Chapter 2 Sakazuki and Polusalino

"As expected of Zephyr Admiral, he can even achieve this level of aura." Looking at those guys with weak legs, Murphy said lightly, but at the same time he tightened the Zanpakutō in his hand.

"Zephyr Admiral? Do you know that uncle?"

Next to Murphy, a rather wretched-looking guy asked with interest.

Judging by his relaxed appearance, I'm afraid Zephyr's oppressive force didn't have any substantial impact on him at all.

Of course, not only Polusalino, but Sakazuki next to Polusalino was also unaffected.

I have to say that they are indeed the two Admirals in the future. Even if they are so young, they will not be afraid of Zephyr's momentum.

Of course, there must be some water in it, after all, it is impossible for Zephyr to show the real combat power of Marine Admiral to fight against these students.

"It's not acquaintance, it's just that I know the name." Murphy shook his head, gently pushed the square glasses frame on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a gentle smile.

"He really looks like a nice guy." Seeing Murphy's appearance, even Polusalino and Sakazuki couldn't help but feel good about Murphy.

With such a gentle personality, unless the two sides are enemies from the beginning, it is difficult for anyone to have ill will towards Murphy.

"It is indeed a guy who makes people's eyes shine." Sakazuki on the side also nodded and said.

I have to say that people like Murphy are too dazzling. Anyone standing next to him seems to be a green leaf as a foil.

While the few of them were chatting, the battle on Zephyr's side was coming to an end.

Although there are a few guys who can pass a few tricks in the hands of Zephyr, the gap is still quite obvious.

After finishing off the others, Zephyr turned his attention to the three people with plain faces beside the road.

"I didn't expect that there are guys who can bear my aura. It seems that not all the guys in the elite camp are just pretending to be like other guys."

Zephyr admired secretly in his heart, it was naturally impossible for him to say this directly.

"Looks like it's time for the three of us." Sakazuki glanced at the two people next to him. Although he said he didn't know each other before, geniuses can always understand each other.

Obviously, even if it was just meeting for the first time, even without too much communication, the three of them had already formed a small circle that was different from others.


Immediately afterwards, drops of lava dripped from Sakazuki's body.

"Logia? I didn't expect such a little guy to exist."

Seeing Sakazuki's ability, Zephyr's eyes also brightened.

Although the ability of Devil Fruit does not fully represent the combat effectiveness, the powerful Haki is the right path to the top powerhouse.

But it is undeniable that the destructive power brought by the powerful Devil Fruit ability is beyond the reach of 99% of people.

Especially those with Logia abilities are naturally immune to physical attacks. If Observation Haki is strong enough, it can be said to be almost invincible.

And now Sakazuki's ability obviously has a unique advantage in destructive power.

Hold your breath... concentrate!

This time, the aura exuding from Zephyr's body was completely different from that just now.

"Drink!" With a loud shout, Zephyr's figure was as fast as lightning, and under the astonished eyes of several people, his black fist slammed straight at Sakazuki like black lightning.


With a crisp sound, Zephyr directly punched Sakazuki's abdomen with his fist.


Sakazuki was blown out with a punch and smashed into a wall, making a loud explosion.

"This is really merciless!" Seeing Sakazuki's miserable state, Polusalino's calm expression on the side also completely withdrew.

Even though he was a sparkling fruit user, he couldn't see the movement trajectory of Zephyr just now. Obviously he only relied on physical skills, but his speed was already higher than him.

"It's a matter of course! After all, it's Marine Admiral. It would be really funny if we had a back and forth with fresh students like us." Murphy looked at Zephyr quietly, with a gentle and calm tone Speaking of.

"Are you going to do it too?" Seeing Murphy's appearance, Polusalino asked a little strangely.

"Of course, there are not many opportunities to fight against Admiral. This is also the fastest way for us to understand the strongest combat power in the world. Only when we understand, will we catch up faster." Murphy walked forward lightly, with a good feeling Reiatsu suddenly emanated from his body.

The white robe all over her body fluctuated with Reiatsu's fluctuations, and coupled with that gentle side face, it might be enough to make any girl's eyes full of peach blossoms.

But it's a pity that there seems to be only one girl in this year's elite camp, and she has already passed out.

"Teacher Zephyr, please teach me more." Looking at Zephyr at a distance of less than twenty meters, Murphy smiled lightly and raised a hand.

This time, it wasn't Reiatsu who leaked it unconsciously, but was released voluntarily.

The blue and extremely thick Reiatsu pressed towards Zephyr's body as if it could intimidate the soul.


Aizen's Reiatsu is unbelievably scary even if it's only one percent of the way.

A powerful Reiatsu that can make Espada kneel down directly with Reiatsu alone, even if his body is restrained, he can easily shoot down the Lingwang Palace as long as he wants, even if it is only one percent, this power is still quite terrifying human.

"What a terrifying deterrent, Conqueror's? No, it's completely different from Conqueror's Haki. This kid is much more terrifying than the other two." Feeling the strong Reiatsu emanating from Murphy's body, Zephyr felt for Murphy in his heart The evaluation suddenly rose several grades.

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PS: [2/10]

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