask’s tone did not change, he was an extremely determined person himself, and he did not have the slightest doubt about the ideas he believed, which was why he was able to become the father of the ‘Sentinel’ and slaughter a large number of mutants without guilt.

‘North Star’ Lorna was silent for a moment, then slowly raised her head, looked into Trask’s eyes, and opened her mouth and said: “I have one condition, I want to see my father Eric, and'”

“Professor X’ Charles.”

“No problem.”

Without any hesitation, Trasker agreed to come down.

Subsequently, ‘Agent Zero’ takes ‘North Star’ Lorna to a special prison specially built for the two mutant leaders.

Polaris Lorna looked at the heavily armed guards in the prison, her face heavy.

It is almost impossible to rescue people from this heavily guarded base.

Take the elevator to the ground floor, and then through the heavily guarded guards, in a transparent room, ‘Polaris’ Lorna meets ‘Professor X’ Charles Xavier, who is being held here.

His face was withered, his eyes were not bright, and he sat dumbly on the chair, motionless.

“He’s been like this since the battle with ‘Dark Phoenix’ Qingrey, he has suffered from severe dementia, and he is only conscious for a few hours throughout the day.”

‘Agent Zero’ explains Christoph Nord.

Looking at Professor Charles who fell into dementia in front of him, Polaris’ heart felt uncomfortable, the professor back then was full of spirit, temperamental, and the leader of the entire mutant race, but now he fell into this look.

“It’s ironic that ‘The Professor’ has the strongest brain on the planet, but now, he has dementia.”

‘Agent Zero’ sneered.

The ‘Professor’ didn’t seem to notice the arrival of the ‘North Star’, he still looked at the empty wall with empty eyes, his body motionless.

Polaris couldn’t bear to look any longer and quickly left the cell.

In the next room, she meets her father, the famous Magneto’ Eric Lanschel.

He was tall and silver-haired, staring intently at the chessboard in front of him, and he was playing against himself.

Hearing footsteps outside, Magneto’ slowly stood up and saw his daughter at a glance.


‘Polaris’ shouted softly.


Magneto ‘looked at the face of the North Star’, and his tone softened.

Even in prison, Magneto’s body still retains that royal breath, and a dozen guards are aimed at his body with plastic pistols, which contain rubber bullets and no metal, completely restraining Magneto’s abilities.

As soon as he made any movement, the guards would immediately shoot.

“Lorna, don’t worry about me, live your own life.”

Magneto’ looked at his daughter quietly, ten years later, the little girl who had been sticking to his side all day with a runny nose in his memory has now grown into a young girl standing in a pavilion, and he is also full of emotion in his heart.

“Father, don’t worry, I will definitely save you.”

‘Polaris’ said through the transparent glass cell, gritting his teeth.

“Lorna, take care of yourself and don’t do anything stupid.”

Magneto’ said softly.

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