"Lord Asura, King Ming, you actually let him go. This doesn't look like your character."

  At this time, Soul Sword was very surprised, and he did not expect that Asura would let Morgans go.

  According to the character of Asura that he knew before, presumably now the entire World News Intelligence Agency will be slaughtered by him.

  But Asura, the final result turned out to choose to let them go, which made Soul Sword very shocked. He never thought that Asura would make such a decision.

  Makes him feel a little weird.

  He has been with Asura for a while, so he is very familiar with Asura's person.

  But now I have no idea that Asura would do things that were not in line with his former personality.

  "Everything is important."

  Asura just responded lightly to Soul Sword, but he didn't explain too much.

  The current situation is the confrontation between their Xuanwu Island and the World Government, which is a war between them.

  He can't let the people of the World Government seize the opportunity.

  So Morgans can't be killed yet, although killing Morgans will make him feel good.

  But again, there will be very serious consequences.Because he did so, it just happened to be in favor of the five old stars.

  Their purpose is to make Asura kill Morgans.

  In just one day, negative news about the World Government appeared, and the entire New World, including the four seas in the first half of the Great Route, saw such news.

  The ugly news about the concealment of the world government has now been ordered by Morgans to be reported.

  The whole world was shaken, and I never thought that the world government would do such a bad thing.

  The news spread by Morgans was a heavy blow to the entire world government and the navy.

  Even the Navy and the World Government did not expect that Morgans would spread news about them.

  At this time, the Holy Land Mary Joa opened an emergency meeting.

  Admiral Warring States, sitting in the conference room, his face was solemn, and the people around him were also high-ranking naval officials.

  The faces of these high-level executives are also very ugly, because the news spread by Morgans this time has had too much influence on them.

  "...So, what happened to this fall? Why did Morgans spread negative news about our navy?"

  At this time, the Warring States period did not understand very well, didn't the world government have an extraordinary relationship with Morgans?

  Why did the current Morgans suddenly fall (the king's)?

  What the hell is going on here.

  "This is the order of the five old stars. The original purpose is to let Morgans spread negative news about Asura, and let Asura get rid of Morgans. Our world government can cultivate a new president of the World Intelligence Agency. , but in the end there was a problem.”

  At this time, a senior of the World Government, with a solemn expression, explained in a deep voice.

  Because the training of the new president of the World Intelligence Agency fell on his head, she was very clear about the plans of the Five Old Stars.

  All the calculations were very good, but no one thought that Asura would not choose to kill Morgans. .

Chapter 351

  And the news that's coming out now isn't just negative news about their world government, there's another news.

  That is, the current Morgans has been sheltered by Xuanwu Island.

  "So is this our own fault? The current Morgans turned his back and was not killed by Asura, and he became Asura's person and was sheltered by Asura, and now he has turned against us."

  At this time, the Marshal of the Warring States Period, with a very gloomy expression, responded coldly.

  This is like lifting his own stone and smashing his own feet fiercely. The president of the World Intelligence Agency defected to Xuanwu Island.

  Now it is very unfavorable for their world government, because now Morgans has become a person of Xuanwu Island.

  Once they start to kill Morgans, then they will break the agreement.

  So they didn't dare, and they didn't dare to find someone to assassinate.

  Because with Asura's ability, it is still possible to find the person behind the scenes, even if the assassination is successful.

  But when Ashura finds out, then Xuanwu Island will go to war with the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

  This is something they don't want to see at all.

  Because of this battle, countless people will be killed.

  They are very scared now. Asura completely grasps the power of world news, and bombards their world government and the navy in turn. This is the result.

  It will cause their world government and navy to lose popular support, which is a heavy blow for them.

  Now their world government and navy can be said to be closed to a dead end.

  If they don't go to assassinate Morgans, then the negative news about their world government, and the navy, will blow their face.

  Countless negative news about them has a very big impact on them.

