But Murphy didn't have time to pay attention to Zephyr's expression at this time.

"Hadō no. 4 · White Thunder!"

Dazzling thunder shot out from Murphy's hand, dazzling like a shooting star.

In an instant, the whole field was covered by thunder, and it blasted directly at Zephyr with its berserk power.


A terrifying howl came out, and Polusalino on the side only felt a tingling pain in his ears.

"Is this guy really younger than me? This kind of power!" For a moment, looking at Murphy's appearance, Polusalino couldn't believe this fact.

Just now, the power and speed of this hand have far surpassed him.

Immediately afterwards, Polusalino set his sights on the dense fog, wanting to know the final result immediately.

As the smoke dispersed, a man's figure was slowly and faintly visible. Polusalino held his breath, because he knew that the scene he saw next would probably make him dumbfounded.

When the thick fog cleared, Zephyr's figure was completely exposed, with his hands combined to cover his chest, but there seemed to be no scars on Zephyr's hand except for a small hole.


Polusalino noticed Zephyr's feet very keenly, and there was a four-to-five-meter-long push mark under Zephyr's feet.


A heavy swallowing sound broke the tranquility of the scene, and Zephyr looked at me, Murphy, who was not far away, with mixed emotions in his heart. Although he did not go all out to fight, it is definitely not anyone who can easily repel him of.

It's not that Zephyr has never seen a genius. He who can become Marine Admiral is a rare genius, and those big pirates who fought with him on the sea are not geniuses?

However, compared to the young man in front of him, who was only less than twenty years old, it seemed that their talents seemed to be a bit eclipsed.

Zephyr even seems to be able to see a rising star of Marine is slowly rising.

Even if his family members were killed and he wanted to quit, Zephyr still cared about the situation of the sea and the plight of Marine.

At this time, Marine only has one Marine Admiral on the bright side. Although he and Garp also have the strength of Admiral, one retreats to the second line to cultivate talents, and the other refuses to be promoted to Admiral. Although it has the strength to suppress this sea, it seems a bit reluctant.

As for Murphy, if trained properly, it may take less than ten years to take over the position of the next Marine Admiral!

"Genius! A true genius!" Zephyr clenched his fists, his eyes sparkling.

However, Zephyr didn't show it immediately, but kept the excitement in his heart. He couldn't affect his future teaching because of his attitude.

"Nice! Murphy right! What are you going to do in the future?"

"Me? In the future?" Hearing Zephyr's question, Murphy was stunned for a second, but immediately came back to his senses.

Those gentle eyes looked at Zephyr with a slight smile through the plain square-frame glasses, and replied in a gentle yet firm voice full of yearning: "I want to be a hero in the future! To protect justice, Heroes who protect the people!"

The breeze blows the white-haired boy, and the gently raised short hair reveals a handsome, gentle and resolute face.

The magnetic voice is full of ideals, and the sound is convincing.

It seems that it contains not only a sentence, but also a young man's yearning for the future.

Zephyr stared blankly at the gentle but resolute young man in front of him.

Be a hero!

How similar this dream is to my own back then! He was also at the same age back then, and he joined Marine with such a pure idea, in order to become a hero who defends justice.

After being stunned for a while, Zephyr let out a long sigh of relief, then looked at the two remaining people who were not unconscious and said, "That's all for today, tomorrow I will announce the list of the elite battalion."

After speaking, Zephyr left directly, before even testing Polusalino's strength in time.

After Zephyr left, he hurried towards Marine Admiral's office.

After seeing Zephyr walk in, Sengoku asked a little strangely: "What's the matter? Didn't you say to test the newcomers?"

"Sengoku, there's a genius in Marine! A real genius!"

Zephyr didn't answer Sengoku's words, but walked over and slapped his hands on Sengoku's table, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he said enthusiastically: "It's unbelievable genius, that guy is not at the same level as us Alright! With such strength at the age of twenty, he is as strong as a monster. I have a hunch that that kid will be able to surpass us old guys in a short time!"

Seeing Zephyr's excited incoherent look, Sengoku smiled, and said with some joy: "Oh! Can you surpass our super genius soon? This is really exciting!"

Who is he?

He is Marine Admiral, and there is no one in the entire world who can guarantee defeating him. For Zephyr, Sengoku simply thought that the other party was a rare genius.

The emergence of such seedlings in Marine is indeed worth noting, but for Sengoku, what is more important is to be able to see his old friends cheering up.

Because of the previous incident, Zephyr was as sluggish as a frost-beaten eggplant all day long, and now at least he has cheered up.

But to be honest, Sengoku was also a little curious about the genius Zephyr was talking about. After all, Zephyr was also an Admiral of Headquarters, and his vision was naturally quite high. A genius who could catch his eyes must be quite unusual.

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