Chapter Eighteen Has Been Done

And with the blessing of the system, he can easily crush Kaido in the future, even easier than it is now.

And in terms of strength, there is a completely different gap between the strength of the One Piece world and the Shinigami world.

No matter how powerful the people in Pirate World are, they are just ordinary people after all, they will live, grow old, get sick and die, but Shinigami has no life limit at all.

Thinking of this, Murphy also took back the Zanpakutō in his hand.

"Wait! What do you mean!"

Seeing that Murphy was about to leave, Kaido stared at Murphy with an extremely angry voice.

After killing all his people, he was left alone, and he was very "merciful" planning to let him go.

Although Kaido doesn't care about the lives of those subordinates, Murphy's approach is undoubtedly quite insulting.

"Didn't I already say that before? I'll leave when I get what I want, and now I've got what I want." Murphy smiled, the reflective square glasses shining brightly, In cooperation with the slightly raised corners of the mouth.

If it were normal, it would definitely be the appearance of countless young girls.

But from Kaido's point of view, Murphy's smile is like a cunning fox.

"Of course, I spare your life in the hope that you will become stronger and more worthy of defeating me. I hope you will not let me down." After saying this, Murphy left straight away.

As he said, after he got what he wanted, he would naturally leave.

And all he wanted was the experience that Kaido of the Beasts could bring.

And everyone's experience value refresh is 20 years, that is to say, after 20 years, if he defeats Kaido again, he can gain experience from him again.

During this period, he could only find other important figures to slowly improve his strength.

And the next time is very simple.

Even Kaido of the Beasts has been defeated by him, and there are only a few people left who can threaten his combat power in this sea, not to mention that he has become stronger after defeating Kaido.

Aizen's huge and incredible Reiatsu is much better than Conqueror's Haki. Just a little release can explode the bodies of those pirates who are below the tens of millions.

And if he released it with all his strength, even a pirate with a bounty of 100 million would be unable to move, and a pirate with a reward of about 200 million was just at the level of letting him slaughter him.

The pirates who can bring him a little pressure now have a reward of at least 500 million or more. In other words, they are big pirates around the level of World Destroyer.

Although there are many pirates in New World with more than 100 million, those with more than 500 million are very rare.

In just three months, Murphy has been rumored in the New World.

However, almost all the pirates who met him were wiped out except Kaido, so although there are some rumors, they are not really famous.

In addition, Murphy has never done anything that pirates would do, such as capturing the Marine branch or attacking the franchised countries of the World government, so his information has always been a mystery.

Some people say he is a pirate, some say he is a bounty hunter, and some say he is a folk hermit, but no one guesses that he is a Marine.

Because Marine basically acts together, and Murphy has always been alone.

I'm afraid this is also where Garp's good intentions lie. If these big pirates in New World know his identity as Marine, I'm afraid he will not be able to sail freely in this sea for a long time.

Naturally, this doesn't do Murphy any good.

And after three months of killing, his template unlocking level has hardly changed much, because all the pirates who died in his hands were pirates that did not appear in the original book.

at the same time

Somewhere in the New World

I saw a medium-sized pirate ship drifting alone in this place.

According to common sense, small pirate groups of this size can hardly survive for long in New World, and most of them will be dealt with at the gate of New World.

However, the ship has already sailed to the middle of New World, and the entire hull does not seem to have suffered much damage, just like a new ship.

If this unreasonable scene is seen by others, I am afraid that there will be some doubts, but if you look at the pirate flag hanging on this ship, there will be no doubts.

That's right, they are the Roger Pirates who are quite famous all over the world! One of the three great pirates today, the pirate group led by the future One Piece King Roger.

"Roger, have you heard? Recently, a kid turned the whole New World upside down. He killed countless pirates in three months, including the Golden Lion and Whitebeard's subordinates. To be honest I also kind of admire the newcomers now, they have provoked so many New World forces all of a sudden, and even provoked that monster Whitebeard."

Rayleigh paused, and then said with some teasing tone: "After all, we also have an indissoluble feud with that guy for killing Whitebeard's son. Haha!"

Unlike Golden Lion, if Golden Lion kills to protect his face, then Whitebeard simply wants to protect his family.

But whoever dares to touch his family, Whitebeard will make it have no place in this sea.

And their Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably have some friction, and the friction will inevitably kill people, so they naturally have enmity with Whitebeard.

Even though Roger and Whitebeard are, in a sense, good friends.

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PS: [3/4] I feel like you guys are messing with me. In the last chapter, I mentioned why the flowers suddenly rose by 1,000, and it didn’t take long for the flowers to go up by 1,500. You guys want me to sit in front of the computer and make updates like crazy!

[Do not ask for flowers], ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments, ask for rewards.

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