Then he picked up the phone bug on his body and answered it.


  Just when Asura was smiling and wanted to hear the good news about Bartley, a familiar voice entered his ears, causing him to frown slightly.

  "Asura, let's talk."

  The voice of the Warring States Marshal came from the opposite side of the phone bug, which made Asura lose his good mood in an instant.

  Then he hung up the phone directly, he thought it was news about Butley.

  But he didn't expect that it was the Warring States Marshal of the Navy Headquarters who called him. It's not surprising that the high-level Navy can get his phone number.

  After all, they were in a very high position, and even his phone bugs could get it.

  They can also monitor phone bugs, but Asura's phone bugs are made of special materials, which will shield the interference from monitoring.

  After Asura hung up the phone, he continued to teach Robin training.

  "Damn Asura!"

  At this time, the Warring States Marshal gave an order and slammed the table in front of him.

  At this time, the entire navy executives swallowed unconsciously. It was the first time they saw Marshal the Warring States so angry.

  "Did Asura refuse?"

  At this time, a senior naval officer asked cautiously.

  "No, he hung up on me."

  Marshal of the Warring States period, his face was very gloomy, how could he not be angry in the face of such a thing.

  After all, he was also the Admiral of the Navy, the person with the highest status in the Navy, but now, Asura actually hung up on him.

· · · Flowers · ·

  Not giving him any face is a shame for him.

  The current Asura does not discuss with them, they have no way.

  The Warring States Marshal, with a gloomy face, dragged his chin with his hands, was silent for a long time, and spoke hoarsely.

  "I'm getting through to Asura's phone bug."

  The Warring States Marshal knew that if he wanted to solve this matter perfectly, he had to agree with Asura.

  They had to negotiate with Asura, and even if Asura hung up their call, they still had to keep calling.


  Until Asura agreed to negotiate with them.



  At this time, Asura, who was teaching Robin and Xiaozi training on Xuanwu Island, heard the voice of the phone bug again.

  "This time it must be about Butterley."

  A smile appeared on the corner of Ashura's mouth, and he spoke slowly.

  I just picked up the phone bug with joy, but I heard the voice of the Warring States Marshal and almost sent him away.

  After he hung up the phone once, the current Warring States Marshal would definitely not talk to him again, which means that this time, it must be about the news about Butley.

  With a smile on his face, he picked up the phone bug in his hand again, and the sound he heard made his brows furrowed together again.

  "Hey, Ash..."

  Before the words of the Warring States period were finished, Asura hung up the phone.



  The Warring States Marshal was hung up again, this was the second time he was hung up.Inch.

Chapter 353


  At this time, the Warring States Marshal shouted angrily.After all, he is also a marshal, but today Asura hung up the phone twice in a row.

  For him, it was like humiliating him.

  No matter what, he is also the Admiral of the Navy, and now he is pulling himself down and wants to have a good discussion with Lynn.

  But I didn't expect it to be rejected by Lynn.

  And the refusal was so straightforward that it didn't give him the slightest face at all.

  But Asura didn't take it seriously at all.

  At this time, the only thing Ashura wanted was news about Butley, because of Butterley's body, he had pure gold.

  She dreamed of the power of pure gold. When he couldn't wait to get pure gold, he thought that he could get the news of Bartley from the phone bug.

  But he didn't expect that it was someone from the navy who called, which made him very excited.

  Is there anything wrong, why did the Navy get someone to call him?

  Is it to send pure gold for him?

  This is totally impossible.

  Therefore, the current Asura is also too lazy to pay attention to the navy.The only thing he wanted was pure gold.

  "What to do now, Marshal?"

  At this time, in the Holy Land Mary Joa, the Warring States Marshal sat on the chair with a very solemn expression, and he was thinking about countermeasures.

  He had to contact Ashura, but he didn't dare to go directly to Ashura's island.

  In case it was determined that he was going to start a war, Asura then beheaded the others.

  This time it was utterly bad.

  He had to make it clear to the phone bug first, and then he would be able to meet Asura directly.

  But the current Asura didn't give the Admiral face at all, and before the Warring States Marshal finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

  The current Warring States Marshal frowned and did not know how to do this well.

  Sure enough, he became a naval marshal, but he had so many troubles.

  Now the Warring States period is really aware of the distress of being a marshal.

  He is a little envious of Karp now, because now Karp's position is only a lieutenant general.

  No one forced him to do anything.

  But he is different. He is a marshal, and he has to solve many things himself.

  "Wait a while, maybe Asura is in a bad mood now."

  At this time, the Marshal of the Warring States, with a solemn expression, said in a deep voice.

  The surrounding high-level navy officers were obviously stunned when they heard his words. They did not expect that the Warring States Marshal would say such a thing.

  You must know that the Warring States period was the marshal, the leader of the navy.

  But now they are looking at Asura's face to do things.

  At this time, in various areas of the New World, the four major direct disciples of Asura were also earnestly looking for information on Bartley because pure gold was too important.

  Therefore, the search for pure gold was completely left to the four of them.

  After all, this matter cannot be known by others. Inside their Xuanwu Island, there must be spies from other forces.Once he announced it on the spot.

  Presumably the world government and the people from the navy headquarters will also try to find Bartley.

  If the people from the world government or the navy get pure gold, it will be very bad at that time.

  Because of their Xuanwu Island, they cannot take action against the people of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. …

  So to be safe and cautious, he just told his four major direct disciples, because he absolutely trusted his four major direct disciples.

  Because they all got his inheritance, and it was he who gave his four major direct disciples a new life.and great strength.

  His four major direct disciples are full of gratitude for him, and it is absolutely impossible to attack him or say that they would betray him.

  Asura has been very free these days. On the desert island, Trafalgarro is training Kren at this time.

  At this time, Luo already possessed such strength, and he already possessed the strength to train Kelian.

  In a few years, Luo will be able to enter the navy, because his strength is now at a very powerful level.

  Now Kren is still relatively weak, but after training, he can become very powerful.

  After being hung up twice, Sengoku is now willing to wait two days.Call Ashura again.



  3.1 The phone bug that I carried with me made a sound, which brought a smile to Asura's face.

  It's been a few days since the Warring States Period would not call him.

  That is to say, the person calling him now must be one of his four major direct disciples.

  His four major direct disciples would only call him if there was something important.

  The current Asura is guessing that one of the four current direct disciples has already received news from Bartley.

  So now Asura is very excited, he is finally going to get pure gold. .

Chapter 354

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