Chapter 97 Planet Lab!!

LV223 planet.

The neural network of the Sky Eater Star has covered nearly a quarter of the planet’s earth, and after the demise of ‘Deacon’, the planet has no world will, and the Sky Eater Star has replaced it as a new god.

Su Qi let the sky eat stars begin to reshape the landscape, the earth cracked, the sea water poured in, and the whole world underwent earth-shaking changes.

According to Su Qi’s design, countless divided crustal plates converged to become a new western continent, the entire continent extended from north to south, the north is the extremely cold land of eternal winter, in order to avoid future new humans straying into the ruins with black water built by engineers, Su Qi moved the ruins to the end of the continent as a whole, sealed in the depths of ice and snow.

And according to the memory of his previous life, he named the continent “Westeros”

The western continent of Westeros is surrounded by the sea on three sides, namely the Sea of Sunset in the west, the Sea of Summer in the south, and the Sea of Eshaky in the east.

After everything was ready, Su Qi began to manipulate the flow of time, and everything on the entire planet began to accelerate its evolution.

The entire continent is no longer a barren land, large areas of plants and animals have emerged one after another, and the prototype of a world suitable for human survival has emerged.

After that, millions of years later, primitive humans finally appeared in Westeros, those new life born using the white giant genes.

Their height and appearance are already very similar to modern humans, but they have not yet undergone civilization and are still in the period of drinking blood.

After thousands of years, these humans began to enter the era of primitive society, began to use simple tools, learned to use fire to cook food, learned to hunt and plant, all of which showed that they had the initial germ of civilization.

Su Qi observed the evolution of these little guys on the continent, and felt a little emotion in his heart, creating life is the authority of the creator, and he did not expect that he used tricky methods to do this.

This will be his planetary laboratory!

After another thousand years, primitive humans began to migrate south, covering every corner of Westeros, and the most primitive tribes, migrating along the rivers, chose the land with abundant water and grass to settle.

“It’s almost time to spread the flame of civilization.”

Su Qi touched his chin, under the effect of time acceleration, the whole world has passed thousands of years, for Su Qi and his daughter Charlotte Lingling, it has only been less than half an hour.

Su Qi summoned his daughter to his side and asked her to teach these primitive human languages and scripts.

When those primitive humans living in the tribe saw Charlotte Lingling, who was nearly nine meters tall, for the first time, they all knelt on the ground in fear, their whole bodies trembled, and they did not dare to move, they had never seen or even thought that such a huge creature existed in this world in their lives.

Charlotte Lingling is full of curiosity about these ‘little people’, and in her eyes, these ‘little people’ are like her new toys.

She gathered the entire tribe together and began to teach them the basic language and writing little by little, patiently.

When the planting of civilization spread out, Su Qi once again accelerated the flow of time in the world, and soon another hundred years passed.

The tribes taught by Charlotte Lingling have evolved into the first city-states on the continent, and the human beings living on the continent of Westeros have a unified language and script, and they have established large and small city-states in various places and began to trade and communicate with each other.

To Su Qi’s surprise, because of the appearance of Charlotte Lingling, the human beings on the continent began to have faith, they revered giants, built huge temples in various places, and enshrined huge stone statues imitating Charlotte Lingling’s appearance.

Humans on the continent claim to be descendants of giants and worship Charlotte Lingling as the mother goddess.

Su Qi looked at the actions of these humans, a little funny, but this is also a kind of crooked right, they themselves are a race created by using the genes of white giants, and in a sense, they are also the descendants of giants.

By this time, humans living on the seashore had learned to build rudimentary plank boats and began to sail offshore.

“Well, these little guys are developing fast, it seems that it is time to start building the second continent.”

Su Qi looked at the fishermen who were fishing in simple plank boats, and thought silently in his heart.

With the development of navigation technology, soon these humans will break through the shackles of the offshore and begin to carry out ocean-going explorations.

In the following time, Su Qi let the Heavenly Eating Star begin to modify the terrain, and one by one scattered plots began to converge, and soon, a brand new continent appeared in the east of Westeros, and Su Qi named it the Eastern Continent Erssos.

In the middle of Essos, there is a vast steppe that stretches from the western coast to the depths of the continent, which Suqi named the Sea of Dothrak.

“Since the continent is named Westeros, naturally there cannot be less fire dragons.”

A mischievous smile appeared at the corner of Su Qi’s mouth, and he took out a translucent red dragon egg from the ‘mirror world’, and the inside was red, as if wrapped in a flame.

This is naturally also the prop that Su Qi obtained in the system check-in, and this dragon egg is pregnant with an evil creature known as the ‘Burning Dragon’.

Once this mother of dragons breaks out of its shell, it will immediately frantically breed fire dragons, and these fire dragons will burn everything in the world to ashes, and then this extremely terrifying creature will become a nightmare for all humans on the entire continent.

Su Qi casually threw the red dragon egg into the Dothraki Sea steppe.

The earth cracked, and the dragon eggs were buried deep in the soil, quietly waiting for the day when the sky would be seen again.

At this time, in Westeros, fights and conflicts between city-states began, large-scale wars began to break out, and the profession of army began to appear.

At this time, human beings have passed the Stone Age and began to dig veins buried in the ground, copper ore after copper mines, and iron ore were gradually mined.

The emergence of coal and iron ore brought the human race on Westeros into the Black Iron Age, various iron weapons were created, and the battles between city-states became more brutal and bloody.

Ever since these humans built a temple for their daughter Charlotte Lingling and prayed to her all day, Lingling has been fascinated by observing these ancient humans armed with cold weapons.

The time of the world accelerated again, and for the first time the humans on the continent of Westeros used sailing ships to cross the narrow sea and reach the opposite continent of Essos.

It won’t be long before the eggs of the Burning Dragon’ buried by Su Qi in the depths of the steppe of the Slack Sea will be found.

Su Qi’s purpose in building the Planet Laboratory is to cultivate his own war legion and set up the Burning Dragon, which is to temper these humans.

However, now, the power of human beings is still too weak, once the ‘Burning Dragon’ appears, it is impossible for humans to compete with it.

Su Qi wants to be evenly matched, but not to let one side have an overwhelming advantage.

“It seems that it is time to let the first human king be born!”

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