People In Pirates: Get The Aizen Template At The Start!

Chapter 19 Encountering The Roger Pirates

Chapter 19 Encountering the Roger Pirates

"The guy who made a fuss in New World?" Roger replied without raising his head: "No one knows the identity of that guy until now, but it shouldn't be the bounty hunter. The pirates he killed are basically They were all killed casually, and there was no intention of exchanging them for money."

Although Roger looks like a big idiot, he has also heard about Murphy.

"And that guy doesn't look like a pirate at all. I heard that in the places he passed by, many residents have received his favor." Rayleigh stepped forward, leaning on the railing beside the boat, and said a little puzzled.

He doesn't care about money, but also gives people favors, which is quite like the style of some folk masters.

"I'd love to meet that guy if possible," Roger smiled.

"Oh? It looks like you are very interested in him!" Rayleigh asked a little strangely.

Roger replied solemnly: "Indeed, although I haven't met him before, he seems to be a very nice guy. If possible, I would like to have a few drinks with him."

Hearing Roger's words, Rayleigh also had question marks on his head. How does this have to do with personality? Obviously, the two sides have not even met face to face.

And from outside rumors, the other party is also a vicious and brutal person, and I don't know how Roger judged that the other party is a very good guy.

And Roger seemed to sense Rayleigh's puzzled look.

"I don't believe in rumors. I only believe in my own judgment."


New World, a Marine Base

Naval Headquarters is also very nervous at this time due to the upcoming clash between Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

The highest officer sent here is Sengoku, the only remaining Marine Admiral Buddha in Marine. As for Zephyr, he manages the elite battalion while guarding Naval Headquarters.

Looking at the sea in front of him, Sengoku said rather unhappily: "That bastard, Garp, actually threw that kid into New World to sail casually at this time."

It is hard to imagine how chaotic the New World is now, but it was at this time that he realized that it was a mistake to let Garp take Murphy to the New World trial.

It happened to coincide with the conflict between Whitebeard and Golden Lion, and Murphy was left alone in New World. If an accident happened, it would be too late for them to rescue him.

And this time Sengoku came here to observe the battle between the two sides, and also had an important task to find Murphy and ensure Murphy's safety.

Even if you want to train in New World, you have to wait for New World to become relatively peaceful.

At this time, the New World was undercurrents, and only those with Marine Admiral strength were qualified to walk freely in this sea alone.

Even those monsters with a bounty of more than 500 million have seen a lot less activity recently.

This is the deterrent power of the three big pirates, and the mere confrontation has caused turmoil in the entire New World.

No one wants to be involved by these two parties, but Naval Headquarters will not choose to fight against the two parties at this time. After all, as long as Marine forces them over, then Golden Lion and Whitebeard will definitely stop and will not let Marine Sitting on the fisherman's profit.

Facing the two sides at once, Marine will also be severely damaged.

"Marshal Sengoku, you have mastered the sea area where the Whitebeard Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates meet, do you want to dispatch!" At this moment, a Marine soldier walked up to Sengoku and asked Sengoku.

Sengoku took the information casually, and after confirming that there was no doubt, he said to the Marine soldiers below: "Notice, set off immediately, target the South German Sea!"


Of course, there's no way for Murphy to know what's going on at Naval Headquarters.

He couldn't even find out about Garp's whereabouts.

Sometimes he wondered if Garp had lost track of him. After all, the waters of the New World were extremely complicated, and such a situation was possible.

However, Murphy didn't really care about it. It's not so easy to meet the three big pirates. In addition, his identity as a Marine has not been exposed, so he is still very free in this sea.

Of course, there are also troubles.

That is, the unlocking level of the Aizen template is too slow. If he does not defeat those famous and important characters, he can hardly get much experience points.

The so many pirates killed here in three months only provided him with less than 1% of the level.

Of course, although the progress is slow, it is much faster than the speed of unlocking 1% after more than ten years of cultivation. After all, as the strength becomes stronger, the defeated enemies will become stronger and stronger, and the experience provided will also increase accordingly.

Of course, Murphy was not idle during the boring time, but kept practicing the abandon chant about Kidō.

Although it is said that before using Hōgyoku, Aizen was able to abandon the chants and use Kidō with the number ninety to directly defeat the captain of Gotei 13, but this is not because his Kidō is extraordinarily powerful, but because Aizen's Reiatsu is too terrifying.

If you want to talk about the proficiency of Kidō, Aizen is indeed not as good as those big Kidō masters in the Kidō congregation.

Even Aizen himself was somewhat dissatisfied with the Kidō's power after he gave up the chant.

And now Murphy is constantly making up for this loophole, because this also involves an important issue in the future, to be precise, it is a problem after obtaining Hōgyoku.

"Huh? That one over there is..."

While Murphy was bored sailing

Suddenly he saw a ship heading towards his direction.

"This is really interesting. I didn't expect to meet the Roger Pirates in this kind of place." Murphy was also a little surprised to see the pirate flag in front of him.

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PS: [4/4] That's 4000 flowers? Add two chapters a day, brothers, you are messing with me! Later in the morning, I will code another flower to add more.

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