  But if the assassination of Morgans is known to Asura, they will be forced to go to war with Asura's Xuanwu Island forces.

  Neither situation was what they wanted to see.

  "Would you like to give Morgans a lot of money and let him turn on our side again?"

  At this time, a high-level navy officer was silent for a moment and then proposed.

  "This method may not work. If we go to meet Morgans, there must be someone from Asura watching."

  At this time, another senior officer of the navy thought that such an approach would not work.

  How could the people of Xuanwu Island be willing to send their Morgans away?

  So to meet Morgans and give a lot of money, this method simply won't work.

  "How about that?"

  At this time, all the high-level executives in the entire Holy Land Mary Joa conference room were silent, and they did not know what the result of this matter was.

  They also don't know how to solve this problem.

  The current five old stars can be said to have played themselves to death.

  They thought that their method would definitely come true, but Ashura didn't play cards according to his routine at all.

  He slapped the five old stars in the face, and now they have left a mess for their navy, and let them clean up by themselves.

  Now they are racking their brains and don't know what to do.

  Recruiting Morgans back, this method will definitely not work, let Morgans live.This also does not work.

  But if Morgans is killed, then their world government and navy will launch a full-scale war on Xuanwu Island.

  Now they can be said to be completely driven to a dead end, and no one knows how to solve this matter.

  "It seems that I have to meet Asura once to solve this trouble."

  At this time, the Admiral Warring States looked very embarrassed, and said in a deep voice.

  There is no result at all in the negotiation here. The most important thing for them now is to meet with Asura and discuss this matter in person.

  No matter what the price was, it was impossible for Morgans to publish a lot of ugly news about their world government and their navy.

  Because these news have a great impact on them.

  Among the countries currently sheltered by the world government, there are some countries that have already suffered from negative news.No more handing over celestial gold to the world government.

  They all made the decision because they saw the negative news about the world government and the navy.

  More countries are continuously observing the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, wanting to observe whether they should continue to hand over the Heavenly Gold to the World Government.

  If the Morgans continue to publish negative news about their World Government, there will surely be a large number of countries once again withdrawing from the World Government's asylum.

  This is a big loss for their world government and the navy. After all, the money their current world government relies on comes from those countries that shelter them.

  If those countries that have been sheltered no longer hand over the gold, their world governments will be in a state of starvation.

  Therefore, the heavenly gold handed in by the country they are sheltered in is particularly important to them. .

Chapter 352

  "Do you want to contact Ashura?"

  At this moment, a high-ranking naval officer spoke solemnly and spoke slowly.They only have this way now.

  Go to meet Ashura, and then discuss about Morgans.

  They have to seriously discuss such a thing, no matter how much money is paid.

  In short, Morgans of the World News Intelligence Agency cannot continue to publish negative news about them.

  "Bring me the phone bug about Asura."

  At this time, the Warring States Marshal commanded in a deep voice with a bad expression.

  To be honest, if it wasn't for helplessness, he really didn't want to talk to people like Ashura, because Ashura killed tens of thousands of innocent people in their naval headquarters back then.

  Therefore, the current Marshal of the Warring States of the Navy Headquarters has long been disgusted with Asura, but now he has to talk to Asura in person, which makes him very uncomfortable.

  But he has no choice but to focus on the overall situation, and now he must have a good discussion with Asura about Morgan-S.

  At this time, Asura, who was on Xuanwu Island, was instructing Robin to train, and suddenly the phone bug he was carrying rang.

  Hearing the ringing of the phone bug, he thought that his four major direct disciples had found the news about Butley.

  After all, the current Morgans matter has been resolved.

  The rest is Butley's business, and now his four major direct disciples have begun to look for Butley.

  Because of pure gold, unless it is someone with a special relationship with him, he does not want to be known by others.

  His four major direct disciples have his inheritance and are loyal to him.Therefore, it is very reassuring to hand it over to them to find him.

  Unexpectedly, just one day later, they got the news of Butley, and a smile appeared on his face.

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